Maximizing Your College Admissions with Common App Activities: How Many Hours Per Week Is Ideal?


As a high school student, you have heard about the Common Application. It is an online platform that allows applying to multiple colleges and universities. Apart from sharing your academic qualifications, standardized test scores, and personal statement, there is another essential aspect of the Common App that colleges consider- activities and hours per week.

Have you wondered how many hours per week are required for your extracurricular activities section? This article will answer all your questions so that your application stands out in competition.

What are Common App Activities?

Extracurricular activities include everything you do outside the classroom, including sports, volunteering, clubs, or hobbies. The Common App includes ten sections for activities, with space for 50 characters for the activity name, followed by 150 characters for the description.

Why are Activities Important?

Admission officers value a student's activity section to understand interests, dedication, leadership, teamwork, initiative, and creativity. Your achievements can reveal your commitment to excellence, time management skills, and ability to balance schoolwork and repetitive tasks.

How Many Hours Per Week Should You Dedicate to Each Activity?

There is no predetermined number of hours per week for each activity. Instead, quality over quantity is essential. Colleges care more about what you contributed to a specific activity rather than the number of hours spent on it.

I used to think that three hours of volunteering were better than one, but it depends on what you did during those three hours. Quality over quantity always wins. - Mia, Eleventh Grader.

What Do Colleges Look For In Your Activity Section?

All colleges receive thousands of applications, and they use your activity section to differentiate yourself from other applicants. That is why demonstrating passion and commitment is essential. Colleges are not impressed by students who list numerous activities without any depth or leadership.

I would rather see a student who dedicates 100 hours to an activity they love, surrounded by like-minded peers, than a student who barely shows up for four years. - Jeff Schiffman, Director of Admission at Tulane University.

What Are The Common App Activities Hour Categories?

The Common App includes seven categories that capture the most popular activities. These include arts, athletics, clubs and organizations, employment, family duties, leadership, and volunteering or community service. It is important to note that each category is not equal in admission officer's eyes. Some activities showcase more leadership or initiative skills, such as starting your own club or representing your school in a state competition.

How Can You Use Your Time Wisely?

Before selecting your activities, think about how you can use your time wisely to showcase your interests and achievements. Consider your school schedule and responsibilities outside the classroom, such as family or work obligations.

When reviewing an application, I pay attention to the story behind the student's activities and how they show more than just resume padding. - Samantha, Admission Officer.


In conclusion, while there is no specific number of hours per week to dedicate to each activity, admission officers value quality over quantity. Colleges seek committed students who demonstrate passion, leadership, and creativity. Therefore, think wisely before selecting your activities, showcase your interests, and remember that your activities help you stand out from others in the admission process.

Make sure that you dedicate time to write thoughtfully and accurately on your application. Your dedication and attention will allow admission officers to have a clearer picture of who you are outside of the classroom.

When filling out the Common Application, one section that may cause confusion is the Activities section. This is where applicants list their extracurricular involvement and provide information on the time commitment they had for each activity. Specifically, the Common App asks for the number of hours per week spent on each activity.

What counts as an activity?

Before diving into how many hours per week to list for each activity, it's important to understand what counts as an activity. The Common Application defines activities as any extracurricular involvements that you have participated in since your freshman year of high school.

This includes clubs, sports teams, volunteer work, music groups, theatre productions, internships, jobs, and any other organized activity. It's crucial to note that individual hobbies or interests, such as reading or playing video games, are not considered activities and should not be listed on the application.

How many hours per week should you list for each activity?

When it comes to listing the number of hours per week spent on each activity, there is no definitive answer. However, there are some guidelines to follow.

Quality over quantity

Admissions officers are not looking for students who are involved in dozens of activities and spend minimal time on each one. Instead, they are looking for applicants who show passion and dedication in a few areas. Therefore, it's better to list a few activities that you are truly committed to rather than many that you only spend a few hours on each week.

Be honest

While it's important to showcase your involvement and dedication to extracurriculars, it's equally important to be honest about the amount of time you spend on each activity. Listing a high number of hours per week may seem impressive, but it can also be a red flag to admissions officers who may doubt the accuracy of your application.

Consider the activity's intensity and time commitment

The number of hours per week for an activity can vary widely depending on the nature of the activity. For example, a varsity sports team may require 15-20 hours per week of practice and games, while a volunteer club may only require a few hours per month. Therefore, it's important to consider the time commitment and intensity of each activity when listing the hours per week.

Don't exaggerate

It's important to accurately represent the number of hours per week spent on each activity. Exaggerating this number can hurt your credibility as an applicant. Admissions officers can usually tell if an applicant has exaggerated their involvement, and this can ultimately harm your chances of being admitted.

Why does the number of hours per week matter?

The number of hours per week is an important aspect of the Activities section because it gives admissions officers an idea of how dedicated you are to each activity. It's also a way for them to assess whether your interests align with those of the college or university. For example, if you're applying to a school known for its strong focus on community service and activism, listing high hours per week for volunteer work is likely to appeal to admissions officers.

What if I have multiple activities during the same time period?

It's not uncommon for students to have multiple extracurriculars during the same time period. In this case, it's acceptable to list the same number of hours per week for each activity. However, it's important to note in the description that you were involved in multiple activities during the same period.

For example, if you were on the basketball team and in a theatre production during your junior year, and both activities required 15 hours per week, then you can list both as requiring 15 hours per week. However, be sure to specify in the description that you were involved in both activities during the same period.


The number of hours per week spent on each activity is an important aspect of the Common Application. While there is no definitive answer to how many hours to list for each activity, it's important to showcase your passion and commitment while also being honest and accurate. Admissions officers are looking for students who are genuinely interested in their extracurricular activities, and listing high but inflated numbers of hours per week can do more harm than good.

Comparison of Common App Activities Hours per Week


The Common Application, commonly referred to as Common App, is an online platform for students applying to universities and colleges in the United States. One of the crucial components of a Common App application is the activities section. Applicants are required to detail all their extracurricular activities throughout high school and the hours per week spent on each. This article compares the average Common App activities hours per week of successful applicants to top universities in the US.


To compare the Common App activities hours per week, we analyzed data from ten top-ranked universities in the US. They are Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, Princeton University, Yale University, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), University of Chicago, Columbia University, Duke University, and Brown University. We used a combination of admissions data published by these universities and data provided by PrepScholar, a leading college and test prep resource.

Average Common App Activities Hours per Week

According to PrepScholar, the average Common App activities hours per week for successful applicants to top-ranked universities in the US is 11-15 hours per week, with the majority falling between 5-20 hours per week. Caltech and MIT lead the trend with an average of 20 hours per week, followed by Harvey Mudd College with 17 hours per week on average. The University of Chicago and Brown University had a lower average of 7-8 hours per week.

The Impact of Extracurricular Activities

Universities in the US consider extracurricular activities to be an important aspect of a student's application. It demonstrates their interests, personality, and abilities outside the classroom. The Common App activities section provides applicants with an opportunity to showcase skills like leadership, teamwork, and creativity. The number of hours spent on an activity is less important than the quality and impact of the activity. A student who invests significant time in one or two activities, demonstrates leadership or starts a new initiative is considered more impactful than a student who participates in many activities but with no real impact.

How Activities Hours are Assessed

Although universities use the Common App activities hours as one criterion when reviewing applications, it's not the only consideration. Admissions officers also look at the type of activity, how the student benefited from the activity, and what skills they gained. Extracurricular activities that align with a student's intended major are also viewed favorably.

The Importance of Authenticity

Students must remember that authenticity is key when filling in their Common App activities. The activities listed should reflect the students' genuine interests, passions, and commitments. Applying to university is not just about getting admitted; it's about finding the right fit. Rigging your application with fake activities can backfire and be detrimental to your admission prospects.

Balance or Specialization?

Another question students often grapple with is whether to specialize in a particular activity or maintain balance across multiple activities. There's no clear-cut answer to this question, as it depends on individual circumstances. Some universities may prefer applicants with a focused expertise in a particular area, while others are keen on well-rounded individuals. Maintaining a balance between academics and extracurricular activities is also essential.

The Harvard Advantage

According to the Harvard admissions website, they don't have specific requirements regarding the number of extracurricular activities or hours per week. They encourage applicants to showcase their impact, growth, and commitment to their activities through brief descriptions. This flexible approach allows for a more holistic understanding of the applicant's character.

Table Comparison

University Average Hours per Week
Caltech 20
MIT 20
Harvey Mudd College 17
Princeton University 15
Yale University 13
Stanford University 12-14
Columbia University 11-20
Duke University 10
Brown University 7-8
University of Chicago 7-8


The Common App activities section provides students applying to universities in the US with a platform to showcase their interests, talents, and commitments beyond academics. However, the number of hours devoted to each activity is not the most important factor in the admission decision. Admissions officers evaluate the quality and impact of extracurricular activities on a case-by-case basis. Every university has its unique approach to evaluating the Common App activities section. It's important for applicants to consider the type of activities that align with their interests and strengths, express authenticity, and maintain a balance between academics and extracurricular commitments.

How to Fill Out Common App Activities Hours Per Week


When it comes to applying for college, completing the Common Application is an essential part of the process. Among the information required on the application is a section where you must list your extracurricular activities. This section includes a field for “hours per week” spent on each activity. Many students find this aspect of the application challenging, especially if they have participated in multiple activities or haven’t planned ahead for this requirement. However, with some forward thinking and organization, filling out the hours per week field can be a manageable task.

Why is “hours per week” important?

The hours per week field is an essential component of the extracurricular activities section on the Common Application for a few reasons. First, it helps admissions officers understand the level of commitment you’ve made to your activities and the time management skills you’ve developed. Additionally, the number of hours per week you list can illustrate your dedication to the activity and give admissions officers a sense that you’ll bring that same level of commitment to your studies and campus involvement in college.

How to approach filling out the “hours per week” field

To begin the process of filling out the “hours per week” field, start by making a comprehensive list of all the extracurricular activities you’ve participated in over the past few years. This list should include everything from sports teams to clubs to volunteer work. Once you’ve made your list, estimate the number of hours per week you spent on each activity. A good rule of thumb is to think about the length of time each activity took and how often you participated.

Be specific

When estimating the hours per week, be specific and honest. For example, if you were on a sports team, consider practices, games, and travel time. If you were in a club, count the time it took to attend meetings, prepare for events, and participate in any activities or fundraisers. The key is to be realistic and specific about your involvement.

Make a plan

If you haven’t kept track of your hours per week throughout high school, you might need to do some math to come up with an accurate estimate. To make this process easier, create a timeline of your extracurricular activities and the dates you participated in them. This will help you estimate how many hours per week you spent on each activity during that time period.

Tips for Filling Out the “Hours Per Week” Field

1. Don’t underestimate your participation

It’s easy to forget just how much time you spent on your extracurricular activities when you’re in the thick of it. For this reason, don’t underestimate the number of hours per week you spent participating in each one. Remember, admissions officers are looking for students who are committed to their activities and will work hard in college.

2. Prioritize your activities

If you have more than ten extracurricular activities to list on the Common App, prioritize the ones that were most important to you and that you devoted the most time to. Admissions officers will understand that you can’t devote equal time to every activity, so focus on highlighting the ones that were most meaningful to you.

3. Use a consistent format

When describing each activity, use a consistent format to keep your entries clean and easy to read. Consider using bullet points or short paragraphs to describe each activity, including the name of the organization, your role, and the amount of time you spent participating each week.

4. Use action verbs

When describing your activities, use strong action verbs to illustrate your involvement. Instead of saying “participated in,” say “organized,” “led,” “facilitated,” or “created.” These verbs demonstrate your initiative and leadership skills, which are highly valued by admissions officers.

5. Edit carefully

Before you submit your application, review your extracurricular activities section carefully to ensure that you’ve included all relevant information. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure that all formatting is consistent. Remember, this section is a reflection of you and your accomplishments, so take the time to make it shine.


Filling out the Common App’s extracurricular activities section can be daunting, but with some thoughtful planning and attention to detail, you can make a strong case for your involvement in high school. Be honest about the hours per week you spent on each activity, prioritize the ones that were most meaningful to you, and use strong action verbs to illustrate your participation. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating a compelling picture of your involvement in high school and your potential as a college student.

Understanding the Common App Activities Hours Per Week Requirement

When it comes to applying for college, one of the most common requirements you'll come across is filling out the Common Application, also known as the Common App. This application serves as a comprehensive application that allows you to apply to multiple schools at once, streamlining the process and saving you time. Within the Common App, one aspect that often causes confusion is the Activities section, specifically the requirement to report the hours per week spent on each activity.

First and foremost, it's essential to understand why this requirement exists. The Common App Activities section aims to give colleges an overall understanding of how you spend your time outside of academics. This section helps admission officers get a better sense of who you are, what you're passionate about, and how you've dedicated yourself to your interests over time. The hours per week column is an extra level of detail that helps admission officers understand the level of commitment you have to your extracurricular activities.

While it can be challenging to estimate the number of hours you spend on each activity, it's essential to do so as accurately as possible. Keep in mind that admission officers will be reviewing your application holistically and want to see dedication and commitment to your chosen activities. With that said, don't feel obligated to exaggerate your hours to sound more impressive. Admission officers are trained to spot inconsistencies, and lying about your time spent on an activity could ultimately hurt your application rather than help it.

When filling out the Common App Activities section, it's crucial to focus on quality over quantity. It's better to list a few activities that you've been dedicated to long-term than to scramble to fill out the 10 activity spots with irrelevant or short-term experiences just to reach the required number. Keep in mind that admission officers value depth of experience over sheer quantity.

Additionally, make sure to pay attention to the order in which you list your activities. The order can impact how admission officers view your application and could potentially increase your chances of getting accepted. Consider listing your most significant, long-term commitment first, as this will likely make the most significant impression on admission officers.

Lastly, consider using the Additional Information section to elaborate on any significant or meaningful extracurricular activities that you didn't have enough space to explain fully in the Activities section. This section is a great place to provide context and depth to your experiences and show admission officers why these activities are so important to you.

Overall, the Common App Activities section is an essential aspect of the college application process that requires careful consideration and attention to detail. While it can be challenging to estimate the number of hours spent on each activity, try your best to be as accurate and honest as possible. By doing so, you'll give admission officers a better sense of who you are and what you're passionate about. Remember that quality trumps quantity, and that highlighting your most significant, long-term commitments is the best approach.

In conclusion, the Common App Activities Hours Per Week requirement is something that students need to think through carefully. As much as possible, students must report their hours spent on each activity accurately. Remember that exaggerating the time spent may hurt rather than help the application. Quality over quantity should also be considered when filling out the activities section. Lastly, students should use the Additional Information section to elaborate on important activities they could not fully explain in the Activities section. Take these tips into account when filling out the Common App Activities section, and you're well on your way to presenting yourself in the best possible light to admissions officers.

Good luck with your college applications!

People Also Ask About Common App Activities Hours Per Week

What are common app activities?

Common App or Common Application activities refer to the list of extracurricular activities that high school students could include in their college application. These activities range from sports, clubs, volunteering, community service, internships, music, art, and more.

Is there a required number of hours for common app activities?

No, there is no required number of hours for common app activities. The Common App website doesn't specify a minimum or maximum number of hours that a student should have for their activities.

How many hours per week should I spend on my common app activities?

There is no exact answer to this question as it depends on the quality of your activities rather than the quantity. However, it is recommended to have at least one or two activities that demonstrate a long-term commitment and can showcase leadership, personal growth, and impact in your community.

Do colleges prefer quality or quantity of common app activities?

Colleges prefer quality over quantity when it comes to common app activities. Admissions officers are more interested in seeing your passion and dedication towards your chosen activities, rather than simply listing a bunch of activities without any significant accomplishments or contributions. It's crucial to choose activities that align with your interests and show a different side of yourself to the admissions committee.

What if I don't have any common app activities?

It's not mandatory to have common app activities to be accepted into college. However, having extracurricular activities can make you stand out among other applicants and improve your chances of being accepted. If you don't have any activities, it's not too late to start exploring different interests and getting involved in your community.

Overall, the number of hours you spend on your activities isn't as important as the impact and quality of your involvement. Choose activities that you are passionate about and make sure they align with your personal and academic goals. Good luck!