Create Your Own Space Invaders Game with MIT App Inventor 2 - Easy Step-by-Step Guide


Conquer Space with MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders

Do you dream of exploring new galaxies, fighting off alien invaders and saving the universe? With MIT App Inventor 2, you can now turn your dream into a reality! This free software allows you to create your own video game, just like Space Invaders, and launch it for others to play.

Ready to shoot down those pesky aliens? Here's everything you need to know about MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders.

What is MIT App Inventor 2?

Before we dive into building Space Invaders, let's take a quick look at what MIT App Inventor 2 actually is. MIT App Inventor 2 is an open-source visual programming environment that enables users to create mobile apps from a web browser. It's user-friendly, easy to navigate and anyone can use it regardless of their coding experience.

Why Build Space Invaders with MIT App Inventor 2?

Well, why not? Space Invaders is a classic game loved by millions, so why not build your own version of it and add your own creative spin? Plus, building this game with MIT App Inventor 2 is the perfect opportunity to enhance your programming skills, work on your spatial thinking and exercise your imagination.

How to Create Space Invaders with MIT App Inventor 2?

Creating Space Invaders is easier than you think! First, you'll need to sign up for your free account on the MIT App Inventor 2 website. From there, you can make use of the several resources, tutorials, and sample projects to help you get started.

Once you have familiarized yourself with the program, head over to the Designer to customize your game's graphics and layout. You can choose your background, sprite colors and design your aliens to your liking.

Next, move on to the programming section in the Blocks editor. Here, you can create the logic behind your game system - how the characters move, how the bullets are fired, and how the enemies are destroyed.

Why Should You Choose MIT App Inventor 2 for Game Development?

If you want to develop a mobile game with little or no coding experience, then MIT App Inventor 2 is an excellent place to start. This platform empowers you to unleash your creativity and bring your gaming ideas to life in an accessible, visually-assisted way.

It also offers an arsenal of features, such as drag-and-drop user interface design and newbie-friendly coding flavors like block-coding. This software makes it possible for users to develop complex and sophisticated projects without necessarily having to write any line of code from scratch.

Get Ready to Conquer Space with MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders!

With MIT App Inventor 2, creating your own games is a breeze. It's time to let your imagination run wild and transform your dream of saving the universe into a reality. Whether you're a hardcore gamer or just someone who wants to try out new things, MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders is the perfect solution for you. Don't wait; give it a try today!


If you love playing games, have you ever thought about creating your own? With the help of MIT App Inventor 2, it's possible to create your very own Space Invaders game!

What is MIT App Inventor 2?

MIT App Inventor 2 is a free software that allows you to program mobile applications and games without needing to write any code. It provides a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to build complex apps. You can use it to design games, edit photos, record voice notes, and much more.

How to Create a Space Invaders Game with MIT App Inventor 2?

To create a Space Invaders game, you'll need to follow these simple steps:

Step #1: Open MIT App Inventor 2

The first step in creating a Space Invaders game is to open MIT App Inventor 2. Once you have opened the software, click on New Project, and then name your project.

Step #2: Add the Game Board

The next step is to add the game board to your project. You can do this by clicking on the Palette menu and selecting Canvas. Drag the canvas onto the screen and make sure it is big enough to hold your Space Invaders game.

Step #3: Add the Player Ship

The player ship is the spaceship that the player controls. To add the player ship, click on Palette and select the ImageSprite component. Once you've done that, upload an image of a spaceship that will represent the player's ship.

Step #4: Add the Enemy Ships

The enemy ships are the invading spaceships that the player is trying to destroy. To add these, you'll need to create several ImageSprites components and upload an image of a spaceship that will represent the enemy ship.

Step #5: Add the Bullets

In Space Invaders, the player's ship shoots bullets to kill the enemy ships. To add this functionality, create a button that will shoot a bullet. Add the bullet as another ImageSprite component, which you can interact with the enemy ships.

Step #6: Create the Game Loop

To make the game playable, you need to create the game loop. This will keep track of the score, move the enemy ships, handle collisions, and more.

Step #7: Test Your Game

Once you have completed your game, you can test it on your mobile device. You can do this by clicking on Connect in MIT App Inventor 2 and selecting your device from the list of available devices.


Creating a Space Invaders game with MIT App Inventor 2 is easy and fun. With a little bit of creativity, you can build something that you'll be proud of and that others will enjoy playing. So, what are you waiting for? Download MIT App Inventor 2 today and start building your own Space Invaders game!

Comparing Mit App Inventor 2 Space Invaders


Mit App Inventor 2 is a free, cloud-based platform that allows users to create mobile applications for Android devices without needing any programming experience. One of the popular games created using Mit App Inventor 2 is Space Invaders. In this article, we will compare different versions of Space Invaders that have been developed using Mit App Inventor 2.

Versions Compared

There are several versions of Space Invaders created using Mit App Inventor 2. The versions we will compare are the classic version, the 3D version, and the multiplayer version.

Classic Version

The classic version of Space Invaders is a faithful reproduction of the original arcade game. Players control a spaceship at the bottom of the screen, shooting at alien invaders moving across the screen. The game becomes progressively harder as more aliens appear and move faster.

3D Version

The 3D version of Space Invaders adds a new dimension to the classic gameplay. Instead of a flat playing field, the game now takes place in a three-dimensional space. Players can move their spaceship up and down, as well as left and right. The alien invaders are also rendered in 3D, making them look more menacing.

Multiplayer Version

The multiplayer version of Space Invaders allows two players to compete against each other. Each player controls their own spaceship, trying to shoot down the most alien invaders while avoiding enemy fire and obstacles. This version adds a new level of competition and excitement to the classic game.

Graphics and Sound

The graphics and sound of each version of Space Invaders are an important aspect of the gameplay experience.

Classic Version

The graphics of the classic version are simple and nostalgic. The spaceships and alien invaders are rendered using basic shapes and colors, reminiscent of the original arcade game. The sound effects are also minimal but effective, with simple beeps and blips representing shooting and movement.

3D Version

The graphics of the 3D version are more complex than the classic version. The alien invaders are more detailed and menacing, and the playing field is rendered in three dimensions. The sound effects are also more immersive, with explosions and laser fire sounding more powerful and realistic.

Multiplayer Version

The graphics of the multiplayer version are similar to the classic version, with basic shapes and colors representing the spaceships and invaders. However, the addition of a second player adds a new level of excitement to the game. The sound effects are also effective, with appropriate noises representing shooting, movement, and collisions between ships.


The gameplay of each version of Space Invaders is what makes it such a classic game.

Classic Version

The gameplay of the classic version is straightforward and easy to understand. Players move their spaceship left and right along the bottom of the screen, shooting at alien invaders moving across the top. As the game progresses, the aliens become faster and more numerous, making it more difficult for the player to survive.

3D Version

The gameplay of the 3D version is similar to the classic version, but with the added dimension offering new challenges. Players can now move their spaceship up and down, as well as left and right, to avoid obstacles and enemy fire. The alien invaders also move in three dimensions, making them harder to hit.

Multiplayer Version

The gameplay of the multiplayer version adds a new level of competition and strategy. Not only do players have to shoot down as many aliens as possible, but they also have to avoid colliding with each other. This version requires more skill and coordination than the classic or 3D versions.


In conclusion, Mit App Inventor 2 offers several versions of the classic game Space Invaders, all with unique graphics, sound, and gameplay. Each version has its own strengths and weaknesses, making it difficult to choose a favorite. However, the multiplayer version stands out as the most innovative and exciting, with its added level of competition and strategy.

How to Create a Space Invaders Game using MIT App Inventor 2


If you're interested in developing Android applications but don't have any programming experience, MIT App Inventor 2 is the perfect solution. It's a graphical drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create mobile apps without any coding knowledge. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the steps for creating a retro-style Space Invaders game using MIT App Inventor 2.

Step 1: Creating a New Project

First, open the MIT App Inventor website and create a new project. Name your project space_invaders or choose any name of your preference. After creating the project, you will be taken to the designer screen, where you can design the interface of the app.

Step 2: Designing the User Interface

To create a user interface that's similar to Space Invaders, add a Canvas component to your project. Then, adjust the Canvas component size to take up most of the screen. Add another Canvas component for the player's spaceship, and adjust its position at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3: Adding Components

Next, add components for the enemy spaceships and bullets. Create a list of enemy spaceships by adding multiple ImageSprites components to the screen. Also, create another ImageSprite component for the bullet. Adjust their properties such as appearance, color, width, and height according to your requirement.

Step 4: Setting Properties

Now it's time to set the various properties of the game. Set the speed of enemy spaceships, bullet speed, and the delay between firing bullets. You may also want to add sound effects and display a score counter.

Step 5: Adding Block Code

After setting up the properties, it's time to add block code to the game. Add an event handler for when the screen initializes, which places the enemy spaceships randomly on the screen. Then add another event handler for when the user taps the screen, which triggers the player's bullet sprite.

Step 6: Adding Sprites

Add an event handler for the bullet sprite that moves the bullet upwards and removes it when it reaches the top of the screen. When the bullet touches an enemy spaceship sprite, use the collision detection block to remove the enemy spaceship and increment the score.

Step 7: Movement of Enemy Spaceships

Now add an event handler that moves the enemy spaceships downwards until they reach the bottom of the screen, at which point they reappear at the top of the screen in a new random position.

Step 8: Player Movement

Finally, add an event handler that allows the player to move their spaceship horizontally across the screen. This can be achieved by using a SetX block to change the X-coordinate of the spaceship sprite.

Step 9: Testing

Testing the game is the most crucial step. You need to test your app on different devices, including both phones and tablets, to ensure that the display adjustments work correctly.

Step 10: Publish on Play Store

Finally, if you're satisfied with the game, it's time to publish it. You can publish your game on the Google play store or any other preferred platform.In conclusion, MIT App Inventor 2 provides an easy-to-use interface for creating Android applications. With this tutorial, you can create an excellent retro-style Space Invaders game and publish it to the Google Play store. With some practice and time, you could create many more exciting games using this tool.

Mit App Inventor 2 Space Invaders: A Fun and Educational Game Project for Beginners

Are you looking for a way to learn app development while having fun? Look no further than the Mit App Inventor 2 Space Invaders project. This project provides a fantastic introduction to building games using app development tools and can be customized to suit your preferences. Keep reading to discover how to build your own version of Space Invaders with Mit App Inventor 2.

To get started on your Space Invaders project, you'll need to download and set up the Mit App Inventor 2 software on your computer. Once downloaded, start by opening the software and creating a new project. You'll then be prompted to choose a design that will serve as the basis for your game. For Space Invaders, you can choose one of the pre-existing designs or create a custom layout.

The next step is to add the components that will make up your Space Invaders game. These will include graphics, buttons, and sounds. Be sure to use the drag-and-drop interface provided by Mit App Inventor 2 to easily add these components to your project. Leveraging this drag-and-drop functionality means that you don't need extensive coding experience to create a great-looking game.

To make your Space Invaders game function properly, you'll need to implement logic that controls the movement of the player's ship, the aliens, and the projectiles. To do this, you’ll use blocks of code that correspond to different events triggered throughout the game. The Mit App Inventor 2 environment provides a block-based programming environment that makes it easy to create functional games using a visual approach.

Once you've added all of the necessary components and implemented the logic behind the game, it's time to test it out. After hitting the test button, you can play your very own Space Invaders game from start to finish. You'll likely find some kinks in gameplay and design that you'll need to work on to make the best game possible.

Customization is key to making a Space Invaders game that stands out. In addition to making changes to the graphics and sound effects, you can alter the speed of the spaceship, the size of the aliens, and many more features. With Mit App Inventor 2, it's easy to customize every detail of your Space Invaders game and create an experience that's uniquely yours.

By working through this project, you'll gain valuable experience in software development. This could help you get a head start on a career in computer science or technology. Beyond the educational benefits, the completed project will be something that you can be proud of and show off to friends and family. Playing a game that you created can be a real sense of achievement for anyone, especially those new to app development.

Mit App Inventor 2 Space Invaders is a perfect introduction to building mobile games. With a simple drag-and-drop interface, the software makes it easy to build a functional game without extensive coding experience. You can easily customize the game to suit your preferences and create a fun and unique game. Whether you're interested in a future career in technology or just want to have fun designing your own game, Mit App Inventor 2 Space Invaders is a fantastic choice.

In conclusion, the Mit App Inventor 2 Space Invaders project is a great way to learn app development and indulge in some fun at the same time. The drag-and-drop interface and block-based programming environment make it easy to build custom games without significant coding expertise. So get started now, and experience the rewarding process of developing your own mobile game.

We hope that this article has inspired you to try your hand at app development with Mit App Inventor 2 Space Invaders. By working on the project and customizing it to your liking, you can gain valuable experience in software development. Not only that, but you’ll have a fun and exciting game to show off to friends and family. Have fun designing your customized version of Space Invaders!

People Also Ask About MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders

What is MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders?

MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders is a tutorial project that allows users to create their own version of the classic arcade game Space Invaders using the MIT App Inventor 2 platform.

Can I play the game on my phone after creating it?

Yes, once you have built the game using MIT App Inventor 2, you can download the APK file and install it on your Android phone or tablet to play the game.

Is MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders suitable for beginners?

Yes, the tutorial is designed for beginners who have little to no programming experience. It provides step-by-step instructions and visual aids to guide users through the process of building the game.

What are some skills I can learn from building MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders?

By building MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders, you can learn how to:

  1. Create user interfaces in MIT App Inventor 2
  2. Use different types of components, such as buttons and sprites
  3. Add logic and functionality to your components
  4. Create animations and sound effects
  5. Test and debug your code

Are there any prerequisites for building MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders?

No, there are no prerequisites for building MIT App Inventor 2 Space Invaders. However, users should be familiar with basic concepts such as variables and conditional statements.