App Annie's State of Mobile 2021: Insights and Trends for the Future of Mobile Industry


Are you curious about the latest trends in mobile apps? Look no further than App Annie's State of Mobile 2021 report. This highly anticipated annual report provides a comprehensive analysis of the mobile industry, including app usage, downloads, and revenue.

Did you know that in 2020, users downloaded over 218 billion apps across both Apple's App Store and Google Play? That's a 7% increase from the previous year! It's clear that mobile apps continue to dominate our daily lives.

The report also reveals that consumer spending on mobile apps reached a record high of $143 billion in 2020. This impressive figure is a 20% increase from the previous year. And with the pandemic forcing many of us to stay indoors, it's no surprise that people turned to their phones for entertainment and shopping.

But what are the most popular types of apps? According to the report, social media apps such as TikTok and Instagram saw a massive surge in downloads and usage last year. People also flocked to gaming apps, with games like Among Us and Genshin Impact taking the world by storm.

However, it's not just about which apps are being downloaded the most. The report also highlights the importance of user retention and engagement. In fact, App Annie found that users spent an average of 4.2 hours per day on their mobile devices in 2020. This represents a 20% increase compared to 2019.

So, how can app developers ensure they are creating apps that people will want to use for hours on end? One solution is to invest in app personalization and localization. By tailoring the app to each user's needs and preferences, they are more likely to stick around and engage with the app.

Another important factor is the ability to offer a seamless in-app experience. In 2020, users spent over $50 billion on mobile gaming alone. This means that having a smooth checkout process and easy payment methods is crucial for any app that wants to monetize through in-app purchases.

In conclusion, the State of Mobile 2021 report by App Annie provides valuable insights for anyone involved in the mobile app industry. From the latest trends in app usage and downloads to strategies for user engagement and monetization, this report is a must-read for app developers, marketers, and investors alike. So why not read the full report today and stay ahead of the curve!

App Annie has recently released its much-awaited annual report on the state of the mobile industry, titled State of Mobile 2021. The report provides comprehensive insights into how the mobile industry evolved in the year 2020 and what trends we can expect to see in 2021. Let us dive deeper into some of the highlights.

The Pandemic Has Accelerated Digital Transformation

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on businesses and consumers worldwide, and it has also significantly impacted the mobile industry. In 2020, consumers relied heavily on their smartphones for work, entertainment, and shopping as the pandemic forced them to stay indoors. Thus, mobile usage grew exponentially across the world, with time spent in-app increasing by 40% YoY in 2020.

Mobile Gaming Continues To Dominate

The surge in mobile usage was mostly driven by a surge in mobile gaming. People stuck at home turned to mobile games to pass their time and have fun. As a result, mobile gaming witnessed a record year with 25% YoY growth in consumer spend, reaching $120 billion in 2020 globally.

Social and Communication Apps Have Seen Increased Adoption

Another significant trend that emerged in 2020 is the increased adoption of social and communication apps. Apps like Zoom, WhatsApp, Teams, and Discord saw astronomical growth during the pandemic as people looked for ways to stay connected while maintaining social distancing. There was a 40% increase in time spent on social and communication apps in 2020.

Shopping Goes Mobile

The pandemic also accelerated the mobile commerce trend, and in 2020, the mobile e-commerce market grew by 30% YoY to reach $2.1 trillion in consumer spend. With mobile devices becoming the preferred way for people to shop, retail businesses must ensure their mobile apps are optimized for a seamless shopping experience.

Mobile Advertising is Key to Business Growth

The report also underscores the importance of mobile advertising for business growth. App Annie predicts that global mobile ad spend will grow by 26% YoY in 2021, reaching $290 billion. Brands must focus on mobile advertising and leverage data-driven insights for personalized, contextually relevant ads to maximize ROI.

The Rise of Entertainment Streaming Services

In 2020, with people stuck at home, there was an increased demand for entertainment streaming services. New entrants such as Disney+, HBO Max, Peacock, and Apple TV+ have disrupted the market dominated by Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu.


In conclusion, the State of Mobile Report 2021 highlights how the pandemic has impacted different sectors of the mobile industry, from mobile gaming to social networking, and created new opportunities for businesses. As we move forward in 2021, these trends can help businesses make crucial decisions to stay relevant and profitable in this ever-evolving industry.

Comparing App Annie's State of Mobile 2021 Report: A Comprehensive Overview

If you are in the mobile app industry, App Annie's State of Mobile 2021 report is a must-read. This commendable report comes with a treasure trove of insights to help you understand the trends, opportunities, and challenges in the industry. We have analyzed the data to provide an insightful comparison of the report's most important findings.

Mobile Downloads and App Revenue: App Store and Google Play

The report indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic has fueled the growth of mobile downloads and app revenue in 2020. Global downloads reached an impressive 218 billion, up by 7% YoY. In contrast, revenues hit $143 billion, up by 20% YoY.

Interestingly, when considering the app store ecosystem market share by consumer spending, the App Store accounted for 65% compared to Google Play’s 35%. That being said, Google Play took in 10% more downloads in comparison to the App Store.


These numbers suggest that while the App Store has more affluent customers who spend more on apps on average, Google Play reaches a wider audience. As such, developers should consider their target audience and preference before deciding which platform to focus on. In terms of revenue, the App Store remains the king, although it is worth noting that Google Play's growth rate is catching up.

Usage and Engagement Trends

The report shows that people spend an average of 4 hours per day on their smartphones. Compared to statistics from last year, this represents a 20% increase worldwide. The study also indicated that people spend more time in-app than ever before, with 99% of their mobile usage being app-based.

The report also indicated that the streaming apps drove the most significant increase in usage hours, with 30% of all time spent in non-gaming apps being funnelled into streaming services such as YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video. The second category of apps was social media, which grew by 25% YoY.


These insights indicate that users' increasing love for streaming and social media will drive new product offerings and continued innovations. Companies must keep their users updated with the latest offerings while giving them the best experience ever to reduce churn rates.

Gaming Trends

The report highlights the significant role gaming has played in the mobile industry, with record-breaking user engagement and revenue. Gaming accounted for over 65% of global consumer spending, with the top mobile games (excluding hyper-casual) showing growth of 35% YoY.

Interestingly, the report revealed that women are a crucial factor in mobile gaming's growth, with female gamers accounting for around 45% of all mobile gaming revenues globally.


These trends indicate that gaming is a fertile market that developers can take advantage of to grow their businesses. Developers should consider providing their mobile gaming services to a wider audience and make provisions that would interest a diverse range of people.

Geographic Trends

The report also explored the geographic trends, indicating which countries saw the most significant growth in downloads and revenue. India recorded the highest YoY growth rate in downloads at 23%, while Brazil and India were the fastest-growing markets in terms of app store consumer spend.

The report also highlighted the impact of Asia on the mobile industry, with China, Japan, and South Korea topping the list in both downloads and revenue.


These insights suggest that developers should look into providing their services in countries such as India and Brazil to grow their businesses. It is also worth emphasizing that Asia holds a valuable position in the mobile industry and must be on any developer's radar.

The Rise of 5G

The report shows that as 5G becomes more prevalent, it would have significant implications for the mobile industry. The adoption of 5G will boost mobile game streaming and cloud gameplay. This will also enable high-quality video content to be streamed seamlessly at lower costs.

The report also suggests that with the growth of AR and VR capabilities and other forms of innovative technologies, developers can create more immersive experiences for users and take advantage of the new revenue streams.


These insights suggest that developers who are planning long-term strategies for growth should invest in 5G infrastructure to take advantage of its possibilities and the potential of new technological advancements such as AR and VR. This will also make it easier for them to drive high-quality user engagement rates and create immersive experiences that keep users glued to their products.


App Annie's State of Mobile 2021 report has shown several insights that are vital for mobile app developers' success in 2021 and beyond. From understanding the most popular apps and trends in your market to identifying geographies that are growing, you can use this data to make strategic decisions and improve your bottom line. With these insights, developers can create better, more profitable, and engaging apps and games that reach their intended audience with maximum precision.

App Annie State of Mobile 2021: What You Need to Know


Mobile devices are changing the world, and every year brings new advancements that change the way we use them. App Annie State of Mobile 2021 offers insights on the latest trends, statistics, and predictions about mobile app usage, downloads, and revenue. If you want to stay competitive in the app industry, you need to know what’s happening in the mobile space. In this article, we will highlight the key findings of App Annie State of Mobile 2021 and what they mean for app developers, businesses, and users.

The Increasing Use of Mobile Apps

According to App Annie’s report, mobile app usage has continued to grow significantly, with 4.2 hours spent per day by an average user in 2020. This is up from a daily average of 3.1 hours spent in 2019. With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing more and more people to stay home, there was a significant increase in app usage for shopping, entertainment, gaming, and education. As such, businesses should continue to focus on mobile as the primary platform to reach their target audience.

What can businesses do?

For businesses, this means investing in mobile app development, improving user experience, and utilizing app analytics to monitor the performance of their apps. Creating mobile-friendly websites and engaging customers through social media could also help drive traffic and increase revenue.

The Popularity of Mobile Games

Gaming continues to be the most popular app category worldwide, with two-thirds of global consumer spending on mobile attributed to games. The report revealed that the number of mobile gamers is expected to reach 3 billion by the end of 2021. The gaming boom has been helped by the introduction of cloud gaming services like Google Stadia and Microsoft xCloud, which allow players to access high-quality games on their devices.

What can app developers do?

Developers need to create engaging mobile game experiences that meet the expectations of gamers. They should optimize their games for mobile, including tailor-made user interfaces built for smaller screens and limited input methods. Additionally, they should consider promotional activities to boost awareness of their offerings.

The Rise of Social Media Apps

Social media apps continue to be popular, with a 20% increase in usage in 2020. With people spending more time at home, social media provided a crucial source of news, entertainment, and communication.

What can users expect?

Users can expect more features aimed at improving their experience, such as new ways of interacting and sharing content. Developers can create algorithms to optimize the display of content, making it more relevant and appealing to users.

New Advancements in App Technology

The report found that innovations like augmented reality, 5G connectivity, and AI will play a significant role in the development of mobile apps. AR has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with apps, allowing users to create more immersive experiences. Meanwhile, 5G promises much faster speeds, higher-quality video, and better graphics, which could help drive the adoption of cloud-based gaming.

What can users look forward to?

Users can expect more sophisticated and innovative mobile apps that offer richer experiences and increased convenience. Developers should consider integrating these technologies into their apps to improve engagement and retention rates.


The App Annie State of Mobile 2021 report provides vital insights into where the mobile industry is heading. By staying up to date with the trends and predictions outlined in the report, businesses, developers, and users can make informed decisions on how best to approach the mobile space. Whether it’s developing engaging mobile games, investing in AR or 5G, or promoting apps through social media, there’s plenty of opportunities to succeed in the mobile industry.

App Annie State Of Mobile 2021: A Comprehensive Look at the Mobile Industry

Welcome to the App Annie State of Mobile 2021 report, where we provide an extensive review of the mobile industry. The study covers topics like mobile app usage, consumer spending patterns, and emerging trends related to mobile technology.

As a reader, you will be acquainted with the current situation of the mobile industry. The report is an essential reference material for entrepreneurs, investors, and anyone already invested in mobile technology. We have provided the most recent data, statistics, and trends that can help you understand the pulse of the industry.

In the past few years, the mobile industry has grown exponentially. Thanks to the advancements in technology, our mobile devices now serve as our primary hub for communication, entertainment, and business. This increase in mobile usage has presented an opportunity for businesses to leverage the platform for growth and increased revenue.

The report analyzes the behavior of consumers when it comes to mobile apps. We have presented deep insights related to app downloads, usage, revenue, and engagement metrics. This includes data on how often people use their mobile device, which apps they download the most, the categories of apps that perform the best, and revenue generated via app purchases.

The report also explores the significant opportunities available for businesses in their mobile strategy. This includes app localization, influencer marketing, customer retention via push notifications, and many other techniques that can help enterprises achieve their goals and remain competitive in the industry. We have provided case-studies of companies that have successfully executed these mobile strategies.

The report further highlights the impact of COVID-19 on the mobile industry. With people locked indoors, mobile usage has seen a surge across categories. For instance, time spent on mobile gaming has increased by 35%. Similarly, social media consumption has increased by 20%, while time spent on music-streaming apps has gone up by 25%. We have provided insights and case-studies that show how businesses have adjusted their strategies to meet this new reality.

Moreover, the report also analyzes emerging trends in the mobile market. This includes areas like mobile streaming, wearable technology, 5G connectivity, and augmented and virtual reality. We have provided detailed information about these trends and how businesses and investors can leverage them to grow their returns.

In conclusion, the App Annie State of Mobile 2021 report is a must-read for anyone looking to understand the mobile industry. It provides a comprehensive overview of the market, coupled with deep insights that entrepreneurs, investors, and businesses can use to make informed decisions. Whether you are already invested in mobile technology or looking to explore the industry, this report is an essential tool for growth and competitive advantage.

Thank you for reading!

People Also Ask About App Annie State of Mobile 2021

What is App Annie State of Mobile 2021?

App Annie State of Mobile 2021 is a comprehensive report that provides insights into the mobile app industry's performance and trends from the past year and predictions for the future. The report covers topics such as user behavior, app downloads, and revenue across different markets and regions worldwide.

What are some key findings from the report?

  • Global app downloads increased by 7% to 218 billion in 2020.
  • The average consumer spent 4.2 hours per day on mobile devices in 2020.
  • Mobile gaming accounted for 20% of all consumer spending on apps.
  • China remained the largest mobile market in 2020, accounting for 40% of global consumer spending.

How can this report benefit businesses?

This report can help businesses make informed decisions about their mobile strategy, such as which app categories and markets to target. It can also provide insights into consumer behavior and preferences, allowing businesses to optimize their user acquisition and retention strategies.

Is the report available for free?

No, the full report is not available for free. However, App Annie offers a free version of the report with limited data and insights. The full report can be purchased on their website.