How to Fix React App Rewired Command Not Found Error: Step-by-Step Guide


Are you trying to run a React app, only to be met with the dreaded Command Not Found error message? Look no further than React App Rewired!

React App Rewired is a powerful tool that allows you to customize the configuration of your React app without having to eject. This means you can add plugins, tweak settings, and override defaults without the fear of breaking your app.

But what do you do when you've installed React App Rewired and it still won't work?

First, make sure you've installed all required dependencies. This includes React, react-scripts, and react-app-rewired.

If you've already done that and you're still seeing Command Not Found, try running npm install react-scripts --save-dev.

But what if that doesn't work either?

Don't worry, there's still hope. Try running node_modules/.bin/react-app-rewired start instead of just react-app-rewired start.

If that doesn't do the trick, check your package.json file. Make sure you've added the necessary scripts for React App Rewired to work. Your scripts section should look something like this:

```scripts: start: react-app-rewired start, build: react-app-rewired build, test: react-app-rewired test, eject: react-scripts eject```

Another common issue is that your version of create-react-app may be outdated. Try running npm update create-react-app to bring it up to speed.

Still not working? It might be time to consider ejecting your app. While this does come with its own set of risks, it may be necessary to get your app up and running.

But before you make that decision, give React App Rewired one last chance. Try uninstalling and then reinstalling it.

If none of these solutions work for you, it's possible that the issue lies elsewhere. But don't give up hope just yet. Head over to the React App Rewired GitHub page and post your problem in the issues section. You may be surprised at how helpful the community can be.

In conclusion, the React App Rewired Command Not Found error can be a frustrating one to deal with. But with a bit of troubleshooting and some patience, there's a good chance you'll be able to get your app up and running in no time.

React App Rewired is a popular tool that enables the configuration of a create-react-app without going through its initial setup. It allows complex configurations and plugins for the application to work, making development much more manageable and convenient. Unfortunately, some users often encounter an error message that says, React App Rewired Command Not Found, which can hinder their progress.

Understanding What Causes the Error Message

The error message React App Rewired Command Not Found usually appears when a user attempts to use the rewired command on a terminal or command prompt. It indicates that the user's computer cannot find the rewired command because it either does not exist or is not properly configured.

In most cases, this error message arises when the user did not install the react-app-rewired package in their development environment or have not configured it properly. React App Rewired operates as a dependency of the create-react-app configuration process and requires specific settings to function well.

The Solution to the Error Message

To fix the React App Rewired Command Not Found error message, there are some steps users can take to ensure they have the right configuration for react-app-rewired to function correctly. The following are some of the actions users can take:

Step 1: Install the Required Packages

Before using React App Rewired command, users must ensure that they have installed all the packages necessary for it to work. To install the required packages, open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command:

npm i react-scripts react-app-rewired --save-dev

Step 2: Replace Scripts in package.json File

After installing the required packages, the user must then replace the scripts section in the package.json file with the following code:

scripts: start: react-app-rewired start,build: react-app-rewired build,test: react-app-rewired test --env=jsdom

The above script works by mapping all the defined scripts in a new configuration file, allowing customization within webpack and babel configurations.

Step 3: Create A Config Folder

Next, users must create a config folder in their project root directory. After creating it, users should then proceed to create and save a new file named config-overrides.js in the config folder.

mkdir config && echo 'module.exports = function override(config, env) return config;' > ./config/config-overrides.js

This file usually contains a js export function that provides means of altering your Webpack, Babel, or whatever configuration file you choose when building an app.

Step 4: Run Rewired Command

Finally, users should then run the Rewired command on their terminal or command prompt. To run the customized scripts with Rewired, use the following command:

npm run start

This command should work correctly if the user has followed all the steps and the configuration of React App Rewired is correct.

The Benefits of Using React App Rewired

React App Rewired provides several benefits when compared to the create-react-app's default configurations. Some of these advantages include:

Flexibility in Configuration

React App Rewired allows developers to tweak configurations based on project parameters. It provides a simple way of altering the build settings without going through the process of ejecting the create-react-app package.

Improved Browser Cache-Control Headers

React App Rewired provides a way of improving cache-control headers on websites by compressing browser caching and reducing latency times. It allows developers to fetch newer data without having to worry about existing stored data.

Code Extensibility

React App Rewired’s codebase is easily extensible, which allows developers to broaden the scope of their applications, thereby providing more functionality.


React App Rewired is an essential tool for developers seeking a way to customize their apps, but it can come with its challenges. However, by following the steps outlined above, users can overcome the React App Rewired Command Not Found error message and enjoy the benefits provided by the React App Rewired tool.

React App Rewired Command Not Found: A Comparison


React App Rewired is a popular tool used to customize the create-react-app configuration without ejecting the app. However, some users have reported encountering issues where the command 'react-app-rewired' is not found. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this issue and compare different solutions available.

Causes of React App Rewired Command Not Found

There are several reasons why you might encounter the 'command not found' error while using React App Rewired:

1. Incorrect Installation

One of the most common causes of the issue is an incorrect installation. If React App Rewired was not installed properly or there were issues during installation, the command may not be recognized.

2. Path not Set

Sometimes, the path to the react-app-rewired script is not set correctly. This could happen if you installed the package globally or if the path was not added to the environment variables.

3. Compatibility Issues

Compatibility issues can also cause the 'command not found' error. The tool may not be compatible with the current version of Node.js or other dependencies.

Solution 1: Install React App Rewired Locally

If you have not installed React App Rewired yet or suspect that the installation may have issues, try installing it locally in your project directory with the following command:

npm install --save-dev react-app-rewired

This command installs the package as a development dependency and saves it to your project's package.json file. Once installed, try running the 'react-app-rewired' command again.

Solution 2: Add Local Path to Environment Variables

If React App Rewired is already installed locally but still not recognized, you may need to add the path to the script to your environment variables. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Locate the react-app-rewired script in your project's node_modules folder.
  2. Copy the full path to the script.
  3. Add the path to your environment variables. The specific steps to do this depend on your operating system.
  4. Try running the 'react-app-rewired' command again.

Solution 3: Use npx for Global Installation

If you prefer to install React App Rewired globally, you can use the npx command instead of installing it globally with npm. npx downloads and executes the package without actually installing it. Here's how to use npx to run react-app-rewired globally:

npx react-app-rewired start


Here's a quick comparison of the pros and cons of the three solutions:
Solution Pros Cons
Install React App Rewired Locally Easy to set up. Avoids issues with global installation. May have issues with conflicting global installations.
Add Local Path to Environment Variables Works for both local and global installations. Only needs to be set up once. Requires knowledge of environment variables and may cause conflicts with other scripts.
Use npx for Global Installation Quick and easy installation. No need to manually set up environment variables. May have issues with conflicting global installations. May not work in all environments.


Overall, the best solution for the 'command not found' error depends on your specific use case. If you only need React App Rewired for one project, installing it locally may be the most straightforward option. However, if you frequently use the tool across multiple projects, a global installation with npx may be more practical. Adding the local path to the environment variables is a good solution for both use cases, but requires more technical knowledge. Regardless of which option you choose, make sure to check compatibility with your current environment before installation.

React App Rewired Command Not Found: Tips and Tutorial


React is a powerful front-end development library that enables developers to create interactive user interfaces in a short time. Although it has various powerful features, using React can sometimes result in errors that can be difficult to resolve. One such error that developers often encounter while working with React is the React App Rewired command not found error. This error occurs when developers try to launch a React app using App Rewired, a library that simplifies the creation of custom configuration files for React apps.

What is React App Rewired?

Before delving into the possible solutions to the React App Rewired command not found error, it's important to understand what App Rewired is. In essence, App Rewired is a library that extends the configuration features of Create React App without requiring changes to the underlying tool. It allows developers to customize their project configurations without ejecting the app or creating custom scripts.

The Causes of the App Rewired Command Not Found Error

The React App Rewired command not found error can occur due to several reasons. However, some of the most common causes include, misconfigurations in the package.json file, installation errors, and path issues. In the next few sections, we'll discuss in depth how to solve these possible causes of the error.

Solving the App Rewired Command Not Found Error

Here are some tips to help you fix the React App Rewired command not found error:

1. Check Your Package.json File

The first thing you should do when you get this error is to check your package.json file. Make sure that all dependencies and scripts are correctly spelled and included. Ensure that there are no spelling errors, typos or spaces that may affect how the scripts run.

2. Reinstall Your Packages

If there are no issues with the package.json file, try uninstalling and reinstalling your packages. There might be some dependencies missing or corrupted during the installation process. You can use the following command to do that:

npm install

3. Check Your Environment Variables

Ensure that your system path has been correctly set. Go to your system's environment variables and ensure that the node command is included in the path. Add the path if it's not already included.

4. Check Your Project Structure

Ensure that your project structure aligns with App Rewired configuration. The src directory should include an `index.js` file and a `routes.js` file, and the configurations files which are either `config-overrides.js` or `` should be in the root directory.

5. Update Your Npm Version

Updating your NPM version might also solve the React App Rewired command not found error. You can update by running the following command:

npm install -g npm@latest

6. Try Creating a New React App from Scratch

Another option you can try is starting a new React App using the Create React App command and integrating App Rewired. Copy over your existing code into this app to see if it solves the error.


React App Rewired is a great library for simplifying the creation of custom configuration files for React apps. However, it's not uncommon to encounter errors like the App Rewired command not found while working with React. Luckily, there are several ways to solve this error, including checking the package.json file, reinstalling packages, updating your NPM version, and ensuring that your environment variables are correctly set. By following the tips above, you can quickly solve the App Rewired command not found error and get back to creating amazing React apps.

React App Rewired Command Not Found

If you're a web developer, you know how frustrating it can be to run into issues with your development environment. One particularly annoying problem is when you try to use the React App Rewired command and get an error saying Command not found. There are a few reasons why this might be happening, but fortunately, there are also solutions you can try to fix it.

First of all, let's go over what the React App Rewired command is. Essentially, it's a tool that allows you to override the default settings of Create React App (CRA) without having to eject from it. This can be useful if you want to customize your webpack configuration or add other plugins, without having to redo all the work that CRA has already done for you.

Now, on to the problem at hand. If you're getting the command not found error when trying to use React App Rewired, here are some possible reasons:

1. You haven't installed React App Rewired globally

If you want to use the command anywhere in your system, you need to install it globally using npm. Here's the command you should run in your terminal:

npm install react-app-rewired -g

Note that you might need to use sudo before this command, depending on your settings.

2. You've installed React App Rewired locally, but haven't added it to your PATH

If you prefer to install packages locally instead of globally, that's okay too. However, you need to make sure that your system knows where to find React App Rewired when you call it. To do that, you can add the local installation directory to your PATH environment variable. Here's how:

export PATH=$(pwd)/node_modules/.bin:$PATH

This command adds the node_modules/.bin directory of your current working directory to the start of your PATH, which means that any commands in that directory will be run before anything else.

3. You're using an outdated version of React App Rewired

If you've followed the above steps and are still getting the command not found error, it's possible that you're using an outdated version of React App Rewired. Make sure to check if there's a newer version available and update your installation accordingly. You can do this by running:

npm update react-app-rewired

4. There's an issue with your system permissions

In some cases, the command not found error might be related to permissions issues on your system. To rule this out, try running the React App Rewired command with sudo:

sudo react-app-rewired

If it runs successfully with sudo, it's likely that there's a problem with your user permissions. This is a more complex issue that might require some troubleshooting, but one potential solution is to change ownership of the relevant directories or files.

5. Your Node.js installation is corrupted or incomplete

Finally, it's possible that the issue is not with React App Rewired itself, but with your Node.js installation. Try reinstalling Node.js from scratch and then installing React App Rewired again. Here's how you can completely uninstall Node.js on a Mac:

  • Run sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/node,lib/node_modules,n,include,node_modules,share/man/ to remove all the Node.js files.
  • Delete any remaining Node.js files that might be scattered around your system, such as /usr/local/share/doc/node.
  • Empty your trash to make sure everything is gone.

After this, you can download and install the latest version of Node.js from the official website.

Hopefully, one of these solutions has helped you fix the command not found error with React App Rewired. Remember that if you're still having trouble, there are many resources online where you can ask for help, including Stack Overflow and the Reactiflux Discord community.

Good luck!

Closing message: Thank you for reading this article about React App Rewired Command Not Found. We hope that it has been helpful in resolving your issue. If you have any further questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

React App Rewired Command Not Found

What is React App Rewired?

React App Rewired is a tool that allows you to customize the default settings of Create React App without ejecting. It gives you the ability to add custom Webpack configurations so that you can override the default configurations and add new functionalities.

Why am I getting a command not found error message?

If you are getting a command not found error when trying to use the react-app-rewired command, it means that the tool is not installed or has not been added to your project dependencies.

How can I fix the command not found error?

  1. Check that you have installed react-app-rewired globally on your machine by running the following command in your terminal:
    • npm install -g react-app-rewired
  2. If you have already installed it, check that it is listed in your global package list by running the following command in your terminal:
    • npm list -g --depth 0 | grep react-app-rewired
  3. If react-app-rewired is not listed, try installing it again with administrative privileges:
    • sudo npm install -g react-app-rewired
  4. If you have installed react-app-rewired locally in your project, make sure that it is listed as a dependency in your package.json file and try running the command with npx like this:
    • npx react-app-rewired

Can I use react-app-rewired without installing it globally?

Yes, you can install react-app-rewired locally in your project as a development dependency and use it with npm scripts. Simply run the following command in your terminal:

  • npm install react-app-rewired --save-dev

Then add a new entry to your package.json file's scripts object:

  • start: react-app-rewired start,
  • build: react-app-rewired build,
  • test: react-app-rewired test

Now you can use npm commands to run your app:

  • npm start
  • npm run build
  • npm run test