Boost Your Business' Reach with Our Guide on How to Convert Your Php Site to an Android App


Do you have a PHP site and want to expand your reach to the mobile market? Are you looking for a way to make your site accessible for Android users? You're in luck! Converting your PHP site to an Android app is now possible and easier than ever.

According to statistics, there were approximately 2 billion active Android users worldwide in 2020. This number is expected to increase in the years to come. By converting your PHP site to an Android app, you open up your business to a massive potential customer base.

But how do you go about converting your PHP site to an Android app? One solution is to use a free app builder like Andromo or Appy Pie. Simply upload your PHP site's URL, customize the design and layout, and voila – you've got yourself an Android app without needing any coding skills.

However, if you want a more customized and professional-looking app, you might want to consider hiring an experienced developer. They can tailor the app to your specific needs and ensure everything runs smoothly.

One benefit of converting your PHP site to an Android app is the convenience it provides for your users. No longer do they have to access your site through a web browser on their mobile device. An app makes it easier for them to navigate and access your content.

Furthermore, an app allows you to send push notifications to users, keeping them engaged with your site and letting them know about updates or promotions. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and sales.

Another advantage of having an Android app is the potential for monetization. You can add in-app purchases or ads to generate revenue. Additionally, having an app can improve your SEO ranking and make your business more visible in app stores.

It's important to note that converting your PHP site to an Android app should not be a one-time process. Regular updates and maintenance will ensure your app stays relevant and functional for your users.

Once you have your app up and running, don't forget to promote it! Share the link on your website, social media channels, and any other platforms where your customers are active. Encourage them to download it and provide feedback to improve their experience.

In conclusion, converting your PHP site to an Android app is a smart move for any business looking to expand their reach to mobile users. Whether you choose a free app builder or hire a developer, the benefits of having an app are clear. Don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with a massive potential customer base – start converting your PHP site today.


Having a website is a great tool for businesses that want to expand their reach and have an online presence. However, with the increasing number of mobile users globally, it has become imperative for businesses to have a mobile application to improve the user experience. With the help of modern technology, businesses can convert their Php site to an Android App with ease.

What is a Php site?

Php sites are websites built with the programming language PHP. PHP is an open-source scripting language used for website development. It is widely used and has a large community of developers and users globally.

How to Convert Php Site To Android App

To convert your Php site to an Android app, you need the following tools:

  • Android Studio – for Android app development
  • Flutter SDK – for building cross-platform apps
  • WordPress Plugin – if your Php site is built on WordPress

Step by Step Guide

Here's a step by step guide on how to convert your Php site to an Android app:

Step 1: Install Android Studio and Flutter SDK

The first step is to install Android Studio and Flutter SDK on your computer. Android Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development. Flutter SDK, on the other hand, is a software development kit used for building high-performance, high-fidelity, apps for iOS and Android.

Step 2: Create a New Flutter Project

Once you have successfully installed Android Studio and Flutter SDK, create a new Flutter project. Flutter creates a new project using the Dart programming language.

Step 3: Add Webview Plugin

To enable your Php site to be displayed on the app, you need to add a web-view plugin. A web-view is a system component that allows you to display web content within your app.

Step 4: Update App Settings

Update your app's settings in the Android Manifest file to specify that the app will use the internet permission.

Step 5: Test your App

Test your app to make sure it’s working correctly. Check the navigation, links, images, and overall user experience.


Converting your Php site to an Android app can significantly improve the user experience and increase your reach, attracting more customers. Creating an Android app is cost-effective and gives your business an edge over competitors who do not offer a mobile app.

Using the steps above, you can easily convert your Php site to an Android app without spending a lot of time or money. Converting your website into an app is a great way to boost the visibility of your business. This can help to increase traffic, boost sales, and help your business to grow.

Convert PHP Site to Android App: A Comprehensive Comparison Blog Article


Over the years, technological advancements have brought about significant changes in the way people interact with the online world. There has been a significant shift from desktop to mobile devices, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years. As such, it has become crucial for website owners to develop applications that are compatible with both desktop and mobile devices. In this article, we will be discussing the process of converting a PHP site into an Android app and comparing the various tools and approaches used in this regard.

Why Convert a PHP Site to an Android App?

The world has gone mobile, and if your website is not mobile-friendly, you risk losing out on potential customers. Moreover, mobile apps offer many advantages over websites, such as faster loading times, push notifications, and better user engagement. Converting your PHP site into an Android app will help you reach a wider audience, increase user engagement, and boost your overall online presence.

The Various Approaches to Convert a PHP Site to an Android App

There are various approaches that you can take when converting your PHP site to an Android app. You can use a do-it-yourself (DIY) platform or hire a professional developer to do the job for you. DIY platforms offer easy-to-use tools and templates that allow you to create basic apps without any coding knowledge. On the other hand, hiring a professional developer guarantees a quality app, but it can be expensive.

DIY Platforms

DIY platforms are ideal for individuals with limited budgets and no coding knowledge. These platforms offer prebuilt templates and drag-and-drop tools that make it easy to create basic apps. However, these platforms have limited functionality and customization options, and the resulting apps are often of lower quality.

Professional Developers

Professional developers are the best option for creating high-quality apps with advanced features and customization options. However, they can be expensive and require a considerable investment of time and resources.

Comparing Popular DIY Platforms for App Development

There are several DIY platforms available in the market for app development. In this section, we will compare some of the most popular ones based on their features, pricing, and ease of use.


AppyPie is a popular DIY app building platform that offers a drag-and-drop interface and prebuilt templates. It supports multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, and HTML5, and provides various features such as push notifications, social media integration, and user analytics. Its pricing plans start from $18/month.


BuildFire is another DIY platform that offers a range of templates and widgets to create basic apps. It supports both Android and iOS platforms and provides features such as push notifications, in-app messaging, and interactive maps. Its pricing plans start from $89/month.


AppMakr is a simple DIY platform that allows you to create basic apps without coding knowledge. It supports both Android and iOS platforms and provides features such as push notifications, social media integration, and in-app advertising. Its pricing plans start from $99/year.

Comparing Professional Developers for App Development

When it comes to professional app development, two types of developers can be hired: freelancers and development companies. In this section, we will compare the two based on their skills, pricing, and project timelines.

Freelance App Developers

Freelance app developers are ideal for small businesses and startups with limited budgets. They offer affordable rates and have flexible project timelines. However, they may lack experience and have limited resources to handle complex projects.

Development Companies

Development companies are professional firms that offer end-to-end app development services. They have a team of skilled developers, designers, and project managers who can handle complex projects with ease. However, they can be expensive and usually have longer project timelines.


Converting a PHP site to an Android app is an excellent way to reach a wider audience and increase user engagement. There are various approaches to choose from, depending on your budget and requirements. However, it is crucial to consider the pros and cons of each approach and make an informed decision. Whether you choose a DIY platform or hire a professional developer, ensure that your app meets your business needs and delivers a great user experience.

Convert Php Site To Android App


If you have a PHP website, you might want to convert it into an Android app to reach more people. Converting a PHP site to Android app is not as hard as it may sound. In this article, we will show you how to convert your PHP site to an Android app step by step.

Step 1: Install the Required Tools

To convert your PHP site to an Android app, you will need to install the following tools:
  • Android Studio
  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Android SDK
  • Apache Cordova
Make sure you have these tools installed on your computer before proceeding to the next steps.

Step 2: Create a New Project in Android Studio

Open Android Studio and create a new project. Choose Blank Activity and select API 16: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) as your minimum SDK. Give your project a name and set the package name.

Step 3: Add Apache Cordova to Your Project

To use Apache Cordova, you need to add it to your project. Open the build.gradle file in your project's root directory and add the following line to the dependencies:
classpath ''
Then, open the build.gradle file in the app directory and add the following lines to the dependencies:
implementation 'org.apache.cordova:cordova-android:6.2.3'implementation 'org.apache.cordova:cordova-plugin-whitelist:1.3.3'

Step 4: Add Your PHP Site to the Project

Copy all the files from your PHP site to the www directory in your project. You can find the www directory in the app directory.

Step 5: Modify the Config.xml File

Open the config.xml file in the www directory and modify it according to your needs. Make sure you add the following lines to allow access to your website:
<allow-navigation href=* /><allow-intent href=* />

Step 6: Build Your Android App

Open a terminal window and navigate to the root directory of your project. Run the following command:
cordova build android
This will build your Android app and create an APK file in the platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug directory.

Step 7: Test Your App

To test your app, connect your Android device to your computer and enable USB debugging. Then, run the following command in your terminal:
cordova run android
This will install your app on your Android device and run it.

Step 8: Publish Your App

To publish your app, you need to create a developer account on Google Play Store. Once you have an account, log in and follow the instructions to publish your app.


With Apache Cordova, you can easily convert your PHP site to an Android app. By following the steps mentioned above, you can create an Android app that will allow you to reach more people. Keep in mind that this process may not work for all PHP sites, but it is worth trying.

Converting Your PHP Site To an Android App Has Never Been Easier

Welcome to the world of smart, connected devices and applications! Today more than ever before, creating cross-platform apps has become a necessity for businesses and developers seeking to make their mark in the digital world. One way to achieve this is by converting your PHP site into an Android app. In this blog post, we will take you through the process of how to do just that, and why it is important.

What is an Android App?

An Android app is a software application created specifically for the Android operating system. It is written using various programming languages such as Java, Kotlin, or C++, and runs exclusively on Android-compatible devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. With over 2 billion active Android devices worldwide, it is clear that building an Android app can help increase your reach and visibility.

Why Convert Your PHP Site to Android App?

There are several reasons why converting your PHP site to an Android app is important:

  • Increased Visibility: Developing an Android app helps you to improve your visibility on the Google Play Store, where it can be found easily by users.
  • Better User Experience: An app provides a better user experience than a website, as it is designed with specific features and functions that are accessible to users in a quick and easy manner.
  • Efficient Marketing: Android apps allow you to directly engage with your target audience, facilitate two-way communication, and send notifications and updates to them.
  • Monetization Opportunities: You can monetize your app through in-app purchases, pay-per-download, ads, and more.

Steps to Convert PHP Site to Android App

The process of converting your PHP site into an Android app requires you to have some basic knowledge of programming languages. Here are the steps you need to take:

Step 1: Set Up Your Android Development Environment

The first step to converting your PHP site to an Android app is by setting up your development environment. You will need to install the following:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK): Includes Java Runtime Environment (JRE), JavaFX, and the Java Development Kit
  • Android Studio: An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed specifically for Android app development

Step 2: Create a New Android Project

After setting up your development environment, the next step is creating a new Android project in Android Studio. Here’s how:

  1. Open Android Studio and click File > New > New Project
  2. Enter the name of the project and customize other options available as per your preference.
  3. Click Next, then select Empty Activity or Basic Activity, depending on your requirements.
  4. Click Finish to create the new project. You will see all the files and folders related to your project structure.

Step 3: Connect Your PHP Site with Your Android Application

The next step to converting your PHP site to an Android app is integrating the two together. Here’s how:

  1. Access the PHP site codebase that you want to convert to an Android application.
  2. Create APIs for your existing PHP site using a technology like RESTful API.
  3. Fetch data from the PHP site using API calls and display it in your Android application.

Step 4: Design Your User Interface (UI)

The user interface (UI) is an essential aspect of an Android app, so you need to design it carefully. Here are some tips to help you do that:

  • Follow Material Design guidelines: Google’s Material Design guidelines provide best practices for creating a responsive and eye-catching UX/UI for your app.
  • Simplify Navigation: Make sure the navigation bar on your app is easy to use and does not require too much scrolling or tapping.

Step 5: Test Your Application

After completing all the above steps, you need to test your application to ensure it is functional and ready for deployment. Use an Android virtual device or connect a physical device to your computer and follow these steps to test your app:

  1. Open Android Studio and select your app from the project list.
  2. Click Run > Run App, or press Shift + F10.
  3. A dialog box will appear showing all the available connected devices and emulators. Select the device on which you want to test the app and click OK.
  4. The app will launch on the selected device, and you can test all its functions and features.

Closing Message

In conclusion, converting your PHP site into an Android app is an excellent way to increase your reach and visibility. It may seem daunting, but by following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily convert your site into an Android app. So what are you waiting for? Take the first step and start converting your PHP site to Android app today.

People Also Ask About Convert Php Site To Android App

What is a PHP site?

A PHP site is a website that has been developed using the server-side scripting language PHP. PHP is commonly used for creating dynamic webpage content and is supported by most web servers.

What are the benefits of converting a PHP site to an Android app?

Some of the main benefits of converting a PHP site to an Android app include:

  • Increased visibility: By providing customers with an Android app, you can increase your brand's visibility and reach.
  • Improved customer engagement: An app can be designed to provide a better user experience than a traditional website, which can help improve customer engagement and retention.
  • Enhanced functionality: An app can offer more features and functionality than a website due to access to native device capabilities such as push notifications, camera, and location services.

What is needed to convert a PHP site to an Android app?

To convert a PHP site to an Android app, you will need:

  1. An Android development environment such as Android Studio or Eclipse
  2. APIs and libraries for integrating your PHP code with the Android app
  3. An understanding of Java programming or access to a developer who can write the code for you

Can I convert a PHP site to an Android app myself?

If you have the required technical skills, it is possible to convert a PHP site to an Android app yourself. However, if you lack these skills, it may be best to hire a professional developer who can help you achieve your goals.

How much does it cost to convert a PHP site to an Android app?

The cost of converting a PHP site to an Android app can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of your website, the features you want to include in the app, and the experience level of the developer you hire. It's best to obtain multiple quotes from developers to get an accurate estimate of the costs involved.