Maximizing Performance: Analyzing React App Bundles with Create React App Bundle-Analyzer


Are you tired of bloated React apps that take ages to load? Do you want to optimize your code and improve performance? If so, then the Create React App Bundle-Analyzer is the solution you've been looking for!

With the Bundle-Analyzer, you can easily analyze and visualize your app's bundle size and dependencies. This powerful tool provides detailed insights into how your code impacts your app's performance, enabling you to make informed decisions about optimizations.

But what exactly is the Bundle-Analyzer, and how does it work? Essentially, it's a plugin for Create React App that generates a visual report of your app's bundle size and components. By analyzing this data, you can identify any potential bottlenecks or areas for optimization.

One key benefit of using the Bundle-Analyzer is that it helps you avoid the dreaded code bloat. As any developer knows, as an app grows and evolves, it's easy for the codebase to become unnecessarily large and complex. This can have a significant impact on performance, with slower load times, increased memory usage, and more frequent crashes.

By regularly analyzing your bundle size with the Bundle-Analyzer, you can identify and eliminate any unnecessary code, ensuring that your app is lean and efficient.

Another key advantage of the Bundle-Analyzer is that it provides a clear picture of your app's component hierarchy. This can be particularly useful for larger apps with complex component structures. By visually mapping out these relationships, you can gain a better understanding of how everything fits together, making it easier to spot any potential issues and optimize your code accordingly.

So how do you get started with the Bundle-Analyzer? Fortunately, it's incredibly easy to set up. First, ensure that you have the latest version of Create React App installed. Then, simply install the Bundle-Analyzer plugin via npm:

npm install --save-dev webpack-bundle-analyzer

Once installed, you can generate a bundle report by running the following command:

npm run build -- --stats && webpack-bundle-analyzer build/stats.json

This will create a detailed report of your app's bundle size and dependencies. You can then use this data to identify any potential issues and optimize your code accordingly.

In conclusion, if you're looking to optimize your React app and improve performance, then the Create React App Bundle-Analyzer is a powerful tool that you won't want to miss. By analyzing your app's bundle size and dependencies, you can gain valuable insights into your codebase and streamline your app for maximum efficiency.

So why wait? Give the Bundle-Analyzer a try today and see how it can help you take your app to the next level!


React App Bundle-Analyzer is a tool that enables you to visualize the size of your JavaScript and CSS bundles generated by a Create React App (CRA) project. This tool can help you identify which dependencies are consuming the most disk space. If you have been developing applications for some time, then you already understand that the larger your bundle size, the longer your application takes to load. This can significantly impact user experience, leading to lower page views and increased bounce rates. As such, minimizing your application's bundle size can result in tremendous benefits.In this article, we'll guide you on how to use the Create React App Bundle-Analyzer to visualize and optimize your JavaScript and CSS bundles.

Getting Started

Before we dive into the specifics of using the Create React App Bundle-Analyzer, it's essential to understand that this tool is part of the standard CRA toolchain. As such, if you have installed CRA, you already have access to the tool. To get started, you need to install CRA globally using the following command:

npm install -g create-react-app

Once installed, you can use this command to generate a new React application:

npx create-react-app my-app

Installing the React Bundle-Analyzer

With your CRA project created, the next step is to install the react-scripts package. This package contains all the webpack configurations required to bundle your JavaScript and CSS files. Use the following command to install the react-scripts package:

npm install --save-dev react-scripts

After installing the react-scripts package, you can now proceed to install the Bundle-Analyzer tool.Use the following command:

npm install --save-dev webpack-bundle-analyzer

Using the React Bundle-Analyzer

With Bundle-Analyzer installed, we can now use it to visualize our JavaScript and CSS bundles.To do this, navigate to your project's root directory and add the following line of code to your package.json file:

analyze: NODE_ENV=production webpack --profile --json > stats.json && webpack-bundle-analyzer stats.json

After adding this command to your package.json file, run the following command:

npm run analyze

This command bundles your project for production, generates the necessary data, and launches a local server that visualizes your project's stats. You should see a graph that shows the size of your JavaScript and CSS bundles.It's worth noting that you can use this tool to analyze specific chunks of your application. For example, if you have multiple entry points in your application, you can use the following command to analyze a specific chunk:

npm run analyze -- --env APP_CHUNK=my-chunk

Optimizing Your Bundles

Now that you have an overview of your project's bundle sizes, it's time to start optimizing. In general, there are several ways you can optimize your JavaScript and CSS bundles:
  • Remove unused packages - if you have any packages or modules that aren't being used, remove them entirely from your project.
  • Code splitting - split your code into smaller, more manageable chunks, which are loaded only when required.
  • Minification - reduces the size of your bundles by removing whitespace and comments.
  • Tree shaking - removes unused functions and other code from your bundles, resulting in leaner and more efficient code.


In conclusion, optimizing your application's bundle size can result in significant performance improvements. In this article, we've given you an overview of how to use the Create React App Bundle-Analyzer to visualize and optimize your JavaScript and CSS bundles.By using this tool, you can identify large dependencies that are consuming disk space, analyze specific chunks of your project, and optimize your bundles using techniques such as code splitting, minification, and tree shaking.Overall, optimizing your project's bundle size is a critical step in delivering performant and engaging user experiences for your users.

Create React App Bundle-Analyzer:

React is a popular front-end javascript library, which allows developers to create complex user interfaces with ease. Create React App (CRA) is a pre-configured development environment that allows developers to bootstrap their projects quickly. Bundle Analyzer helps in inspecting and analyzing the output of Webpack, which is a module bundler for Javascript.


Bundle Analyzer allows us to visualize what's inside our application bundle. It provides interactive tree maps that display the size of each module in the bundle. This tool helps developers analyze and optimize the size of the bundle by identifying any wasteful dependencies.In this article, we will compare and contrast Create React App versus Create React App Bundle-Analyzer. We will discuss the features, benefits, and potential drawbacks of each tool.

Create React App:

Create React App (CRA) is a widely used development environment that allows developers to bootstrap their React projects quickly. It is a pre-configured development environment that includes all the necessary tools and dependencies to get started with a React project.Using Create React App eliminates the need for setting up the environment manually, saving developers time and effort. CRA provides an easy-to-use command-line interface that guides developers through the process of creating a new project.Apart from providing a pre-configured development environment, Create React App also provides a build script that compiles the application code into a minified bundle, ready for deployment.

Create React App Bundle Analyzer:

Create React App Bundle Analyzer is a tool that helps developers analyze and optimize the size of their application bundle. It does this by displaying an interactive tree map, which shows the size of each module in the bundle.This tool can help identify any wasteful dependencies and provide insights into how to remove them. It can also help developers optimize the build process by providing insights into the most costly modules in the application.


Create React App and Bundle Analyzer have many features that make them great tools for developing React applications. Here are some of the features of both tools:

Create React App Features:

  • Pre-configured development environment
  • Easy to use command-line interface
  • Easily evolvable configuration system
  • Compiles application code into a minified bundle ready for deployment
  • Supports CSS preprocessors like Sass and Less
  • Built-in development server with hot reloading

Create React App Bundle Analyzer Features:

  • Identifies wasteful dependencies
  • Analyzes the size of each module in the bundle
  • Categorizes modules by size or depth
  • Displays an interactive tree map of the entire bundle
  • Provides insights into the most costly modules in the application


Create React App and Create React App Bundle Analyzer have several benefits for developers. Here are some of the benefits of both tools:

Create React App Benefits:

  • Speeds up the development process by providing a pre-configured environment
  • Reduces the complexity of setting up Webpack and other configurations manually
  • Allows developers to start coding on their React project immediately
  • Minimizes the number of decisions developers need to make up front
  • Enables developers to focus on React specific details instead of infrastructure

Create React App Bundle Analyzer Benefits:

  • Helps optimize the size of the application bundle
  • Identifies wasteful dependencies that can be removed from the application
  • Provides insights into the most costly modules in the application
  • Helps improve the overall performance of the application
  • Enables developers to make data-driven decisions about optimizing the application bundle

Potential Drawbacks:

While Create React App and Create React App Bundle Analyzer have many benefits, there are also potential drawbacks that developers should be aware of.

Create React App Potential Drawbacks:

  • Limited configuration options - unlike setting up Webpack manually
  • Can become difficult to optimize build process as app scales up
  • Less flexible than a custom setup

Create React App Bundle Analyzer Potential Drawbacks:

  • May require additional setup that could be confusing to new users
  • Requires additional installation beyond CRA to utilize this feature
  • Tree mapping may not be intuitive for some users


Create React App is an excellent tool for developers looking to get started quickly with React development. It provides a pre-configured environment that makes it easy for developers to start coding immediately.Create React App Bundle Analyzer is a powerful tool that allows developers to analyze and optimize their application bundle. It provides insights into the size of each module in the bundle, identifies wasteful dependencies and provides suggestions on how to optimize the build process.Both tools have their own unique features and benefits. While Create React App makes it easy to get started quickly, Create React App Bundle Analyzer provides powerful insights that help optimize the application bundle. Developers should consider both tools when building React applications to create the most efficient development and deployment process for their needs.

Create React App Bundle-Analyzer: A Comprehensive Guide

If you're a React developer, optimizing your application's performance must be one of your top priorities. One way to ensure that your app is running efficiently is by using a bundle analyzer. A bundle analyzer tool can provide essential insights into the size and structure of your app's JavaScript bundles. In this article, we'll show you how to use Create React App Bundle-Analyzer to optimize the build of your React application.

What is Create React App Bundle-Analyzer?

Create React App Bundle-Analyzer is an open-source tool that visualizes your app's bundle size and composition. It allows you to identify which dependencies are taking up the most space in your app and optimize them accordingly. The tool runs a webpack build on your app and then generates a report detailing the size and contents of each module. This information can help you make informed decisions about which code to include or exclude from your app's bundle.

How to Install Create React App Bundle-Analyzer

The first step in using Create React App Bundle-Analyzer is to install it. Here's how:

  1. Open your terminal or command line interface
  2. Navigate to your project directory
  3. Run the following command: npm install -g create-react-app
  4. Once the installation is complete, run the following command to create a new React app: npx create-react-app my-app
  5. Next, navigate to your project directory by running: cd my-app
  6. Finally, run the following command to install Create React App Bundle-Analyzer: npm install --save-dev webpack-bundle-analyzer

How to Use Create React App Bundle-Analyzer

Once you have installed Create React App Bundle-Analyzer, you can start using it by running the following command:

npm run build -- --stats

This command tells webpack to create a production build of your app with stats enabled. The stats file is then passed to Create React App Bundle-Analyzer, which analyzes and displays the bundle size and composition of your app.

Analyzing Your Bundle

Once you have run the above command, a new tab will open in your browser displaying the bundle analyzer report. The report provides a visual representation of your app's bundle size and structure. You can use this information to identify which dependencies are taking up the most space in your app's bundle and optimize them accordingly. The report also provides additional information such as module tree depth, module count, and asset size.

Optimizing Your Bundle

After analyzing your app's bundle, you may identify areas that can be optimized to reduce bundle size and improve performance. One way to optimize your app is by code-splitting. Code-splitting enables you to split your app's JavaScript code into separate chunks that can be loaded on an as-needed basis. Another way to optimize your app's bundle is by removing unused dependencies. You can use the webpack-bundle-analyzer tool to identify dependencies that are not being used in your app and remove them.


Creating a React app that performs well requires careful consideration of the app's bundle size and composition. Using tools like Create React App Bundle-Analyzer can help you make informed decisions about which code to include or exclude from your app's bundle and identify areas that can be optimized for better performance. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can start using Create React App Bundle-Analyzer to optimize your React app and ensure that it's running efficiently.

Discovering the Power of Create React App's Bundle-Analyzer

If you're a seasoned developer, or even a beginner looking to create stunning web applications, you're probably familiar with Create React App (CRA). CRA is a tool that helps developers create new React projects with pre-configured settings such as Webpack and Babel. In addition to its default configurations, one of the features of CRA that sets it apart from others is the Bundle-Analyzer.

The Bundle-Analyzer is a powerful tool that allows developers to visually analyze their application bundles. It provides insights into the dependencies, sizes, and functionality of your app. This tool can help optimize your application's performance by identifying unnecessary or bulky code and allowing you to make informed decisions regarding what to include in your final build.

If you haven't used Bundle-Analyzer before, don't worry! In this article, we'll walk you through how to use it effectively, explore some of its best features, and teach you how to integrate it with your applications created using CRA.

Getting Started with Bundle-Analyzer

The first step to utilizing CRA's Bundle-Analyzer is installing it as a package dependency on your existing project. The command to do so is quite simple:

npm install --save-dev webpack-bundle-analyzer

Once the Bundle-Analyzer module is installed, you need to add and configure it in your project's Webpack configuration. Unfortunately, the process of configuring Webpack can be a task in itself, but thanks to CRA, it's nearly effortless.

With CRA, everything is pre-configured, which means you don't have to worry about configuring Webpack or any other settings before using the Bundle-Analyzer. All you need to do is make a small alteration to your CRA setup.

You can do so by opening your package.json file and adding the following command:

analyze: NODE_ENV=production npm run build && webpack-bundle-analyzer build/bundle-stats.json

After that, from your terminal or command line, run the following command:

npm run analyze

This command will generate an HTML report that you can use to analyze your React application's bundle size, dependencies, and more.

Exploring Bundle-Analyzer's Features

One of the most significant advantages of using the Bundle-Analyzer is that it provides you with a visual representation of your application's bundle. By default, this view is displayed in a sunburst chart format, where a bundle is formed as a series of concentric rings. Here are some of the features that you can expect:

  • File Size Breakdown: The Bundle-Analyzer displays the overall size of your JavaScript files, CSS files, and other assets. This feature allows you to see which files are taking up the most space in your application bundle.
  • Dependency Graph: The Dependency Graph shows all dependencies your application is depending on, and how they link together. With the graph, you can see which dependencies are necessary for your app's functionality, and which ones can be removed or optimized.
  • Tree Map View: The TreeMap is an alternative view mode that provides a detailed overview of your application's bundle. The TreeMap represents files as rectangular blocks arranged according to their size.
  • Custom Settings: The Bundle-Analyzer is highly customizable and supports various settings. You can adjust the sorting of files or hide detailed information to only focus on a particular aspect of your application bundle.

Integrating Bundle-Analyzer with CRA Projects

The Bundle-Analyzer can help you optimize your React app by highlighting the areas that need improvement. With that said, if you're developing a new app using CRA, you don't have to worry about adding Bundle-Analyzer manually into your project. Starting from CRA version 3.0, the Bundle-Analyzer is included as a built-in package.

To use it, add the following command to your package.json file:

analyze: npm run build && webpack-bundle-analyzer build/bundle-stats.json

Then from your terminal, simply run:

npm run analyze

Voila! The analysis report generated will help improve your React app's performance and provide valuable insights into its workings. The report can also help you understand how changes affect your app's bundle size. Integrating the Bundle-Analyzer into your existing project is just as simple, as presented earlier.

Closing Message

In conclusion, Create React App's Bundle-Analyzer has become a go-to tool for React developers to optimize their app's performance and improve it by providing an in-depth insight into their app bundles. With detailed visualizations, the Bundle-Analyzer can help you make informed decisions regarding which parts of your app need improvement or optimizations. I highly recommend that you include it in your toolbox, utilize it to its fullest potential and take full advantage of its many features.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope you find it informative and helpful. Don't forget to share your feedback in the comment section below. Happy optimizing!

People Also Ask About Create React App Bundle-Analyzer

What is Create React App Bundle-Analyzer?

Create React App Bundle-Analyzer is a tool that comes bundled with the popular frontend development library, Create React App. It allows developers to analyze the size and composition of their webpack bundle, helping them identify areas where they can optimize their code and reduce load times for their users.

How do I use Create React App Bundle-Analyzer?

To use Create React App Bundle-Analyzer, first you need to have Create React App installed and set up in your project. Once you have done this, you can run the command 'npm run build' to create a production build of your project. During this process, the Bundle-Analyzer tool will be activated and will generate a report detailing the size and contents of your webpack bundle. You can view this report by running the command 'npm run analyze'.

What insights can I gain from using Create React App Bundle-Analyzer?

By using Create React App Bundle-Analyzer, you can gain valuable insights into the composition of your webpack bundle. This includes information on the size of each dependency included in the bundle, how long it takes to load each module, and any duplication or overlap between modules. With this information, you can identify areas where you can optimize your code, such as removing unused dependencies or refactoring code to reduce duplication.

Can I customize the output of Create React App Bundle-Analyzer?

Yes, Create React App Bundle-Analyzer allows developers to customize the output of their bundle analysis report. This can be done by modifying the configuration settings in the project's webpack config file. For more information on how to do this, refer to the official Create React App documentation.

Is Create React App Bundle-Analyzer compatible with other frontend frameworks?

Create React App Bundle-Analyzer was designed to work specifically with the Create React App library, so compatibility with other frontend frameworks may vary. However, there are other similar tools available that can be used with other frameworks, such as Webpack Bundle Analyzer, which can be used with any webpack-based project.