Maximizing Performance: Learn How to Implement Create-React App Tree Shaking


Are you tired of bloated and slow React applications? Wish there was a way to optimize your code and improve performance? Look no further than Create-React App's tree shaking feature.

But what exactly is tree shaking? Essentially, it's the process of eliminating unused code from your application's bundle. This allows for faster load times and a more efficient use of resources. And with Create-React App, implementing tree shaking has never been easier.

First, you'll need to make sure you're running the latest version of Create-React App. Once you've updated, simply add the optimization flag to your package.json file:

 build: react-scripts build, start: react-scripts start, test: react-scripts test, eject: react-scripts eject, optimization: true

With this flag enabled, Create-React App will automatically perform tree shaking during the build process. But how does it know which code to eliminate?

That's where ES6 modules come in. By using ES6 syntax to import and export modules, you're essentially creating a map of your application's dependencies. This map allows Create-React App to determine exactly which code is needed for your application to run, and which can be safely eliminated.

But wait, there's more! Create-React App also offers the option to use the production environment when building your application. This environment enables additional optimizations such as minification and caching, resulting in an even faster and more efficient application.

And if you're still not convinced, consider this: studies have shown that even a 100 millisecond delay in load time can lead to a 7% decrease in conversion rates. By optimizing your application with Create-React App's tree shaking feature, you could potentially increase your conversion rates and improve the overall user experience.

So what are you waiting for? Give Create-React App's tree shaking feature a try and see the difference it can make in your application's performance. Your users (and your bottom line) will thank you.

Create-React App (CRA) is a popular tool for building React applications. It makes setting up and configuring an application much easier by abstracting away many of the complexities involved in building a modern web application. However, one area where CRA falls short is in its support for tree shaking.

What is Tree Shaking?

Tree shaking is a technique used by modern compilers to eliminate unused code from the final bundle that is delivered to the user's browser. This process is essential for performance optimization, as it reduces the size of the bundle, resulting in faster loading times for your application.

The term tree shaking comes from the process of shaking the dependency tree, which allows the compiler to identify unused code and remove it from the final bundle. This process is also known as dead code elimination.

Why is Tree Shaking Important?

Tree shaking is essential for optimizing the performance of your React application. If your bundle contains a lot of unused code, it can slow down the time it takes to load your application. This can lead to a poor user experience and high bounce rates.

In addition to improving the performance of your application, tree shaking can also reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted over the network, resulting in faster load times for users with slow internet connections.

The Problem with CRA and Tree Shaking

One downside of using Create-React App is that it doesn't come with native support for tree shaking. While it is possible to manually configure tree shaking in a CRA application, this process can be unnecessarily complex, especially for developers who are new to the React ecosystem.

How to Enable Tree Shaking in CRA

To enable tree shaking in a Create-React App application, you will need to modify the default configuration. You can do this by ejecting the application, which gives you access to the Webpack configuration.

To eject your CRA application, simply run the following command:

npx react-scripts eject

This will generate a new config directory in your project, which contains the Webpack configuration file. You can modify this file to enable tree shaking.

First, you will need to install the uglifyjs-webpack-plugin:

npm install uglifyjs-webpack-plugin --save-dev

Next, update the Webpack configuration to use the plugin:

const UglifyJSPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');module.exports =  // ... plugins: [ new UglifyJSPlugin({ sourceMap: true, }), ],;

Once you have made these changes, you should be able to build your application with tree shaking enabled.

Using Third-Party Libraries with Tree Shaking

One issue that you may encounter when using tree shaking with Create-React App is that some third-party libraries may not support it out of the box. This is because some libraries may use CommonJS export syntax, which is not compatible with tree shaking.

If you encounter this issue, you can either modify the library or use an alternative library that supports tree shaking.


Tree shaking is an essential optimization technique for modern web applications, and it is especially important for React applications. While Create-React App doesn't come with native support for tree shaking, it is possible to enable it manually by modifying the Webpack configuration.

If you are new to React development, don't be intimidated by the process of enabling tree shaking. With a little bit of practice, you'll be able to optimize your applications for performance like a pro.

Comparison Between Create-React App and Tree Shaking

What is Create-React App?

Create-React App (CRA) is a toolchain used by Facebook to create React applications with no build configuration. It provides an easy-to-use and quick-start way for developers to set up their development environment and get started on creating web applications. CRA comes with all the necessary dependencies installed, including Webpack, Babel, and other third-party modules.

Tree Shaking: A brief overview

Tree shaking is a technique used in JavaScript code optimization to eliminate dead code or unused modules from being included in the final bundle that is shipped to the user's browser. It analyzes the code and eliminates any part of the code that is not required to be executed at runtime, hence making the bundle smaller and faster to load.

CRA and Tree shaking: A comparative analysis

Build Configuration

CRA does not require any build configuration, hence making it easy and quick to start building applications without any hassle. However, tree shaking requires some amount of build configuration to be performed before it can be enabled and used effectively in applications.

Performance Optimization

While CRA comes with many optimizations built into it, it might generate large bundles for applications with a significant amount of code. On the other hand, tree shaking analyzes the code and produces smaller bundles by eliminating dead code and unused modules, hence improving performance and reducing loading times.

Packaging and Delivery

CRA provides a convenient way for developers to package and deliver their applications for deployment. It offers a built-in tool that helps to package and optimize the code for production use. Tree shaking, on the other hand, can be used as a part of the build process to eliminate dead code before deployment.

Dependencies Management

CRA comes with pre-installed dependencies and provides a consistent environment for development. However, it might also install some unnecessary dependencies in the process. Tree shaking, on the other hand, eliminates unused modules and dependencies from being included in the final bundle, hence providing a more effective way of managing dependencies.

Developer Experience

CRA offers an easy-to-use and user-friendly development experience that allows developers to focus on developing applications while CRA takes care of the boilerplate code setup. Tree shaking, on the other hand, requires some amount of build configuration and optimization knowledge to use effectively, which might prove challenging for new developers.

Scalability and Maintenance

CRA provides a scalable and maintainable way of building React applications by providing best practices and maintaining its toolchain. However, large applications might require additional optimizations such as tree shaking to maintain optimal performance. Tree shaking, on the other hand, can help to maintain optimal performance and scalability by eliminating dead code and unused modules as the application grows.


Both CRA and tree shaking are useful tools for developers looking to optimize their React applications. They both provide unique features and benefits that can improve application performance and user experience. While CRA offers an easy-to-use and quick-start way of building React applications, tree shaking eliminates dead code and unused modules, hence providing optimal performance and maintainability. Ultimately, the choice between these two tools depends on the specific needs and requirements of the application being developed.

Criteria Create-React App Tree Shaking
Build Configuration Not required Required
Performance Optimization Some optimizations, but can generate large bundles Cuts down bundle size by removing dead code and unused modules
Packaging and Delivery Built-in tool for packaging and optimizing code Can be used as part of build process to eliminate dead code before deployment
Dependencies Management Pre-installed dependencies, but might install unnecessary ones Eliminates unused modules and dependencies from the final bundle
Developer Experience Easy-to-use and user-friendly Requires some build configuration and optimization knowledge
Scalability and Maintenance Provides best practices and maintains toolchain Eliminates dead code and unused modules as the application grows

Creating Efficient React Apps Using Tree Shaking


Creating modern applications using the React framework has never been easier with the introduction of the Create-React App. The Create-React App is a starter kit that includes all the necessary files and tools for building a React application. One of the essential performance optimization techniques that create-react app offers is known as tree shaking.

What is Tree Shaking?

Tree shaking is a method of eliminating unused code from the final bundle generated by Webpack. By scanning through your code, it separates dead code from live code, thus reducing the size of the final bundle while maintaining functionality.

How Tree Shaking Works in Create-React App

Create-React App uses a production-only configuration, which automatically enables tree shaking so that it can eliminate unused code during optimization. The configuration file responsible for handling the optimization process is the file.

Here's an example of how we can use tree shaking to optimize our code:

```javascriptimport Button, Alert from 'react-bootstrap';function App() return (
Hello world

In this example, we have imported two components from the React Bootstrap library: Button and Alert. As you can see, the Alert component is the only one used in our codebase. However, when we build our code, both components will be included in the final bundle.

How to Optimize Your Code Using Tree Shaking

To keep small bundles and optimize your code to the fullest, follow these steps:

1. Use ES6 Modules

ES6 modules have a static structure. This means that the import or export statements are resolved at compile-time, making it easier for tree shaking to eliminate unused code.

2. Use Named Exports

Exports should be done using named exports, allowing tree shaking to identify components or functions that are used within the application.

3. Avoid Importing Entire Libraries

To optimize your code for tree shaking make sure not to import entire libraries as this process will import all unused modules within the library even though you might only need one component in the entire package.

4. Use Tools to Visualize Your Code Dependencies

Tools such as webpack-bundle-analyzer and source-map-explorer help illustrate the code dependencies by displaying a visual representation of your code’s bundle. This makes it easier to identify components and functions that may not be needed.

5. Use Dynamic Imports

Dynamic imports allow us to asynchronously load a module. This approach helps to reduce the initial bundle size by loading only what is required under specific conditions; hence tree shaking can effectively omit any imports that are never run.


As web applications become more comprehensive and complex, the file size of the code used to build them also increases significantly. Such large bundles slow down web page load times, unfavorable for both the end-users and search engines. By leveraging tree shaking optimization techniques in Create-React App and automating the build process, developers can create more efficient and faster-loading applications.

Create-React App Tree Shaking: A Guide to Optimize Your Front-End Performance

Are you tired of slow-loading webpages? Do you want to optimize your front-end performance? Look no further than Create-React App Tree Shaking. This powerful tool removes unnecessary code from your JavaScript files, resulting in faster load times and improved user experience.

But what exactly is tree shaking? In short, it's a technique that eliminates unused code from your JavaScript files. This is accomplished by analyzing your code and removing any modules or functions that are never called. By reducing the amount of code that needs to be loaded on each page, you can greatly improve your website's performance.

Thankfully, Create-React App makes tree shaking easy. In fact, it's baked right into the build process. When you run npm run build, the code is automatically analyzed and optimized using tree shaking techniques. This means you don't need to manually configure anything - it just works.

However, there are a few things you can do to ensure your code is optimized for tree shaking. For starters, make sure you're using ES6 modules. These modules are easier for the build process to analyze, which means you'll get better results.

You should also avoid default exports when possible. While default exports can be convenient, they're not as efficient for tree shaking as named exports. If you have a module with multiple exports, consider using named exports instead to improve tree shaking performance.

Another tip is to avoid dynamic imports. Dynamic imports are useful for loading code on-demand, but they can be harder for the build process to analyze. If possible, try to use static imports instead.

In addition to these tips, it's important to keep your code clean and organized. Modules that are small and focused are easier to analyze for tree shaking. If you have large, complex modules, consider breaking them up into smaller sub-modules to make the analysis process more efficient.

It's also worth noting that tree shaking isn't a silver bullet. While it can greatly improve your website's performance, it's not a replacement for other optimization techniques like code splitting and lazy loading. However, when used in combination with these techniques, you can create lightning-fast websites that provide a great user experience.

So why should you use Create-React App tree shaking? The answer is simple: to improve your front-end performance. By removing unnecessary code, you can reduce loading times and improve user experience. And because tree shaking is built right into Create-React App, it's incredibly easy to use.

As always, it's important to keep experimenting and trying new things. Every website is different, and what works for one may not work for another. But by using tree shaking as a starting point, you can greatly improve your website's performance and create a better user experience for your visitors.

So go ahead, give Create-React App tree shaking a try. Your users will thank you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide on Create-React App tree shaking. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. We're always looking for ways to improve our content and provide more value to our readers.

People Also Ask about Create-React App Tree Shaking

What is Create-React App?

Create-React App is a tool that enables developers to easily set up a React application with no configuration required. It sets up the environment and all the dependencies you need to start building your app.

What is Tree Shaking?

Tree Shaking is a process of eliminating dead (unused) code from your codebase. In JavaScript, modules can export different functions and variables that might go unused, Tree Shaking allows the developer to remove them from production build to keep the bundle size small and optimize it for performance.

What are the benefits of using Tree Shaking in Create-React App?

Using Tree Shaking in Create-React App can provide various benefits such as:

  1. Optimizes your application’s performance by removing the unused code which helps reduce the bundle size.
  2. Improves website load times which help in boosting user experience.
  3. Reduce page bounce rate by improving website loading speed, resulting in better conversion and engagement rate.
  4. Reduces extra costs on hosting and maintenance by utilizing less server resources for hosting smaller files.

How to enable Tree Shaking in Create-React App?

Follow these steps to enable Tree Shaking in Create-React App:

  1. In your Create-React App project, navigate to package.json file.
  2. Search for “sideEffects” property and set it to false. This will disable the side effects for all files imported through the application.
  3. Add the following property optimization in package.json file:
    • optimization:
    •  minimize: true,
    •  splitChunks: { chunks: all }
  4. Save the changes and run the build command to generate your application build. The Tree Shaking process will automatically remove the unused code from the production build.