Save Big on Spotify: A Step-by-Step Guide to Pre-Saving Music on the App


Are you tired of missing out on your favorite artist's new releases on Spotify? Do you want to be the first to listen to their latest music? Well, there's a solution for you - Presaving on Spotify!

Presaving on Spotify is a neat feature that allows you to save an upcoming album or single to your library before its release date. This means that it will automatically be added to your playlist as soon as it drops, and you won't have to worry about missing out!

But how do you Presave on Spotify, you may ask? It's simple! All you have to do is follow these easy steps:

Step 1: Find the album or single you want to Presave on Spotify

Step 2: Click the Pre-save button

Step 3: Sign in with your Spotify account

Step 4: Choose which playlist you want the album or single to be added to

Step 5: Wait for the release date and enjoy your new music!

With Presaving, you'll never have to worry about forgetting to check for new releases or scrambling to add them to your playlist. It's a great way to stay up to date with your favorite artists and discover new music.

Plus, Presaving can also help support your favorite artists! When you Presave their new releases on Spotify, it helps boost their streams and popularity, which can lead to more success for them.

And the best part? Presaving on Spotify is completely free! So not only are you getting all these benefits, but you're also saving money.

But wait, there's more! Some artists even offer exclusive content and perks for fans who Presave their music. This can include things like early access to music videos or behind-the-scenes footage.

So what are you waiting for? Start Presaving on Spotify today and never miss out on new music again. And who knows, maybe you'll even get some cool exclusive content as a bonus!

In conclusion, if you want to discover new music, stay up to date with your favorite artists, support them, and save money, Presaving on Spotify is the way to go. It's easy, free, and can lead to some awesome perks. So give it a try and thank us later!

One of the most popular music streaming platforms in the world is Spotify, which allows users to stream an extensive array of digital music online. It boasts of having millions of songs, plus the ability for users to customize their music experience through playlists, podcasts, and more. Spotify recently introduced a feature that allows users to pre-save music before it is released. This feature enables listeners to add upcoming albums and singles to their library, so they can access them when they become available.

What is Pre-Save on Spotify?

Spotlight presents artists with a significant opportunity to promote their music prior to its release to the public. Pre-saving on Spotify is a service that allows users to add albums, songs, and EPs to their playlists or library before their launch data. In essence, pre-saving is equivalent to pre-ordering; it only differs in that it doesn't require any payment. Pre-saving music enables fans to stay up-to-date with their favourite artists and receive notifications when new music gets added to their collection.

How to Pre-Save on Spotify

1. Open the Spotify App on your smartphone or computer.2. Take advantage of the 'Pre-Save' link provided by the artist through social media, email, or other communication methods.3. After you've tapped on the pre-save button, you'll be taken to the artist's page, where you can see the unreleased content.4. Follow all the guidelines and instructions provided to pre-save the tracks you want, and wait until the release date to enjoy the music.

The Benefits of Pre-Saving

The strategy of pre-saving provides benefits for both artists and listeners. On the one hand, this approach helps artists spread the word about their forthcoming music. They can integrate pre-save links into their promotional campaigns, include them in mixtapes and playlists, and start building excitement before releasing the music.

On the other hand, pre-saving provides Spotify subscribers with the opportunity to discover new music from their favourite artists without having to scour the internet for unreleased tracks. This feature allows users to keep their playlist up-to-date without having to go back and add specific songs later on.

Tips for Successfully Pre-Saving

1. Always ensure that you pre-save from reputable sites to avoid scams.2. Check the release date to ensure that it corresponds to the launch of new items on your streaming site.


In conclusion, pre-saving on Spotify is an excellent tool for both artists and fans. It helps musicians promote their forthcoming projects while also ensuring an enjoyable listening experience and keeping fans up-to-date with their favourite artists' upcoming releases. Pre-saving enables Spotify subscribers to collect new songs, albums, or EPs automatically while staying updated on the latest events in the music industry.

Presave on Spotify: How to Save Money and Enjoy Music


Spotify is a music streaming app that provides users access to millions of songs on demand. It offers a free version with occasional ads and a premium version without ads and with extra features. However, to save money, users can take some steps to get the most out of the app without breaking the bank. In this article, we will compare different methods for presaving on Spotify, including using family plans, student discounts, and special offers.

Family Plans

Spotify family plans allow up to six people to share one account and pay a discounted price compared to individual subscriptions. The plan cost $14.99 per month or $179.88 billed annually. The benefits of a family plan include no ads, offline listening, on-demand playback, and the ability to create and share playlists. Additionally, family members can have their personal accounts, and their preferences and recommendations will be tailored accordingly. This option suits the needs of families or roommates who want to listen to music without spending too much.

Student Discounts

Another way to presave on Spotify is by getting a student discount. Spotify offers a 50% discount for students who provide proof of enrollment in a college or university. This plan allows students to pay only $4.99 per month instead of $9.99. Besides, it includes all premium features like ad-free streaming, unlimited skips, and offline playback. This option lowers the barriers for students who could not afford the full subscription price and makes music streaming more accessible for them.

Special Offers

Spotify runs special offers from time to time, especially for new subscribers or users who have not switched to premium yet. For example, some deals allow users to get the first three months of premium for just $0.99, and others offer a free Google Nest Mini when upgrading to premium. These offers could save users up to $30 per year compared to regular pricing. However, they are available only for a limited time, and users who miss them will have to pay the full price again.

Benefits of Premium

Regardless of the method used to presave on Spotify, having a premium subscription can enhance the music streaming experience greatly. Premium users can enjoy exclusive content, high-quality audio, and early access to certain albums and songs. Moreover, they can listen to music without internet connection, skip songs as many times as they want, and use the app on multiple devices. Besides, premium members can support their favorite artists directly by using features like Artist Fundraising Pick or Hear It First.

Comparison Table

Here is a comparison table showing the main features and pricing of different presaving methods on Spotify:|Presaving Method |Features |Price |Suitable For ||-----------------|---------|------|------------||Family Plan |Up to 6 people, no ads, offline listening, on-demand playback, personalized accounts.|$14.99/month or $179.88/year |Families or Roommates||Student Discount |50% off, ad-free streaming, unlimited skips, offline playback |$4.99/month |College/University Students||Special Offers |Discounted or free trial period, free gadgets or services |Varies |New or Lapsed Subscribers|


Overall, it is possible to presave on Spotify by utilizing different methods that fit individual needs and preferences. Family plans suit families or roommates who want to share an account without spending too much. Student discounts help students access premium features at an affordable price. Special offers provide great deals for new or lapsed subscribers and allow them to try out the premium features before paying full price. Having a premium subscription offers many benefits that can enhance the music streaming experience and support artists directly. Ultimately, the choice of presaving method depends on individual circumstances, preferences, and goals.

How To Presave On Spotify App: A Beginner's Guide


Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming apps in the world, and with good reason. It's easy to use, offers a huge library of content, and is incredibly convenient. One of the features that many users love is the ability to presave their favorite songs, albums, and podcasts. This is a great way to ensure that you never miss out on new releases from your favorite artists.

What Is Presaving?

Presaving is a feature on Spotify that allows users to save an album or song before it is released. This means that as soon as the album or song becomes available, it will be automatically added to your library. Presaving is different from preordering in that with preordering, you have to pay for the content ahead of time.

How To Presave An Album

Presaving an album on Spotify is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Here's how to do it:1. Go to the album that you want to presave.2. Look for the Pre-Save To Your Library button. It should be located near the top of the album page.3. Click on the Pre-Save To Your Library button.4. You may be asked to log in to your Spotify account if you haven't already.5. Once you're logged in, you will be taken to a confirmation page. Make sure to read and agree to the terms and conditions.6. Click on the Pre-Save button to complete the process.

How To Presave A Song

Presaving a song on Spotify is similar to presaving an album, but there are a few differences. Here's how to do it:1. Go to the song that you want to presave.2. Look for the Pre-Save To Your Library button. It should be located near the top of the song page.3. Click on the Pre-Save To Your Library button.4. You may be asked to log in to your Spotify account if you haven't already.5. Once you're logged in, you will be taken to a confirmation page. Make sure to read and agree to the terms and conditions.6. Click on the Pre-Save button to complete the process.

How To View Your Presaves

Once you've presaved an album or song, you may want to view it later to make sure that it's been added to your library. Here's how to do it:1. Go to your Spotify library.2. Look for the Playlists tab. Click on it.3. Look for the Presaves playlist. Click on it.4. You should see all of the albums and songs that you've presaved in this playlist.

Final Thoughts

Presaving on Spotify is a great way to stay up-to-date with your favorite artists and never miss out on new releases. It's also incredibly easy to do, so there's no reason not to try it out for yourself. Whether you're a seasoned Spotify user or just starting out, presaving is a feature that you'll definitely want to take advantage of.

How to Presave on Spotify App

Welcome to our blog post about how to presave music on Spotify. For those who don't know, presaving music is a feature on Spotify that allows you to add an album or single to your personal library and have it automatically added to your collection on the day of its release. This is a great feature for music lovers who want to stay up-to-date with their favorite artists without having to remember release dates and manually adding new songs to their playlist.

Presaving music on Spotify is easy and convenient. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. First, find the album or single that you want to presave. You can do this by searching for it on Spotify or by finding it on the artist's profile page.
  2. Once you have found the album or single, click on the pre-save button. This button is usually located near the top of the page, under the album or single title.
  3. You will then be prompted to log in to your Spotify account. If you're not already logged in, enter your login details and click on the Log In button.
  4. After you're logged in, you'll be taken to a confirmation page where you can review the details of the album or single you're presaving. Double-check that it's the correct album or single, and then click on the pre-save button again to confirm your selection.
  5. Once you've confirmed your selection, the album or single will be added to your personal library and automatically added to your collection on the day of its release.

Now that you know how to presave music on Spotify, let's talk about why it's a good idea to do so.

One of the biggest benefits of presaving music on Spotify is that you can stay up-to-date with your favorite artists without having to remember release dates and manually adding new songs to your playlist. This saves you time and ensures that you don't miss any important releases.

In addition, presaving music also helps to support the artists you love. When you presave an album or single on Spotify, it sends a signal to the platform that there is demand for that release, which helps to boost the artist's visibility on the platform.

Another benefit of presaving music on Spotify is that it can help you discover new music. When you presave an album or single, Spotify may recommend other music by that artist or similar artists based on your listening habits. This can help you discover new music that you might not have found otherwise.

So, now that you know how to presave music on Spotify and why it's a good idea to do so, go ahead and start presaving your favorite albums and singles today!

Thank you for visiting our blog post about how to presave music on Spotify. We hope you found this information helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Happy listening!

People Also Ask About How To Presave On Spotify App

What is presaving on Spotify?

Presaving is a feature on Spotify that allows users to save an upcoming album or single to their library before it is released. This ensures that the user will have access to the new music as soon as it becomes available.

How do I presave on Spotify?

To presave on Spotify, follow these steps:

  1. Find the album or single you want to presave.
  2. Click on the presave button. This can usually be found on the artist's website or social media pages.
  3. You will be redirected to Spotify's presave page.
  4. Log in to your Spotify account if prompted.
  5. Confirm that you want to presave the album or single.
  6. The album or single will be added to your library when it is released.

Why should I presave on Spotify?

Presaving on Spotify ensures that you will have access to new music as soon as it is released. It also supports the artist by increasing their pre-release streaming numbers and helping them chart higher on release day.

Is presaving on Spotify free?

Yes, presaving on Spotify is free. However, you do need a Spotify account to use this feature. If you don't have an account, you can sign up for free on the Spotify website.