Discovering the Mystery Behind Pokes on Facebook App: Where Have They Gone?


Remember Pokes on Facebook? That feature where you could virtually ‘poke’ your friends to get their attention or just for fun? It’s been around since the early days of Facebook, but where is it now on the Facebook app?

If you’re like me, you might have wondered why you can’t find Pokes on the Facebook app. Well, I’m here to give you the answer.

The first thing you should know is that Pokes still exist on Facebook. They’re just hidden away in a corner of the app that you might not have looked in before.

So, where are Pokes on Facebook app located?

To find them, you’ll need to:

1. Open Facebook app on your mobile device

2. Tap on the hamburger menu (the three horizontal lines) on the top right-hand side of the screen

3. Scroll down until you see ‘See More’ and tap on it

4. Look for Pokes under ‘Apps’ and tap on it

Voila! You’ve found Pokes on Facebook app. It’s that simple.

Now, you might be thinking, “Why bother looking for Pokes? I never use it anyway.”

Well, here’s the thing. Pokes might seem like a small and insignificant feature, but it can actually be pretty useful. For example, if you’re trying to get someone’s attention and they’re not responding to your messages, a Poke might just do the trick. It’s a lighthearted way to show that you’re thinking of someone without being too pushy.

Plus, Pokes can also be a fun way to interact with your friends. You can poke them back and forth just for fun, or even create a Poke war where you try to out-poke each other.

But wait, there’s more!

If you’re feeling nostalgic, you’ll be happy to know that Facebook has also added some new Pokes options. You can now send a virtual hug, wave, high-five, handshake, fist bump, or even a wink.

So, there you have it. Pokes on Facebook app are still alive and kicking. Whether you use it for practical purposes or just for fun, it’s worth checking out.

And who knows, maybe you’ll start a Poke war that will keep you and your friends entertained for hours.

So, go ahead and give it a try. You might just be surprised at how much fun you can have with this seemingly simple feature.

Don’t believe me? Check it out for yourself and see what all the fuss is about.


Facebook pokes are a unique feature that can often leave users confused and unsure of their purpose. Are they a way of flirting or just a harmless gesture? Regardless of their meaning, the question remains, where are pokes on Facebook app?

The History of Pokes

Facebook pokes were originally introduced in 2004 as a way of saying hello to friends. However, over time, their meaning has become ambiguous, and users have found different ways of interpreting them. They can be used to show interest in someone, to tease someone, or just to say hi.

Poking on the Web Version of Facebook

If you're using the web version of Facebook, pokes can be found in a few different places. Firstly, you can click on the notifications tab in the top right-hand corner of the main Facebook menu. If you've received a poke, it will appear here with a red dot next to it. Alternatively, if you go to the person's profile who poked you, the option to poke them back will appear under their profile picture.

Poking on the Facebook App

On the Facebook app, things are a little different. To find your pokes, you'll need to click on the three horizontal lines in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. This will bring up a menu with various options. From here, you can select Pokes, and any recent pokes will appear here.

What Do Pokes Mean?

The meaning of pokes on Facebook is often up for interpretation. Some people see them as a way of subtly showing interest in someone, while others see them as a harmless way of teasing or joking around. In some cases, they may also be used to get someone's attention if you're trying to communicate with them. Ultimately, the meaning of a poke depends on the context in which it's used, and it's up to the individual to decide what it means to them.

Are Pokes Harmful?

While pokes don't necessarily have any harm attached to them by default, they can sometimes be used inappropriately. For example, repeatedly poking someone despite them asking you to stop could be considered harassment. In general, it's best to use pokes in a harmless and playful way, as they were intended.

Should You Poke Someone?

Ultimately, whether or not to poke someone is up to your own discretion. If you're interested in someone, a well-placed poke may be a subtle way to get their attention. However, it's important to be respectful and not overdo it. Additionally, if someone explicitly asks you to stop poking them, it's important to respect their boundaries.

The Future of Facebook Pokes

It's unclear what the future holds for Facebook pokes. As the platform continues to evolve, some users may find new ways of using them, while others may abandon them altogether. However, for now, they remain a curious feature that can add a little bit of fun and interactivity to the social media experience.


So, where are pokes on Facebook app? Whether you're using the web version or the app, pokes can be found with a few clicks. While their meaning is often ambiguous, they can be used in a harmless and playful way to interact with friends and acquaintances. As long as they're used respectfully and not taken too seriously, pokes can be a fun and unique part of the Facebook experience.

Where are Pokes on Facebook App?


Have you ever heard of the Facebook poke? This age-old feature has been a part of the Facebook app since its early days. Poking someone on Facebook is a way of getting their attention without actually starting a conversation. Although this feature seems redundant, some people still use it as a fun way to interact with their friends.

What is a Facebook Poke?

A Facebook poke is a feature on the Facebook app that allows users to get the attention of their friends. It's a button located on the profile page of a user that sends a notification to the person being poked. The poke can also be sent through the Messenger app, where it's hidden behind the More button.

To send a poke, simply click on the ... button that appears at the corner of your friend’s profile picture. A drop-menu will then appear, with “Poke” being one of the options presented to you. For Android users, clicking on the “poke” option will open up a confirmation window, which will ask them to confirm if they want to send a poke or not.

Where Are Pokes Located on Facebook App for iOS?

If you're using an iOS device, the poke feature is still available in the Facebook app. However, it's not located in plain sight like it used to be. To access the poke feature on an iOS device, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the three-line icon in the bottom right-hand corner
  2. Scroll down to the “Settings & Privacy” option and tap on “Settings”
  3. Scroll down to the “Apps” category and select “Pokes”

You will then be taken to a screen that displays a list of your friends who have poked you, as well as a button that allows you to poke them back if you wish.

Where Are Pokes Located on Facebook App for Android?

If you're using an Android device, the process of accessing the poke feature is slightly different. Here's how:
  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the three-line icon in the top-right corner
  2. Scroll down until you find the “See More” option and tap on it
  3. Select “Pokes” from the drop-down menu

You will now be directed to a page that shows a list of your recent pokes and notifications. You can also poke back by clicking on the “Poke Back” button next to the name of the person who poked you.

Comparison Table: Pokes Feature on Facebook App for iOS and Android

iOS Android
Pokes Location Settings & Privacy > Settings > Apps > Pokes Menu > See More > Pokes
Poke Notifications Displayed in-app and through iOS notifications Displayed in-app and through Android notifications
Poking Back Tap on friend’s name to poke back Tap on “Poke Back” button next to friend’s name to poke back


The Facebook poke may seem like a relic of the past, but it's still around and functional. Although the location of the poke feature has shifted on both iOS and Android devices, it's still easy to access, as long as you know where to look. Ultimately, whether or not you use the poke feature is up to you, but it's good to know that it's there if you want to play around with it.

Where Are Pokes on Facebook App?


Facebook pokes have been a curious feature on the social media platform that has existed for years. It is a gesture that shows the person you are directing it to that you are thinking about them or as an indication that you want to start a conversation. However, not everyone knows how to access the poke option on Facebook's mobile app. This article will guide you through the process of locating and using the Facebook poke feature.

Locating Pokes on Facebook App

Finding the poke option on Facebook's mobile app is quite easy. All you need to do is open the app and go to your profile by clicking on your profile picture. Tap on the three dots icon on the right-hand side of your name to bring up the drop-down menu. In the dropdown menu, you will find the pokes option.

How to Use Facebook Pokes

Using Facebook pokes is simple. After locating the poke option, click on it to see your poke history. You can send a poke to anyone who is your friend on Facebook. To do so, go to their profile, and then tap on the three dots icon to bring up the menu. In the menu, select poke, and the person will receive a notification that you have poked them.

Poking Etiquette on Facebook

When it comes to poking on Facebook, there are no hard and fast rules. However, if you do decide to poke someone, it is essential to be courteous. Avoid excessive poking, as it may annoy the person, and avoid poking people whom you do not know personally.

Reasons to Pokes Someone on Facebook

People poke for a variety of reasons. It could be that you want to grab someone's attention, or maybe you're just saying hello. It could also mean that you want to start a conversation or want to express your interest in someone.

What Happens When You Are Poked on Facebook?

When you receive a poke from someone on Facebook, you will receive a notification indicating who poked you. You can either choose to ignore the poke or poke them back. If you poke someone back, they will receive a notification indicating that you have poked them back.

How to Delete a Poke on Facebook

If someone has poked you, and you do not want it, you can delete the poke. To do so, go to your poke history, tap on the poke that you want to delete, and select remove poke.


Facebook pokes may seem like a pointless feature, but they are a simple way of letting someone know that you're thinking about them. With the help of this guide, you now know how to locate the poke option on Facebook's mobile app, how to use it, poke etiquette, what happens when you get poked, and how to delete a poke that you don't want. The next time you feel like poking someone on Facebook, go ahead and do it!

Where Are Pokes on Facebook App?

Gone are the days where the Facebook Poke feature was a popular way to get someone's attention without directly messaging them. However, it appears that Facebook has retired this feature, leaving many users confused about its whereabouts.

If you're one of those people asking where are pokes on Facebook app? or trying to figure out how to poke someone on Facebook, then fret not because we have the answers for you!

Firstly, it's important to note that Facebook Pokes still exist in some form. However, they're not as prominently displayed on the app as before. In fact, if you're using the Facebook mobile app, you might not even see the Poke feature.

The Facebook Poke feature is now hidden, and you'll need to do some digging to uncover it. Here are a few ways to find the Poke:

  1. On desktop, go to the profile of the person you want to poke. Under their profile picture and name, you'll see three dots. Click on this, and you'll see the Poke option.
  2. If you're using the Facebook mobile app, you can try searching for the person you want to poke in the search bar. Once their profile shows up, look for the three dots on the right-hand side of their cover photo. Click that, and you'll see the Poke option.
  3. You can use the Facebook Help Center to guide you. Simply search for Poke in the search bar, and it'll direct you to the page with instructions on how to Poke someone on Facebook.

It's worth noting that even though Pokes aren't as commonly used as they once were, they still serve a purpose. The Poke feature can be used as a friendly gesture to get someone's attention or as a way of flirting (although this trend has long died out).

Facebook seems to be putting less emphasis on the Poke feature and more on other ways of interacting with your friends and family. Facebook Messenger, for instance, offers video calls, voice calls, and chat features.

While it may seem like the Poke feature is no longer relevant, it's nice to know that it's still around if you want to get someone's attention in a playful way. However, if Pokes are not your thing, there are plenty of other ways to interact with your Facebook friends and acquaintances.

With that being said, we hope we've cleared up any confusion about where Pokes are on the Facebook app. Gone are the days where they were prominently displayed, but with a little bit of effort, you can still access it and brighten someone's day with a friendly Poke.

Until next time, Happy Poking!

Where Are Pokes On Facebook App? - People Also Ask

Where Are Pokes On Facebook App? - People Also Ask

What are Facebook Pokes?

Facebook Pokes are simply a way to get someone's attention on Facebook. When you poke someone, they will receive a notification that you have poked them.

How can I see who poked me on Facebook?

You can see who has poked you on Facebook by going to your notifications. Find the poke notification and click on it to see who poked you.

Are Facebook Pokes still a thing?

Yes, Facebook Pokes are still a thing. While they may not be as popular as they once were, they are still available on Facebook.

Where can I find Pokes on Facebook App?

To find Pokes on the Facebook App:

  1. Open the Facebook App on your phone
  2. Tap on the three horizontal lines in the bottom right corner of the screen
  3. Scroll down and tap on See More
  4. Tap on Pokes to see who has poked you or who you have poked

Can I poke someone who is not my friend on Facebook?

No, you can only poke your Facebook friends. If you attempt to poke someone who is not your friend, they will have the option to either ignore or delete your poke.

Is there a limit to how many times I can poke someone on Facebook?

Yes, there is a limit to how many times you can poke someone on Facebook. You can only poke someone once unless they poke you back.