Not On My Christian App Meme: The Viral Internet Phenomenon Taking Over Social Media


In the age of social media, memes have become a ubiquitous part of online culture. They can range from hilarious to heartwarming, but sometimes they can cross over into controversial territory. One recent example is the Not On My Christian App meme that has been making the rounds on various platforms.

At its core, the meme is a satirical take on the idea of people being offended by various things on social media platforms that they themselves have chosen to interact with. The phrase Not On My Christian App is often used in response to content that some might deem inappropriate or offensive, but which others find perfectly harmless.

On the surface, the meme might seem harmless enough. After all, it's just poking fun at a certain type of overly-sensitive social media user. But upon closer examination, there are some problematic aspects to it that are worth exploring.

For one thing, the meme is often used in a way that implies that Christians are somehow more morally superior than others. This is not only untrue, but it's also unfair to those who don't identify as Christian. It perpetuates the idea that Christians are the only ones who have a monopoly on good values, which simply isn't the case.

Additionally, using the phrase Not On My Christian App implies that all Christians share the same beliefs and values when it comes to things like morality and decency. In reality, Christianity is a diverse faith with many different denominations and interpretations of scripture. To lump all Christians together as if they all think the same way is both inaccurate and disrespectful.

So what can be done about this meme? For starters, we can all be more conscious of the language we use online and how it might be perceived by others. Instead of using phrases that could be seen as exclusionary or judgmental, we can try to be more inclusive and open-minded in our approach.

We can also strive to learn more about different faiths and cultures so that we can better understand where others are coming from. Instead of assuming that everyone thinks like we do, we can make an effort to listen to different perspectives and appreciate the diversity of experiences that make up our world.

Ultimately, the Not On My Christian App meme is just one example of how easily misunderstandings can arise on social media. But by being more mindful of our language and seeking to understand others, we can help create a more inclusive and compassionate online community. So the next time you see the meme making its rounds, why not take a moment to think about the underlying messages it's conveying?


The “Not on my Christian app” meme has been gaining popularity in the recent years, specifically on social media and the internet. It has been used to express disapproval or rejection of certain concepts or ideas that goes against Christianity. While the meme has become a humorous way of expressing one’s belief, it has also sparked debates on the true meaning behind it.

The Origin of the Meme

The origins of the meme remain unclear, but it became widely known through its use on various social media platforms. The phrase “not on my Christian app” was first popularized on TikTok where it was used as an ironic commentary on controversial issues.

What Does the Meme Mean?

The meme has been interpreted in different ways, depending on the context of its use. Some people see it as an expression of disapproval or distaste towards certain behaviors or beliefs, while others see it as a statement of faith or moral authority.

The Dark Side of the Meme

While the meme is often used in a lighthearted manner, it has also been used to justify hate speech and intolerance towards certain groups or individuals. Some people have used it to discriminate against LGBTQ+ communities, people of other religions, and those with opposing political views.

A Christian Perspective

From a Christian perspective, the “not on my Christian app” meme can be interpreted in several ways. Some Christians believe that the phrase encapsulates their values and beliefs, such as honoring God’s commandments and living a virtuous life. For others, the meme is seen as a way to express unity and belonging within the Church.

What Would Jesus Do?

However, it’s essential to remember that Jesus taught us to love one another, regardless of our differences. The meme can sometimes be used in a way that is contrary to this teaching, and it is crucial for Christians to be aware of this and avoid participating in any kind of behavior that goes against what Jesus would do.

The Importance of Respect

Respect is vital in any conversation or debate, and it should be kept in mind when using the “not on my Christian app” meme. Disagreements can arise over specific issues that go against Christian values, but respect should be given to all individuals, regardless of their stance.


The “not on my Christian app” meme is here to stay, and it will continue to be used as a way of expressing different viewpoints and opinions. While it can be interpreted in various ways, it’s important for Christians to remember that love and respect should be at the forefront of every debate or discussion.

We should strive to be kind and show agape love to all irrespective of what we believe. As believers, let us extend our hearts to everyone so that people will come to know and experience the love of Christ.

Comparing the Hilarious Not on My Christian App Meme


The internet is a funny place, and memes are a part of what makes it so entertaining. There are many memes that have become iconic, and one of them is the Not On My Christian App meme. This meme has been spreading around social media platforms for some time now, and it has taken the internet by storm. The idea behind the meme is to show something that would be considered inappropriate on a Christian app, and then put the words Not On My Christian App over the image. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the Not On My Christian App meme and compare it to other popular memes.

Origins of the Meme

The origin of the Not On My Christian App meme is not entirely clear. It seems to have started on Tumblr in 2018, but it quickly spread to other social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. The first known use of the phrase Not On My Christian App came from a Tumblr post that showed a screenshot of an inbox message on a dating app with a very explicit message. The person who had received the message responded with not on my Christian Tumbler, and that's how the meme started.

Notable Examples

One of the most famous examples of the Not On My Christian App meme is the one that shows a screenshot of the infamous 2 Girls 1 Cup video. The image is cropped, so you can't see anything graphic, but you can tell what's happening. The words Not On My Christian App are written in bold white letters over the image. Another popular example shows a cartoon character smoking a cigarette. Again, the image is cropped so that you only see the cigarette, and then the words Not On My Christian App are added.

Comparison to Other Memes

When it comes to comparing the Not On My Christian App meme to other memes, it stands out as unique. There are certainly other memes that involve acknowledging something inappropriate, but with the added Christian element, it takes on a new layer of humor. Another meme that has similarities to Not On My Christian App is the I don't do drugs, I am drugs meme. This meme features an image of the famous surrealist artist Salvador Dali with the words I don't do drugs, I am drugs written over it. Like Not On My Christian App, this meme involves taking something that is not explicitly religious and adding a twist that makes it hilarious.

Opinion on the Meme

In my opinion, the Not On My Christian App meme is one of the funniest memes I have seen in a while. The creativity involved in finding images to use for the meme is impressive. It is also refreshing to see a meme that acknowledges the existence of Christianity in a humorous way. Sometimes it can seem like all memes are just designed to be edgy and offensive, so it's nice to see something that has a lighthearted tone and doesn't take itself too seriously.


In conclusion, the Not On My Christian App meme is a hilarious and clever twist on the traditional meme format. It has become a popular internet sensation, and for good reason. It manages to be funny while also acknowledging Christian values, which is a unique combination. While there are other memes that have similarities to Not On My Christian App, none quite capture the same level of humor and creativity that this meme has. Whether you're a Christian or not, this meme is sure to make you laugh.

Not On My Christian App Meme: A Guide to Understanding its Origin and Significance


If you have been scrolling through social media lately, you might have come across a meme that says not on my Christian app. This phrase has been used frequently in discussions about LGBTQ+ rights and other controversial topics. In this article, we will explore the origins of the not on my Christian app meme and what makes it significant.

The Origin

The not on my Christian app meme came about as a response to the increasing presence of LGBTQ+ content on social media platforms. The meme first surfaced in 2019 on TikTok, but it soon spread to other platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.The meme features a split-screen video, where one side shows an innocent video or image, while the other side shows something offensive or explicit. The caption reads not on my Christian app, implying that the content is not acceptable for a Christian audience.

The Significance

The not on my Christian app meme has become significant in the online culture as it reflects the tension between conservative Christian beliefs and the rapidly changing societal norms. Conservative Christians often view the increasing acceptance of LGBTQ+ rights and other progressive causes as a threat to their faith. The meme provides a way for them to voice their disapproval and create a space where they can share their beliefs without being exposed to content that contradicts them.

Understanding the Context

It is crucial to understand the context surrounding the not on my Christian app meme. While some people use the meme in good humor, others use it to spread hateful messages. It is a form of virtue signaling that can be used to shame people who engage with content deemed inappropriate by conservative Christians.It is also essential to remember that the increasing presence of LGBTQ+ content online is a reflection of the changing societal norms. While conservative Christians are entitled to their beliefs and values, they should also respect the rights of others to live their lives authentically.

Implications for the LGBTQ+ Community

The not on my Christian app meme has significant implications for the LGBTQ+ community. The meme suggests that conservative Christians view the LGBTQ+ community as a threat to their faith and values. This can be damaging to the mental well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals who may feel ostracized and disconnected from their faith.It is vital for Christians to create a space where members of the LGBTQ+ community feel welcomed and accepted. It is possible to believe in the teachings of the Bible while still accepting and supporting people from all walks of life.

The Role of Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms have a significant role to play in regulating content that is deemed offensive or harmful. While it is crucial to protect freedom of speech, platform owners must ensure that their users are not exposed to hateful messages or misinformation.Platforms like TikTok and Twitter have taken proactive steps to remove content that spreads hate and harm. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of regulation and enforcement.

The Importance of Dialogue

The not on my Christian app meme underscores the importance of dialogue between different groups of people. It is critical for individuals with differing views to engage in respectful conversations and try to understand each other's values and beliefs.As Christians, it is essential to remember that Jesus Christ taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves. By practicing empathy and compassion, we can create a more inclusive and tolerant society.


In conclusion, the not on my Christian app meme reflects the tension between conservative Christian beliefs and societal norms. While the meme can be used in good humor, it can also be used to spread hate and shame individuals who engage with LGBTQ+ content.It is essential to understand the context surrounding the meme and the implications it has for the LGBTQ+ community. Social media platforms have a crucial role to play in regulating content, while dialogue and understanding are key to creating a more inclusive and tolerant society.

Not On My Christian App Meme: Condemning Sin or Promoting Hate?

Gone are the days when Christians used to preach about love, acceptance, and empathy. Nowadays, it has become all too common to see Christians spreading hate in the name of religion. One such example is the Not On My Christian App meme that has been doing the rounds on social media lately.

The phrase Not On My Christian App was coined by a conservative Christian blogger and podcaster named Domenick Scudera. He was referring to the fact that some Christian dating apps have started allowing users to identify as LGBTQ+ and find same-sex partners. He condemned these apps for going against biblical teachings and encouraging sin.

Soon enough, the phrase was picked up by other Christians who shared Scudera's views. They started using it as a hashtag on social media to show their disapproval of anything they deemed sinful or immoral, such as same-sex marriage, abortion, premarital sex, and even Harry Potter.

While some Christians argue that the Not On My Christian App meme is a way to stand up for their beliefs and defend the Bible, others point out that it is nothing but a form of hate speech. Using the phrase to shame and ostracize people who do not conform to their narrow-minded worldview is not only un-Christlike but also harmful and dangerous.

The meme perpetuates the harmful stereotype that Christians are intolerant, judgmental, and hateful. It also reinforces the idea that there is only one right way to be a Christian and anyone who deviates from that is a sinner. This kind of thinking leads to exclusion, discrimination, and even violence against marginalized groups.

It is crucial to remember that Christianity is not a monolithic entity. There are many different interpretations of the Bible, and many Christians believe in love, acceptance, and diversity. They may not agree with everything that someone else believes or does, but they do not judge or condemn them for it.

Furthermore, it is essential to distinguish between personal beliefs and public policies. While everyone is entitled to their personal beliefs, they cannot impose them on others or use them as an excuse to deny others their rights and freedoms. The Not On My Christian App meme crosses this line by demanding that everyone adheres to their specific interpretation of Christianity.

The meme also fails to recognize the complexity and diversity of human sexuality and identity. It reduces people to their sexual orientation and ignores all other aspects of their personhood. It assumes that everyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ is engaging in sinful behavior and ignores the countless LGBTQ+ Christians who lead faithful and fulfilling lives.

Finally, the Not On My Christian App meme misses the point of Christianity altogether. At its core, Christianity is about love, grace, and redemption. It is about recognizing our own flaws and shortcomings and extending compassion and forgiveness to others. It is about building bridges, not walls, and reaching out to those who are different from us.

If you are a Christian who finds the Not On My Christian App meme problematic, do not be afraid to speak up. Challenge the hateful rhetoric and offer a different perspective. Engage in respectful dialogue with those who have different views, and try to understand where they are coming from.

Remember that Christianity is not about conformity, but about individual faith and personal relationship with God. It allows for differences, doubts, and questions. It encourages critical thinking and intellectual curiosity. It welcomes all who seek truth and meaning, regardless of their background or identity.

In conclusion, the Not On My Christian App meme is not only misguided and harmful but also contrary to the spirit of Christianity. Let us reject hate speech and embrace love, grace, and compassion instead. Let us build a world where everyone can be accepted and celebrated for who they are.

Thank you for reading this article.

People Also Ask About Not On My Christian App Meme

What is Not On My Christian App Meme?

The Not On My Christian App Meme is a meme that has gained popularity on social media. It features a list of apps that are not allowed on Christian app with the popular phrase Not on my Christian app. The meme ridicules or satirizes Christian beliefs, preferences, and choices.

Who Started the Not On My Christian App Meme?

It is unclear who started the Not On My Christian App Meme, but it likely originated in online communities where individuals share memes and make jokes about religion and faith. The meme has since spread across various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

What Message Does the Not On My Christian App Meme Send?

The Not On My Christian App Meme message is twofold. First, it highlights the perceived hypocrisies of Christian values. Second, it ridicules the idea of a Christian exclusive app, suggesting that Christians are exclusionary and intolerant of other beliefs or lifestyles.

Why Do People Use the Not On My Christian App Meme?

People use the Not On My Christian App Meme for different reasons, including to poke fun at Christian beliefs, point out religious contradictions, and express frustration with religious exclusivity. It's also used to lighten the mood and add humor to an otherwise serious discussion of religion or politics.

Is the Not On My Christian App Meme Offensive?

Whether the Not On My Christian App Meme is offensive or not depends on who you ask. Some Christians believe that the meme is disrespectful and crude, while others see it as harmless humor. It's essential to consider how your audience might perceive the meme before sharing it or commenting on it.

Should Christians Engage With the Not On My Christian App Meme?

Christians should engage with the Not On My Christian App Meme responsibility. Engaging with the meme can provide an opportunity to engage in constructive dialogues with those who hold different beliefs. With that said, Christians must also be mindful of their responses and avoid any form of disrespect or antagonism.


The Not On My Christian App Meme is a popular online trend that pokes fun at Christian beliefs, practices, and values. While some may find it offensive, others see it as harmless humor. Regardless of your opinion, it's essential to approach the meme with sensitivity and respect for diverse perspectives.