Monochrome Magic: Embrace the Simplicity of the Black and White YouTube App Icon


Have you noticed the new black and white YouTube app icon? It's a simple design change, but does it represent something more significant?

The switch from the classic red and white logo to a minimalist version has caught the attention of many users. But why would YouTube make such a significant alteration to its iconic image?

Perhaps the company is aiming for a more sophisticated look, showing that they're taking their platform more seriously and want to emphasize their professionalism. However, it's also possible that it's a part of a broader trend towards minimalism in design that's been taking over the tech industry.

Whatever the reason, the black and white YouTube app icon is absolutely eye-catching, which is no doubt what the designers were going for. It's simple yet bold, and it certainly makes you take notice.

The color scheme itself is fascinating as well, particularly because black and white don't typically go hand-in-hand with YouTube - a platform that's all about color and bright visuals. The designers must have had good reasons for choosing this particular palette.

But let's not forget the most important question - how do users feel about the new design? Are they embracing the change, or clinging to the old red and white icon with nostalgia?

According to YouTube's official Twitter account, the reception has been overwhelmingly positive. They even went so far as to say that their new icon is so fresh, so clean, so ready to browse YouTube! But of course, there's always going to be a few critics out there.

Regardless of personal opinions, one thing's for sure - the black and white YouTube app icon is here to stay. So, whether you love it or hate it, you better get used to seeing it on your home screen.

In conclusion, the decision to change such a globally recognized logo is a bold move for YouTube, but it appears to have paid off. The sleek and modern design has created quite a buzz, and users seem to be enjoying the change. After all, sometimes, less is more.

If you still miss the classic red and white logo, don't worry - you can always find it on older versions of the app. But who knows - maybe in a year or two, we'll all be looking back at the black and white icon with fondness and nostalgia. Only time will tell.

The Significance of the Black and White Youtube App Icon

It’s hard to imagine a world without YouTube, considering the vast amount of entertainment and information it has brought us over the years. But have you ever wondered about the significance of the app icon that is recognized worldwide? The black and white YouTube app icon, with the red rectangle encasing a triangle, has come a long way from its early days, and it represents the evolution of YouTube as we know it today.

The Early Days

When YouTube was initially launched in 2005, the app icon looked significantly different from what it is now. It had the same red rectangular outline, but the inside contained the company’s name ‘YouTube’. The font was simple and did not possess any unique features related to branding or identity recognition. However, this changed in 2011 when Google acquired YouTube.

The New Icon

Google revamped the YouTube logo in 2011 to its present-day black and white design. The aim was to simplify the app icon and create a distinctively recognizable brand image. The monochrome design was seen as a bold and innovative move at the time, given the bright, colorful logos used by competitors. Google, however, believed that the redesign would improve brand recognition and make the app more user-friendly.

The Symbolism of Black and White

A black and white color scheme for an app icon may seem like an odd choice if you’re trying to stand out. However, it was an intentional decision by the Google design team. Black and white represent two extremes, with black being associated with seriousness, elegance, and luxury, while white is aligned with purity, simplicity, and clarity. It was thought that a combination of these two colors would create a powerful contrast that would make the app stand out.

The Red Rectangle

The red rectangle encasing the white triangle has also been a constant feature in YouTube’s app icon design. It was introduced in the early days of the app as part of the branding. The red color is associated with energy, passion, and love, and choosing it to complement the black and white design was another intentional move to add a pop of color. The rectangle around the triangle serves to emphasize the video player controls and acts as a visual anchor.


The black and white YouTube app icon may seem simple, but its design is intentional and well-thought-out. The Google team of designers wanted to convey refinement, clarity, and an overall sophisticated brand identity, and they succeeded. The icon’s subtle symbolism and minimalist design have become synonymous with the YouTube brand, and it is easily recognized by people around the world. This just goes to show how much thought and effort goes into designing a successful app icon that can stand the test of time.

Comparison of Black and White YouTube App Icon


The YouTube app icon is one of the most recognizable icons in the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users. The logo has undergone several redesigns over the years, but the two most common versions are the black and white icons. In this article, we will compare the differences between the black and white YouTube app icons.

The Evolution of the YouTube App Icon

The original YouTube app icon was launched in 2005 and featured a red rectangle with a white triangle inside, representing the play button. Over the years, the logo has evolved and changed multiple times. In 2011, the red rectangle became a square and the white triangle was placed within a red circle, symbolizing the record button.

Black vs. White YouTube App Icon

In 2017, YouTube introduced a new design that gave users the option to switch between the black and white app icons. The black icon features a white rectangle with a red Play button in the center, while the white icon has a black rectangle with a red Play button in the center. The following are the differences between the two app icons:

Color Contrast

One obvious difference between the black and white YouTube app icons is the color contrast. The black icon has high color contrast, making it more visible and eye-catching. Conversely, the white icon has low color contrast, making it less visible and not as attention-grabbing.

FeaturesBlack IconWhite Icon
Color ContrastHighLow
BackgroundCan blend with dark backgroundsCan blend with light backgrounds
VisibilityMore visible and eye-catchingLess visible
CleanlinessLooks less clutteredLooks more cluttered


The black YouTube app icon blends well with dark backgrounds, making it easier to see against a background that is predominantly black. On the other hand, the white icon blends well with light backgrounds, making it easier to see against a predominantly white background.


Based on color contrast and background compatibility, the black YouTube app icon is more visible and catches the eye faster than the white icon. It has the tendency to stand out on both dark and light backgrounds, making it easier to spot.


If you are looking for cleanliness and minimalistic feel, the black YouTube app icon might be a better fit. It feels less cluttered since the user's eyes are instantly drawn to the prominent, central red play button. In contrast, the white logo may seem more cluttered because the black borders of the rectangle may not sink into the white background as easily as the black background that surrounds the rectangle in the black icon.

Brand Recognition

One thing YouTube always gets right with its app icons — whether it’s black or white — is brand recognition. The logo resembles the red and white icon used on the YouTube website and on the standalone desktop icon.


Both the black and white YouTube app icons have their unique features, and users’ preference could vary depending on personal taste. However, when it comes to visibility and clarity, the black icon is the clear winner. Nonetheless, users can choose what best fits them since there is no noticeable difference in functionality and brand recognition between both icons.

How to Change YouTube App Icon to Black and White


The YouTube app icon is an essential part of its brand image, and it has undergone several changes over the years. If you are bored with the usual red and white background of the YouTube app icon, you can choose to switch it up by going for the black and white version. In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to change your YouTube App icon to black and white.

Step 1: Find an App Icon

The first step is to find a suitable black and white app icon for YouTube. There are various options available on the internet, and you can pick one that best suits your preference. You can save the icon to your phone or computer once you have found one.

Step 2: Download a Custom Icon App

To be able to change the YouTube app icon to black and white, you need to download a custom icon app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. There are various free applications available, such as Icon Changer, CocoPPa, or Shortcut Maker.

Step 3: Install and Open the Custom Icon App

Once you have downloaded the application, install and open it on your phone. Most custom icon applications work in similar ways, but some may require more advanced steps.

Step 4: Select YouTube App

Navigate to the ‘Select the object’ option and choose the YouTube app from the list of applications installed on your phone.

Step 5: Choose the Black and White App Icon

You can select the black and white app icon that you saved in Step 1 by navigating to the ‘Change Icon’ or ‘Select Image’ option. Choose the file you downloaded and wait for it to load on the application.

Step 6: Set the New Icon

Once the icon has loaded, the custom icon app will prompt you to ‘Set’ the new icon. Tap on it to complete the process.

Step 7: Refresh Your Home Screen

Now, go to your phone’s home screen and refresh it. You should be able to see the black and white YouTube app icon substituting the original red and white icon.

Step 8: Re-arrange the Icons

It is recommended to re-arrange the icons on your phone's home screen, so the new black and white YouTube app icon stands out. Drag and drop the icon to your preferred location.

Step 9: Hide the Original YouTube App Icon

It is best practice to hide the original YouTube app icon once you have changed it to black and white. To do this, simply hold down the original YouTube app icon until a list of options appears on the screen. Select ‘Remove from Home Screen’ or ‘Uninstall,’ depending on your device model.

Step 10: Enjoy Your New YouTube App Icon

Congratulations! You have successfully changed your YouTube app icon to black and white. Enjoy your new customized icon and stand out from the crowd.


The procedure to change your YouTube app icon to black and white is straightforward and easy to follow. This tutorial enhances your phone's visual appeal and can be personalized to your taste. Enjoy using your new customized YouTube app icon.

The Meaning Behind The Black And White Youtube App Icon

It's hard to imagine a world without YouTube, especially with its iconic app icon that has become so synonymous with the platform. The simple black and white color scheme featured in the icon has become something of a staple in the world of app design. Have you ever stopped to consider what the meaning behind the black and white YouTube app icon is?

For starters, black and white is often thought of as the classic color scheme - it's timeless and can be used in a wide range of designs. The two colors are also seen as opposites - black symbolizes darkness, negativity, and grief while white represents purity, cleanliness and positivity.

The YouTube app has gone through several redesigns before finally settling on its current black and white icon. In 2013, the designers released a colorful icon, which was received with mixed reviews from users. Three years later, they decided to revert back to the classic black and white design that we know today, which has become much more popular over time.

One possible reason why black and white works so well for the YouTube app is that it doesn’t distract or overwhelm the user. Instead, the design allows users to fully appreciate the variety of content that is available on the platform, without being distracted by the app itself.

Another reason why the black and white works is because of how it enhances contrast, making it easy to read text against the background. This is particularly important for an app that relies heavily on written content like video titles, descriptions, comments and captions.

Furthermore, the black and white color scheme helps convey trust, stability, and dependability. A platform as large and influential as YouTube needs an app icon that users can trust and rely on, and this icon does just that.

The Black and White color scheme also has a powerful impact on human emotion. Because of their strong association with black, white, and neutrality, black and white colors spark feelings of stability, balance, and clarity. It's no surprise then that YouTube's black and white app icon has become iconic, and an essential marketing tool for the brand.

The design also allows for versatility in marketing and branding efforts by the platform. The YouTube app icon is easily recognizable in any setting, so it can be easily used across the website, social media platforms, or print materials without losing its effectiveness and impact.

Overall, the decision to stick with a black and white app icon appears to have been a wise choice for YouTube. It’s simple, timeless, and versatile which makes it the perfect reflection of a brand that prides itself on being accessible, reliable, and always evolving.

In conclusion, the black and white YouTube app icon has become just as iconic as the world's largest video-sharing platform itself. The design is sleek, minimalist, versatile and most importantly, easy to recognize.The timeless appeal of black and white gives the app a sense of dependability and trustworthiness. Thanks for taking the time to learn more about the meaning behind this iconic app icon.

Please feel free to leave a comment below and let us know how often you use the YouTube app and if you think the black and white design was a good choice.

Black And White Youtube App Icon

What is the Black and White YouTube App Icon?

The Black and White YouTube App Icon is the new official icon for the YouTube app on mobile devices. Instead of the usual red and white color scheme, this icon features a minimalistic black and white design.

Why did YouTube change their App Icon to Black and White?

YouTube changed their app icon to black and white to create a more modern look and feel that better aligns with their overall visual design. The move towards a more minimalist design also reflects current design trends in the tech industry.

When was the Black and White YouTube App Icon introduced?

The Black and White YouTube App Icon was introduced in 2017 and has since become the standard icon used for the YouTube app on mobile devices.

Do all devices have the Black and White YouTube App Icon?

Not all devices have the Black and White YouTube App Icon. Some older devices may still display the original red and white icon while newer devices will automatically display the updated version.

Can I change the YouTube App Icon back to red and white?

No, you cannot change the YouTube App Icon back to red and white. The black and white icon is now the official branding for the YouTube app on mobile devices and cannot be changed by the user.

Will YouTube change the App Icon again in the future?

It is possible that YouTube may change the app icon again in the future, as companies often update their branding and visual design over time. However, there has been no indication at this time that a new app icon is in the works.