Step-by-Step Guide to Deploy Blazor Server Applications on IIS for Maximum Web Performance


Deploy Blazor Server App To Iis: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you been struggling to deploy your Blazor Server app to IIS without success? Do not worry, as this article will guide you through the process step-by-step.

Blazor Server is a new web development framework that allows you to build interactive and responsive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. With its strong type checking, code analysis and debugging capabilities, Blazor has become a popular choice for developing enterprise-level .NET web applications.

The Benefits of Blazor Server

It is undeniable that Blazor Server comes with a plethora of benefits for developers. For instance, it offers improved security, high performance, real-time updates, and cross-platform compatibility. With all these features, it’s no surprise that many .NET developers are considering Blazor Server for their next project.

However, while the development process might be a smooth ride, deploying your Blazor Server app to IIS requires a bit more effort. But do not fret, we’ve got you covered.

Let's get started with deploying your Blazor Server app to IIS

The first thing you need to do is to ensure that you have IIS installed on your machine. If it is not present, go ahead and install it using the Windows Features Manager. Once you’ve installed IIS, create a new website by following these steps:

  1. Launch the IIS Manager tool and navigate to the Sites node in the Connections pane.
  2. Right-click on the Sites node and select Add Website from the context menu.
  3. In the Add Website dialog box, specify a unique name for your website, set the physical path to the location of your Blazor Server app, set the port number, and leave the IP address as All Unassigned. Once you’ve done this, click OK to create the website.
  4. You can now move on to the next step, which is publishing your Blazor Server app.

Publish your Blazor Server App to IIS

To publish your Blazor Server app, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Blazor Server project in Visual Studio.
  2. Right-click on the project node in the Solution Explorer and select Publish from the context menu.
  3. In the Publish dialog box, select the Web Deploy option, and specify the target location of your web app. You can either enter the details manually or use Visual Studio’s predefined profiles.
  4. Finally, click on the Publish button to initiate the deployment process.

Configure your Blazor Server app in IIS

After publishing your Blazor Server app, it’s time to configure it in IIS. This involves setting up a few configurations to allow the application to work correctly. Follow these steps:

  1. Launch the IIS Manager tool and select the website you created earlier.
  2. Right-click the website and choose Add Application. In the Add Application dialog box, specify a name for the application and set the physical path to the published app location.
  3. Under the Manage Application section, choose Advanced Settings.
  4. Set the .NET CLR version to No Managed Code and the Managed Pipeline Mode to Integrated.
  5. Save the settings and then restart the website.

Test Your Blazor Server App Deployment!

You’re done! Launch your browser and navigate to the URL of your new website. You should see your Blazor Server app up and running.

In conclusion, deploying your Blazor Server app to IIS might seem like a daunting task at first, but it becomes relatively manageable with the right guidance. Follow the steps outlined above, and you’ll be up and running in no time.

Don’t hesitate to try this out; it’s an opportunity to take your web development skills to the next level!

The Process of Deploying a Blazor Server App to IIS

For those who are new to web development or Blazor, deploying a Blazor Server App to IIS can appear daunting at first. However, the process is relatively straightforward and easy to follow. In this article, we will discuss the steps involved in deploying a Blazor Server App to IIS.

Preparing for Deployment

Before we begin the deployment process, we need to ensure that our application is ready for deployment. Here are some steps to prepare the application for deployment:1. Clean the solution: Before deploying your application, make sure that the solution is clean. To do this, right-click on the solution in Visual Studio, and select Clean Solution.2. Build the solution: Once the solution has been cleaned, build it by right-clicking on the solution and selecting Build Solution. This will create the binaries that are required for deployment.3. Publish the app: Next, you need to publish your application. Right-click on the project and select Publish from the context menu. Choose the appropriate settings and click Publish.

Creating a Virtual Directory in IIS

To deploy your application to IIS, you need to create a virtual directory. A virtual directory is a location on the web server where your application files will be stored. Here are the steps to create a virtual directory in IIS:1. Open IIS Manager: Open the IIS Manager on your server.2. Create a new Application Pool: Right-click on Application Pools and select Add Application Pool. Give the Application Pool a name and select .NET CLR version and Mode.3. Create a new website: Right-click on Sites and select Add Website. Give the website a name and set the physical path to the directory where your application files are located. Select the Application Pool which we have created earlier.4. Create a virtual directory: Right-click on the website you just created and select Add Virtual Directory. Give the Virtual directory a name and set the physical path to the directory where your application files are located.

Deploying Your Application

Now that you have created the virtual directory in IIS, it is time to deploy your application. Here are the steps to deploy your application to IIS:1. Copy the published files: Go to the directory where you published your application and copy all the files and folders.2. Paste the files into the Virtual Directory: Go to the virtual directory you just created in IIS and paste the files into it.3. Set permissions: To run the application, the Application Pool identity must have sufficient permissions to access the files. Right-click on the virtual directory and select Edit Permissions. Set the appropriate permissions for the Application Pool identity.

Testing the Application

Once you have deployed your application to IIS, it is time to test it. Here are the steps to test your application:1. Browse to the URL: Open a web browser and navigate to the URL of the virtual directory.2. Check for errors: If any errors occur, make sure that you have followed all the steps properly and check the Event Viewer for any error logs.3. Test the functionality: Test the functionality of your application to ensure that it works as expected.


Deploying a Blazor Server App to IIS may appear to be difficult, but it is a straightforward process once you know the steps involved. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can confidently deploy your application to IIS and ensure that it runs smoothly. With this newfound knowledge, you can take advantage of the many benefits that Blazor Server has to offer.

Deploy Blazor Server App To IIS: A Comprehensive Comparison

When it comes to deploying a Blazor Server application, there are different ways to do so. One of the options is to deploy it to Internet Information Services (IIS). In this blog, we will be comparing the steps and requirements needed to accomplish this task.

What Is Blazor Server?

Blazor Server is a .NET web framework that enables the creation of interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. It is a server-side technology that uses SignalR to establish a WebSocket between the client and the server, allowing for real-time updates.

Why Deploy To IIS?

IIS is a web server software that provides a platform for hosting web applications. It is a popular choice for developers who want to deploy Windows-based web applications. Deploying a Blazor Server app to IIS provides advantages such as scalability, reliability, performance, and security.


Before deploying a Blazor Server app to IIS, there are several prerequisites that need to be met. These include:
  • Windows Server or Windows Desktop that can run IIS
  • IIS version 8.0 or higher
  • .NET 5.0 SDK or higher
  • A published Blazor Server app

Deployment Steps

The deployment process involves several steps that need to be performed in order. The steps involved in deploying a Blazor Server app to IIS are:
  1. Installing .NET Core Hosting Bundle
  2. Creating a new website in IIS
  3. Copying the published content to the website folder
  4. Configuring the website's application pool
  5. Adding the MIME type for .dll files
  6. Setting the permissions for the website's folder
  7. Restarting IIS

Comparison Table

Criteria Deploying to IIS
Scalability Can handle a large number of requests and users
Reliability Stable and dependable, with little downtime
Performance Fast and responsive, with efficient resource usage
Security Provides secure and controlled access to the web application
Maintenance Requires occasional updates and patches


In terms of deploying a Blazor Server app, deploying it to IIS is a solid choice. While there are other options available, such as Azure App Service or Docker containers, IIS provides a stable and robust platform for hosting Windows-based web applications. Additionally, the deployment process is straightforward and can be easily accomplished by following the steps outlined above.

Tips to Deploy Blazor Server App to IIS


Blazor Server is a leading-edge web development template that allows developers to build responsive and interactive single-page applications (SPAs) with .NET C#. Blazor Server Apps can be deployed to various hosting options such as Azure, Kestrel, and Internet Information Services (IIS). IIS is a popular web server used to host websites and web applications. Deploying your Blazor Server app on IIS provides your end-users with faster load times while giving you better control over management and hosting of the app.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deploy Blazor Server App to IIS

Here are the steps to deploy your Blazor Server App to IIS;

Step 1: Prepare the Production Build

Open Visual Studio and navigate to the solution containing your Blazor Server App source code. Right-click on the project and select Publish. In the Publish modal window, choose the Target Location and Profile for the publish action. Select IIS, and then click Create New Profile button. Fill in the required fields and then click OK to save.After the configuration is ready, click Publish WebDeploy Package. Visual studio will locate the files required for running your application and generate a package to carry your application. Once done, you'll receive a message confirming the completion of the ASP.NET Blazor web application deployment.

Step 2: Install IIS Module

Be sure to install the IIS Module in your system before deploying your Blazor Server App on IIS. Open Control Panel -> Programs > and under the Programs Features section, click Turn Windows features on or off. Double-check that the following components are installed: Internet Information Services, Web Management Tools, and World Wide Web Services.

Step 3: Deploy to IIS

After Visual Studio has generated the publish package, navigate to the IIS Manager in the Control Panel and select Sites -> Default Web Site. Select Add Website and key in the site name, Application Pool, Physical path. and so on. To plug in your Blazor Server App in IIS by uploading the deployment package. Locate the web server node in the left-hand column of IIS Manager, right-click, and then choose Deploy. On the next screen, click Import Application and select the file containing your published web deploy package. Visual Studio may ask for your login details to transfer the file to your IIS server.

Step 4: Configure the Deployment App Pool

Select the Application Pool in the Application Pools section of IIS Manager and change the .NET CLR version to Version 4.0. Adjust the managed pipeline mode to Integrated. The Apply button applies changes, and once the configuration saves, your app pool runs with the adjusted settings.

Step 5: Update Connection Strings

The connection string used while developing and testing your application locally may not work as expected when the application is hosted on a different server. Go to the App_Data folder in the Applications directory and edit the Application Settings file.Change the connection string and write down your IIS server's name instead of localhost. Remember to add the appropriate user ID, password, and other required settings, as well.


In summary, deploying your Blazor Server App on IIS enhances application performance, allows management of hosting options and information using the control panel, and provides end-users with faster load times. With these steps, you can successfully deploy your app and unleash its full potential.

Deploying a Blazor Server App to IIS

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on deploying Blazor Server apps to IIS. We hope that the information provided here has been helpful in guiding you through the deployment process. To recap, we covered a range of topics, from configuring IIS on your server to publishing your app and logging errors.

If you haven't deployed an app to IIS before, it can be a daunting task. But don't worry! With careful planning and attention to detail, you can deploy your app with confidence. Remember to test your app thoroughly throughout the process to ensure it is functioning correctly.

When configuring IIS, it's important to understand the different components and settings required to support your app. In particular, be sure to enable WebSocket Protocol, configure the .NET CLR version, and set up the appropriate bindings. These steps will help IIS communicate with your app correctly.

Once you have configured IIS, it's time to publish your app to the server. This can be done easily using Visual Studio. You should choose the right environment configuration for production mode, and ensure that the deployment settings match the IIS configuration.

After deploying the app, it's essential to monitor your logs and error reports closely. Use debugging tools to identify issues and fix them promptly. And remember to use a SSL certificate to secure your traffic, which is highly recommended.

With the rising popularity of Blazor, many developers are looking to take advantage of its capabilities. Deploying Blazor Server apps to IIS is an important step in the development process, as it allows users to access your app from anywhere with an internet connection and a browser.

In conclusion, we hope this article has provided useful information to help you successfully deploy your Blazor Server app to IIS. Remember to follow best practices for configuring IIS and publishing your app, and don't forget to closely monitor your logs and error reports. Good luck on your deployment journey!

People Also Ask About Deploying Blazor Server App To IIS

What is Blazor Server App?

Blazor Server App is a web application framework developed by Microsoft. It allows developers to build interactive and rich web applications using C# instead of traditional JavaScript. The framework enables developers to easily create web applications that run on .NET Core.

Why deploy Blazor Server App to IIS?

IIS (Internet Information Services) is a popular web server that is widely used in the industry. By deploying your Blazor Server App to IIS, you can take advantage of various benefits such as high availability, scalability, and security provided by IIS. In addition, IIS provides better performance to your application by serving static files directly from the file system cache rather than going through the application server.

How do I deploy my Blazor Server App to IIS?

Here are the steps required to deploy your Blazor Server App to IIS:

  1. Publish your Blazor Server App to a local directory
  2. Create a new website on IIS
  3. Set up the website with your published files
  4. Configure the website app pool to use .NET CLR version and mode
  5. Configure HTTPS binding for the website

Can I deploy my Blazor Server App to IIS without publishing it?

No, you cannot deploy your Blazor Server App directly to IIS without publishing it first. The reason is that IIS requires an executable (.dll or .exe) to start your application, and this executable is created during the publish process.

Is it possible to host my Blazor Server App on a cloud-based platform like Azure instead of IIS?

Yes, you can host your Blazor Server App on a cloud-based platform like Azure. There are many benefits to hosting your application in the cloud, such as high availability, scalability, and security. Azure provides a wide range of services that can help you deploy, monitor and manage your application infrastructure with ease.