Transform Your React App to iOS and Android with Ease: A Guide to Converting React App to React Native


Have you been wondering how to take your React app to the next level and make it available on mobile devices? Look no further! Converting your React app to a React Native app is the solution you've been searching for.

React Native is a versatile platform that allows you to create high-quality mobile apps with JavaScript and React. It takes the best aspects of React framework and optimizes it for mobile platforms, making it an ideal choice for developers looking to create mobile apps efficiently.

But how exactly can you convert your existing React app to a React Native app? First, you need to understand some of the major differences between these two frameworks.

While both React and React Native use the same syntax for rendering components, React Native includes UI elements that are specific to mobile platforms, such as buttons and icons. Additionally, React Native uses a different rendering engine that allows it to load components faster and more efficiently.

So, how do you make the transition? Start by identifying which components of your existing React app can be used in your new React Native app. This will save time and ensure consistency across both platforms.

Next, you will need to rewrite any components that are specific to web browsers, such as those that interact with the browser's DOM. React Native has its own set of components that are optimized for mobile platforms, so be sure to familiarize yourself with these new tools.

One of the best things about React Native is its ability to reuse code from your existing React app. This means you can save time and resources by using existing code where possible and optimizing it for mobile devices.

Another advantage of React Native is its built-in support for hot reloading, which allows you to instantly see changes as you make them. This is incredibly helpful when testing and debugging your app, as it makes the development process much more efficient.

Of course, there will be some additional steps involved in converting your app to React Native, such as setting up a new project, configuring your environment, and optimizing your code for mobile devices. But with the right tools and guidance, you can make the transition seamlessly.

If you're ready to take your React app to the next level with React Native, then look no further! With its many advantages and built-in support for hot reloading, converting your app has never been easier.

Don't put off the transition any longer – start exploring the possibilities of React Native today and see how it can take your app to new heights.

React is a popular open-source JavaScript library that makes building user interfaces much easier. React Native, on the other hand, is a framework used for building mobile applications, such as iOS and Android.In this article, we will discuss how to convert a React app to a React Native app.

Step 1: Understand the Differences Between React and React Native

While both React and React Native use the same basic principles and syntax, there are key differences between the two frameworks. One of the main differences is that React is used for building web applications, while React Native is made for mobile app development. Another difference is that React uses HTML and CSS, while React Native uses native elements and style sheets.It is important to understand these differences before beginning to convert your app.

Step 2: Prepare Your App for Conversion

To begin converting your app, ensure that your existing React application is well-structured and organized. This will make it easier to convert to React Native.Identify which components in your app need to be changed or removed to work effectively on mobile devices. For example, some UI components may not work on a smaller screen.

Step 3: Install and Set Up React Native

The next step is to install and set up React Native. If you haven't already, you'll need to download and install Node.js, which will allow you to use the command line interface (CLI) to install React Native.Once you have Node.js installed, run the following command to install React Native:```npm install -g expo-cli```You can then create a new React Native application and begin setting it up.

Step 4: Copy and Paste Your React Code into Your New React Native App

Using your newly created React Native application, copy and paste your existing React code into the new app.This will give you a starting point for your mobile app, but keep in mind that you will need to make some changes to the code to make it work effectively on mobile devices.

Step 5: Use Native Components and Libraries

When converting your app to React Native, it is important to use native components and libraries. These can help ensure that your app looks and feels like a native app, rather than just a web app wrapped in a native shell.There are many libraries available for React Native that provide native functionality. For example, the react-native-maps library provides map functionality that looks and behaves like a native map app.

Step 6: Style Your App for Mobile Devices

Once you have your app's functionality working, it's time to style your app for mobile devices.There are many ways to do this, but one effective way is to use flexbox, which is built into React Native. Flexbox allows you to easily create responsive layouts that work well on both iOS and Android devices.

Step 7: Test Your App on Both iOS and Android Devices

After styling your app, it's important to test your app on both iOS and Android devices. This will ensure that your app works effectively on both platforms and looks good on all screen sizes.You can use simulators or emulators to test your app, but testing on real devices is preferred. This will give you a better idea of how your app actually performs on different devices.

Step 8: Optimize Your App for Performance

Once you have your app working effectively on both iOS and Android devices, it's time to optimize your app for performance.There are many ways to do this, but one simple way is to use tools like Expo to help with app optimization. Expo is a set of tools and services that can help you build, deploy, and test React Native apps.

Step 9: Publish Your App

After testing and optimizing your app, it's time to publish your app to the App Store and/or Google Play Store.Each platform has its own submission process, but the submission process is generally straightforward. Just follow the guidelines provided by each platform to ensure that your app meets all requirements.


In conclusion, converting your React app to a React Native app requires careful planning and attention to detail.By following the steps outlined in this article, you can convert your React app to a mobile app that looks and feels like a native app. With the right optimization and testing, your app can provide great user experiences on both iOS and Android devices.

Converting a React App to React Native: A Comprehensive Comparison


React is an immensely popular framework for building web applications. React Native, on the other hand, is a rapidly growing technology that allows you to build native mobile applications using React. This creates a huge opportunity for developers to save time and effort in cross-platform mobile development by reusing components and logic from existing web applications. In this article, we will compare React and React Native, discuss their similarities and differences, and look at how we can convert a React app to React Native.

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library that is used for creating user interfaces, primarily web applications. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers. React uses a component-based architecture, where the UI is broken down into smaller pieces, each with its own logic, rendering, and data.

Keywords: React, JavaScript library, user interface, Facebook, component-based architecture, rendering

In a React app, each component is responsible for rendering a specific part of the application, and communicates with other components through props and/or state. The component tree forms a hierarchy, with each component having its own lifecycle methods and behavior. One significant advantage of React is that it enables the reuse of components across different areas of the application, which saves development time and reduces the chance of bugs and errors.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework developed by Facebook. It takes advantage of the React framework to enable building mobile apps for iOS, Android, and the web, using the same codebase. With React Native, the UI is created using native platform components instead of HTML and CSS.

Keywords: React Native, mobile application framework, iOS, Android, open-source, platform components

React Native allows developers to build high-performance, scalable mobile apps that look and feel native, without sacrificing the productivity benefits of the React framework. It has a set of built-in components and APIs that wrap around the native platform components, providing access to device-specific features like camera, sensors, and location.

Similarities between React and React Native

React and React Native are both developed and maintained by Facebook, and share many similarities in terms of their development principles and practices. They both:

  • Use a component-based architecture
  • Use the same syntax and language (JavaScript)
  • Use similar lifecycle methods for components
  • Use a virtual DOM for rendering and updating UI
  • Encourage code reuse between components
  • Have extensive documentation and comprehensive testing tools

Keywords: similarities, component-based architecture, JavaScript, virtual DOM, code reuse, documentation, testing tools

The similarity of these frameworks can make the process of learning React Native less intimidating for developers already familiar with React. Many of the concepts and design patterns used in React can be carried over, making it easier to get started with mobile development.

Differences between React and React Native

Although React and React Native have a lot in common, they also have some significant differences that can impact the way applications are designed and developed.

Keywords: differences, application design, development

User Interface

React uses HTML and CSS to render UI on the web, while React Native uses a combination of native platform components and JavaScript that is rendered through native APIs. The main difference between these two is that web applications use a lot of HTML and CSS, whereas mobile apps need to be built using native components to ensure a better user experience.


React apps can be slow to load because they use JavaScript to render updates on the screen. React Native uses a process called “bridging” to connect to native components, so it can be slower to render the initial interface, but faster afterward. This bridging process allows React Native apps to perform optimally, making them ideal for building complex mobile applications.

Libraries and modules

React Native has a different set of libraries and modules compared to React. Developers have access to a range of third-party libraries specifically designed for mobile development, such as maps, navigation, and camera functionalities. React has an extensive library ecosystem available but it mostly catered to web development

Debugging and testing

In React, developers will use the browser’s developer tools to debug and test their application. React Native has its own set of debugging and testing tools that are designed to work with native components rather than HTML elements. I.e. react-native-debugger tool, Reactotron, etc..

Converting a React app to React Native

The process of converting a React app to React Native can be broken down into several steps: replacing web-specific components and APIs with their React Native equivalents, designing screens to take into account mobile-specific requirements, handling platform differences (such as iOS vs. Android), tweaking performance, and debugging.

Keywords: converting, process, React Native equivalents, screen designs

The actual steps required will vary depending on the complexity of the app and the specific requirements of the project, but taking a methodical approach can significantly reduce the time and effort involved in the conversion process.

The Verdict

React and React Native are both excellent technologies in their own arenas. If you need to develop a mobile app that supports both iOS and Android, React Native is an excellent choice. For web application development, React is the ideal front-end choice. Both frameworks have a strong community and extensive documentation, making them simple to learn.

Keywords: verdict, mobile app, web application, communities, documentation

The decision will come down to the specific requirements of your project. Keep in mind that with development being an iterative process, starting with one and later branching out to another if needed is also a possibility. Conclusively, it is essential to keep up with advancements in tech, keeping abreast of what’s new by researching popular frameworks often to boost proficiency.

10 Tips on How to Convert a React App to React Native


React is a popular JavaScript library used for creating dynamic UIs, while React Native is a cross-platform mobile app development framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using React. There are times when you may want to convert a React app to a React Native app, either to take advantage of the native capabilities of mobile devices, or to easily port your app to both iOS and Android platforms.

Tip 1: Understand the Limitations

Before starting the conversion process, it’s important to understand that React and React Native are not identical. They have different sets of components and styles, and some React components may not work in React Native. Additionally, React Native has its own set of native components that may not be available in React.

Tip 2: Start with a Simple App

When converting a React app to React Native, it’s best to start with a simple app. This will help you get familiar with React Native and its nuances. Once you have mastered the basics, you can move on to more complex apps.

Tip 3: Use React Native-specific Components

To ensure the compatibility of your React app with React Native, it’s advisable to use components meant specifically for React Native. This includes using ‘Touchable’ components like TouchableHighlight, TouchableOpacity, and TouchableNativeFeedback instead of onClick().

Tip 4: Utilize Platform-specific Code

Most mobile platforms have their own set of components and style guidelines. You can leverage these to make your app look and feel native. React Native provides conditional rendering, which means you can use platform-specific code for iOS and Android to make your app look like it belongs on the respective platform.

Tip 5: Use Flexbox for Layouts

Flexbox is the standard layout system used in React Native. This gives you more control over how your app looks on different screen sizes, and allows you to design for different orientations easily.

Tip 6: Optimize Images

Images can significantly slow down your app’s performance if they’re not optimized. In React Native, you can use the Image component to display images. To optimize images, make sure they’re sized correctly, compressed, and cached.

Tip 7: Test Your App on Devices

It’s essential to test your app on actual devices, as opposed to just your computer. The main reason for this is that the two environments are different, and your app may behave differently on a device compared to a computer. Additionally, testing on actual devices helps you identify potential performance issues.

Tip 8: Use Libraries and Modules

Similar to React, React Native has a large community of developers who have created libraries and modules to make development easier and faster. These libraries cover everything from UI components to integrations with third-party services.

Tip 9: Think About Navigation

Navigation is one of the most essential aspects of mobile apps. In React Native, there are several navigation libraries available, such as react-navigation and react-native-navigation. Choose the one that best suits your needs and integrates well with your app.

Tip 10: Keep Learning

Finally, always keep learning. React Native is continuously evolving, and there’s always something new to learn. To stay up-to-date, follow the official documentation, read blogs, and participate in the React Native community.


Converting a React app into a React Native app takes time, patience, and a willingness to learn. However, by following the tips outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to creating a high-quality, native-feeling mobile app that’s ready for both iOS and Android.

Guide to Convert React App To React Native

React has become a prominent technology for front-end web development. However, now, mobile app development is also taking the leap with React Native. Developers can reuse their existing React codebase and turn it into a React Native app. This article is your guide to convert React app to React Native.Before diving in: If you are entirely new to React, it's better to learn building React apps first. You should understand the principles of React, how it interacts with the DOM, how state, props, and data flow work before trying to convert it into React Native.1. Understanding the differences between React and React Native: React is designed for building web applications on the browser DOM (Document Object Model). React Native is designed for building native mobile applications on iOS and Android operating systems. It uses different components and APIs than React does.2. Build a React app first: Before converting a React app to React Native, build a simple React app first. It's essential to be familiar with React code and its related libraries to make the conversion smooth.3. Start with Installation: For a successful conversion, you will need to install React Native command line interface, Android Studio, and Java Development Kit.4. Verify the installation: After installation, make sure to verify if everything has installed correctly. Open a terminal window, type 'react-native init', enter a project name, and let it initialize the project. If everything goes well, you will see a message that says 'Congrats! You're all set up.'5. Copy the React code: Starting the conversion process, you need to copy your existing React app's codebase and place it in the corresponding React Native directories.6. Switching HTML components with React Native components: Since React uses HTML elements, you cannot use them in the mobile app. So, you need to convert all HTML components into corresponding React Native components.7. Adding Platform specific codes: Mobile operating systems are different from web browsers, which makes it necessary to add platform-specific code. You should create separate components for both Android and iOS platforms and load them according to their platform type.8. Using third-party libraries: React has a vast repository of libraries that can be used for different purposes. In most cases, React libraries also have the equivalent for React Native. However, some may require modifications to work correctly with React Native.9. Testing and debugging: After completing conversion, test your new React Native app and debug any issues that arise.10. Updates: As with any technology, React Native is continually evolving. It's essential to keep updated with new releases and changes to ensure your app is up-to-date with the latest features and fixes. Closing message: With this guide, we hope that you can successfully convert your React app to React Native. Although there are differences between these technologies, the conversion process is not complicated for those who have a good understanding of React. Remember to take it step-by-step and test regularly while debugging issues if they arise.

People Also Ask About Convert React App To React Native

What is the difference between React and React Native?

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces in web applications, while React Native is a JavaScript framework to build iOS and Android mobile applications.

Can a React app be converted into a React Native app?

Yes, it is possible to convert a React app into a React Native app, but it requires some modifications to the code since React and React Native have different component APIs.

What are the benefits of converting a React app to a React Native app?

The benefits of converting a React app to a React Native app include:

  1. Cost-effective as the same codebase can be used for both iOS and Android apps.
  2. Higher performance and faster speed as the app is compiled natively instead of running on a web view.
  3. Better user experience as React Native provides access to native components.

What are the challenges of converting a React app to a React Native app?

The challenges of converting a React app to a React Native app include:

  • The need for additional development time and resources to modify the code.
  • Limited third-party library availability for React Native compared to React.
  • Debugging can be more challenging on a mobile device compared to a web browser.

Is it better to start with a React Native app or a React app?

It depends on the project requirements and goals. If the goal is to build a mobile app for both iOS and Android platforms, it might be better to start with a React Native app. If the goal is to build a web application, a React app would be a better choice.