Optimize your Android App's Visibility with Android Studio Name Change Feature


Android Studio Change Name Of App: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you tired of your app's boring, old name? Do you want to change it but have no idea how? Well, look no further because we've got you covered!

Android Studio is a powerful tool for app development, and changing the name of your app is a breeze with this software. With just a few simple steps, you can rename your app and give it the snazzy title it deserves!

Now, before we dive into the steps, let's address the elephant in the room. Changing your app's name does NOT affect its functionality. So, don't worry, you won't break anything by giving it a new name!

So, without further ado, here are the steps to change the name of your app in Android Studio:

Step 1: Open Your Project

The first step is to open your project in Android Studio. Once you've done that, navigate to the 'res' folder in the Project window.

Step 2: Edit Strings.xml

Next, open the 'values' folder within the 'res' folder and double-click on 'strings.xml'. This file contains all the strings used in your app, including the name. Find the line that says 'app_name' and change the value to your desired title.

Step 3: Sync Your Project

After making the changes, you need to sync your project to save them. Click on the 'Sync' button in the top-right corner of the screen or navigate to 'File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files'.

Step 4: Rebuild Your Project

To make sure the changes take effect, you need to rebuild your project. Click on 'Build -> Rebuild Project' or press 'Ctrl + F9'.

Step 5: Test Your App

Now that you've changed the name of your app, it's time to test it. Run your app and check if the new name shows up in the launcher.

And that's it! In just five simple steps, you've successfully changed the name of your app in Android Studio.

But, before you go, here are some other things you need to keep in mind:

Changing Package Name

If you want to change the package name of your app, you need to follow a different set of steps. We won't cover it in this article, but there are plenty of resources available online to help you do so.

Updating Play Store Listing

Once you've changed the name of your app, don't forget to update the listing on the Play Store. This will ensure that users see the new name when browsing for apps.


So, there you have it, a comprehensive guide on how to change the name of your app in Android Studio. It's a simple process that can make a big difference in the perception of your app. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, give your app a new name, and watch it shine!

How to Change the Name of Your Android App


When you create an Android app, one of the most important things you need to do is give it a good name. A name that's both easy to remember and accurately reflects the purpose of your app. However, sometimes you may need to change the name of your app later on. This could be for any number of reasons, such as rebranding or simply because the original name doesn't feel quite right anymore.

Step 1: Open Your Android Studio Project

To get started, open up your Android Studio project. Once in the project, navigate to the left-hand side menu and expand the folder labeled app. Underneath this folder, you'll find a file called res - click on this to open up your project's resources.

Step 2: Navigate to the Values Folder

Next, look for a folder named values. This is where you'll find the strings.xml file. Double-click on this file to open it up.

Step 3: Edit the Name of Your App

In the strings.xml file, you'll see a line of code that looks like the following: ```My App```Simply replace My App with the new name you want to give your app.

Step 4: Save Your Changes

Once you've updated your app's name, go ahead and save your changes in the strings.xml file.

Step 5: Check Your Changes Applied

To double-check that your changes have been applied, head back to your project's main menu. Look for the dropdown menu at the top center of the screen that says Run and click on it. Then select Run app from the dropdown list to launch your app.

Step 6: Confirm the App Name in Your Mobile Device

Once the app is running, check to see that your new app name has been applied. If it hasn't, double check that you've updated the right line of code in the strings.xml file.

Step 7: Update Your App Icon (Optional)

If you've rebranded your app, you may also want to update your app icon to reflect the new name and look. To do this, navigate back to the res folder and find the mipmap folder. Inside, you'll find a series of folders named after Android's screen densities - for example, mipmap-hdpi or mipmap-xxxhdpi. Once you've located the correct folder, simply replace the existing app icon with your new one.

Step 8: Update Your Marketing Materials (Optional)

Once you've changed your app name, you may also want to update any marketing materials you've created for your app. This could include the app listing on Google Play, social media posts, and any other promotional materials you've created.


Changing the name of your Android app is a simple process that can help to keep your app fresh and relevant. With these steps, you can update your app name and icon to reflect any changes you've made to your brand or the purpose of your app. Make sure to double-check that your changes have been applied correctly, and update any marketing materials as needed. With a little effort and creativity, your app can have a new name and lease on life.

Comparison Between Changing Name of an App in Android Studio

Android Studio is a widely popular Integrated Development Environment for developing Android applications. One of the most significant functions developers use on Android Studio is changing the name of their app. This article will explore the various ways to change the name of the app and compare them.

Changing the Android Package name

One way to change the name of your app in Android Studio is by changing the Android package name. The package name is unique, and it identifies the application across all Android devices. It's essential to note that changing the package name of your app will affect its functionality. When you change the package name, you will need to update the code and configurations in your project.


  • This will allow you to keep the same application and resource ID's even if the name of your app changes.
  • You can customize the package name according to your needs.


  • It's a complex process that should be done carefully to avoid any issues.
  • Changing the package name will require you to update all references to the old package name in your project.

Changing the App name in Manifest file

Another way to change the name of your app is by editing the application name in the manifest file. The AndroidManifest.xml file contains essential information about the application, such as the package name, version number, activities, and permissions.


  • Changing the app name in the manifest file is easy and straightforward.
  • It does not require any complex coding or configurations.


  • Changing the app name in the manifest file will only change the name that appears in the app launcher and settings.
  • It will not change the name of the APK file.

Renaming the Application label Text

Another method to change the name of your app is by changing the Application Label Text. The application label text is the name that appears on the app launcher, recent apps, and notification bar.


  • This method is easy and fast, as it only requires changing the name in the strings.xml file.
  • It doesn't require any complex coding or configurations.


  • Renaming the Application Label Text will not change the package name or the name of the APK file.
  • You need to update the name manually each time you create a new project.

Comparison Table

Method Pros Cons
Change the Android Package name Keep the same application and resource ID's even if the name of your app changes. Customize the package name according to your needs. It's a complex process that should be done carefully to avoid any issues. Changing the package name will require you to update all references to the old package name in your project.
Change App Name in Manifest File Changing the app name in the manifest file is easy and straightforward. It does not require any complex coding or configurations. Changing the app name in the manifest file will only change the name that appears in the app launcher and settings. It will not change the name of the APK file.
Renaming the Application label Text This method is easy and fast, as it only requires changing the name in the strings.xml file. It doesn't require any complex coding or configurations. Renaming the Application Label Text will not change the package name or the name of the APK file. You need to update the name manually each time you create a new project.


In conclusion, changing the name of an app is an essential process for Android developers. The three methods discussed above have their pros and cons, and it's up to the developer to decide which method suits them best. If you need to change the name of your app, you should evaluate each method carefully and choose the one that meets your needs.

How to Change the Name of Your App in Android Studio


When creating a mobile application, the name is one of the crucial factors that will help attract potential users. So, it's important to give your app the right name that perfectly describes its functions. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps on how to change the name of your app in Android Studio.

Step 1: Open Your Android Studio Project

The first step in changing the name of your app is to open your Android Studio project. If you already have a project opened, you can skip this step. Otherwise, launch Android Studio and open the required project from the welcome page.

Step 2: Navigate to the ‘res’ Directory

Navigate to the ‘res’ directory located in the Project File Tree. This folder contains all the resources that your application will use.

Step 3: Click on ‘Values’ Folder

Next, click on the ‘values’ folder, and you will see a file named strings.xml, which contains all the string values used in your app.

Step 4: Rename the app_name string resource

Open the strings.xml file and locate the string resource titled “app_name.” This is the resource that defines the name of your app. To change the name, simply edit the text between the “” tag on line 3 of the document.

Step 5: Save the Changes

Save the changes made in the strings.xml file. This can be done by going to File > Save or using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+S on Windows or Command +S on Mac).

Step 6: Build Your Project

To build your project, locate the ‘Build’ section in the Android Studio toolbar and select ‘Make Project’ from the drop-down. This will initiate the build process of your app.

Step 7: Look at your App's Name

Now that your project has finished building, you can confirm that your application has a new name by examining its title bar.

Step 8: Update Set Title

Suppose you have developed options for the app name in your app, then you need to update them. Let's say the set title option is available in the settings menu; you need to make sure that changes appear there as well.

Step 9: Change Icon and Launch Screen

If you want to change the icon and the launch screen, it would be an excellent time to do so as they should match your app's new name. You can do this by going to the ‘drawable’ folder in the Project File Tree and replacing the icon file with a new one.

Step 10: Test Your Application

Finally, test your application thoroughly to ensure that all the changes you made are working as expected. Make sure that the app's name appears correctly on the title bar and anywhere else where it may be used.


That's it! Changing the name of your app in Android Studio is a pretty straightforward process. Following these simple steps and keeping an eye out for any potential issues should help you rebrand your app with ease. Remember that the name is an important factor that contributes to your app's success, so choose it wisely.

How Can I Change the Name of My Android App in Android Studio?

If you are working with Android Studio to build your app, you might face the need to change its name. It is one of the most common changes that developers make, as it is crucial for branding and marketing purposes. Fortunately, Android Studio makes this process easy and straightforward, and you can change the name of your app in just a few simple steps.

To start with, you need to open your project in Android Studio. Once you have done that, locate the res folder in the Project view on the left side of the screen. Right-click on the folder and select New > Directory. In the dialog box that pops up, type values in the Directory name field and hit OK. You have now created a new directory for your app's values.

Next, right-click on the values folder that you just created and select New > Values Resource File. In the dialog box that appears, type strings in the File name field and click OK. You have now created a new strings.xml file in the values folder of your project.

In the strings.xml file, locate the line of code that says <string name=app_name>. This is the line that defines the name of your app. Modify the value between the </string> tags to the new name that you want to give to your app. Save the file and close it.

Now that you have changed the name of your app, you need to verify that the new name is being used throughout your project. You can do this by performing a project-wide search for the old app name. To do this, go to Edit > Find > Find in Path and enter the old app name in the search box. Make sure that the Find field is set to Project. Click Find All to perform the search.

If the search results show any instances of the old app name, you need to change them manually. You can do this by going to the file where the instance is located and editing the name there.

After you have changed all instances of the old app name to the new one, you need to rebuild your project. To do this, go to Build > Rebuild Project. Android Studio will now rebuild your project with the new app name.

Once the project is rebuilt, you can verify that the new name is being used by running the app in the emulator or on a device. If the new name is not being used, it could be because your app is still using the cached version of the strings.xml file. To fix this, go to File > Invalidate Caches/Restart and select Invalidate and Restart. This will clear the cache and restart Android Studio.

In conclusion, changing the name of your Android app in Android Studio is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By following the instructions above, you can change the name of your app and ensure that the new name is being used throughout your project. With a catchy and memorable name for your app, you can attract more users and establish your brand in the highly competitive app market.

We hope that this article has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you!

Thank you for reading and best of luck with your app!

People Also Ask About Android Studio Change Name Of App

How can I change the name of my app in Android Studio?

To change the name of your app in Android Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the res folder of your project and select values.
  2. Open the strings.xml file.
  3. Find the line that starts with .
  4. Change the text between the tags to your desired app name.

Does changing the app name affect its functionality?

No, changing the app name in Android Studio does not affect its functionality in any way. It is purely a cosmetic change and will only affect how the app is displayed to users.

Will changing the app name affect my app's files or directories?

No, changing the app name in Android Studio will not affect your app's files or directories. It will only change the name that appears to users when they install and use your app.

What should I consider when choosing a new name for my app?

When choosing a new name for your app, you should consider factors like:

  • The purpose of your app
  • Your target audience
  • Your brand and marketing strategy
  • The availability of the name on app stores and social media