Troubleshooting Guide: Fixing Weight Watchers App Not Working in 2018

Weight Watchers App Not Working 2018 - What's Going On? Are you tired of trying to track your meals and progress with no success on the Weight Watchers app? Well, you are not alone. Many Weight Watchers members have reported difficulties with their app during this year, leaving them frustrated and demotivated. As a user of the app myself, I have experienced the frustration of its constant crashing, inaccuracy, and slow performance. It is a matter of concern as the app is supposed to be the magical solution to our weight loss problem. But what is causing this dreadful glitch?According to the Weight Watchers technical team, the new software upgrade caused the app to malfunction and unable to sync with its servers smoothly. Meanwhile, users from different parts of the world claim that the problem is not limited to one specific version, but rather the overall platform. This baffling situation has been ongoing for a few months now, and it seems that Weight Watchers is struggling to find a quick solution to fix the issue. These app-related problems can be frustrating, especially if you are trying to stick to a diet plan. Remember the times when you were craving pizza but refused to indulge because you were accountable to the healthy goals you had set on the app. Without the app support, we can easily slip back into old habits and lose motivation. But hold on, don't give up yet! Luckily, there are solutions that can help you work around this problem. One of the obvious solutions is tracking your points manually. Yes, this might take a bit longer than inputting the data onto the app, but it is better than giving up altogether. Use a journal or any other method that works best for you to make sure you track your progress and stay on top of your goals. Another solution would be to log in to the Weight Watchers website through your computer or phone's browser. Although not as convenient as the app, you can still track your meals, chat with other members, and access all the information you need to succeed in your weight loss journey.In conclusion, it is understandable that the Weight Watchers app not working 2018 can be frustrating and discouraging for many of us. Nevertheless, don't let it tear down your confidence in yourself and your goals. Remember, our journey towards a healthy lifestyle is more than just an app. It is a commitment we make to ourselves. If you are facing the issue with the app, don't give up. There are several ways around this problem, as mentioned above. Seek support from your friends and family who are also on the platform, attend meetings, and remember to be patient and kind to yourself. We are all in this together!


With an increasing number of people concerned about their health and weight, weight-loss programs have become a popular way to achieve fitness goals. Weight Watchers is one such program that has helped millions of people lose weight through its points system and supportive community. The Weight Watchers app has been a valuable tool for many users to track their food intake and exercise routines, stay motivated, and connect with others on the same journey. However, some users have reported issues with the Weight Watchers app not working in 2018, which may impact their progress and satisfaction with the program. This article explores some of the possible reasons for the Weight Watchers app not working and offers some solutions to troubleshoot them.

Possible Causes of Weight Watchers App Not Working

1. Technical Glitches

Like any technology-based product, the Weight Watchers app can experience technical glitches from time to time. These might include slow loading, frozen screens, difficulty logging in or syncing data, or inaccurate tracking of points or activities. Such issues could stem from bugs in the app's code, conflicts with other software on your device, or problems with the Wi-Fi or cellular network you're using. To rule out technical glitches as a cause of the Weight Watchers app not working, you could try the following steps:

  • Update the app to the latest version available in the app store.
  • Restart your device to clear any temporary files or cache that can interfere with the app.
  • Ensure that you have a stable internet connection and enough storage space and battery life for the app to run smoothly.
  • Delete and reinstall the app if the above steps don't resolve the issue.

2. Account Issues

Another possible cause of the Weight Watchers app not working is an issue with your account. This could arise due to incorrect login credentials, an expired or inactive account, a payment problem, or other membership-related issues. To confirm whether this is the case for you, try the following steps:

  • Double-check that your login information is correct and that you have an active subscription.
  • Contact Weight Watchers customer support via phone or email to inquire about any account issues and resolve them accordingly.
  • Restart your device and try logging in again after resetting your password or renewing your subscription.

3. User Error

While it may be frustrating to admit, sometimes the cause of the Weight Watchers app not working is simply human error. For instance, you might accidentally enter the wrong food item or serving size, forget to log a meal or snack, misinterpret the points value of an activity, or fail to record a weight measurement. Such mistakes can throw off your tracking and make it seem like the app is malfunctioning when it's not. To avoid user errors, try the following tips:

  • Ensure that you read the labels and measure your food and beverages accurately before logging them.
  • Set reminders or alarms to prompt you to log your meals, snacks, and activities at regular intervals throughout the day.
  • Check and double-check your entries before submitting them to ensure that they're correct.
  • Ask someone else to review your entries if you're unsure or confused.

Solutions for Weight Watchers App Not Working

Now that we've explored some of the possible causes of the Weight Watchers app not working, let's look at some solutions that can help to resolve the issue and get you back on track with your weight-loss goals.

1. Clear Cache and Data

If you're experiencing slow loading or freezing issues with the Weight Watchers app, clearing the cache and data could help. This will delete any temporary files or settings that may be causing the problem and free up more storage space for the app to run efficiently. To clear cache and data on an Android device, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > Weight Watchers app.
  • Select Storage & cache > Clear cache and Clear data.
  • Restart your device and launch the app again.

To clear cache and data on an iPhone, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage > Weight Watchers app.
  • Select Offload App > Offload Now or Delete App > Delete App.
  • Reinstall the app from the App Store and log in again.

2. Check Network Settings

If you're experiencing issues with syncing data or logging in to the Weight Watchers app, check your network settings to ensure that you have a stable connection. If you're using Wi-Fi, make sure that you're within range of the router and that the signal is strong. If you're using cellular data, ensure that you have sufficient coverage and that your data plan isn't restricted or depleted. You can also try switching between Wi-Fi and cellular data to see if one works better than the other.

3. Update Operating System

Running an outdated operating system on your device can cause compatibility issues with apps like Weight Watchers that require the latest software updates to function correctly. To update your operating system on an Android device, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings > System > Software update.
  • Select Download and install if an update is available.
  • Restart your device and launch the app again.

To update your operating system on an iPhone, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings > General > Software update.
  • Select Download and install if an update is available.
  • Restart your device and launch the app again.

4. Contact Customer Support

If you've tried the above solutions and are still experiencing issues with the Weight Watchers app not working, don't hesitate to contact customer support for further assistance. You can reach them by phone, email, or chat, depending on your location and membership plan. They can walk you through troubleshooting steps, escalate any technical or account-related issues, and offer personalized recommendations to help you achieve your weight-loss goals.


The Weight Watchers app has been a valuable tool for many people to track their food intake, exercise routines, and progress towards their weight-loss goals. However, like any technology-based product, the app can experience glitches and malfunctions that may frustrate users and hinder their progress. By identifying the possible causes of the Weight Watchers app not working and applying some simple solutions, you can resolve most issues and enjoy a smoother and more productive tracking experience. Remember to stay patient, keep a positive attitude, and focus on the bigger picture of improving your health and well-being through healthy habits and practices.

Weight Watchers App Not Working 2018: A Comparison


Weight Watchers has been a leading weight loss program for decades, and the release of their app in recent years has made it easier than ever to track progress. However, many users reported that the Weight Watchers app was not working in 2018. In this article, we will compare the reasons behind the malfunctions and provide an opinion on whether the issues have been resolved.

The Issue

In 2018, Weight Watchers app users encountered various issues with the app, ranging from crashes to inaccurate point tracking. Some users reported that the app refused to open, while others stated that it would crash after inputting data. Many users claimed that the app logged them out frequently, resulting in lost data. Additionally, some users said that the point system was malfunctioning, which led to incorrect point calculations.

The Cause

The cause of the Weight Watchers app malfunction was due to a significant system update released by iOS and Android operating systems. The update impacted the app's compatibility with the new OS, which resulted in the malfunction. Another factor was the increased amount of traffic to the app due to the release of new features and content, which led to server overload.

The Solution

After several updates and patches, Weight Watchers finally resolved the app issues. The brand worked tirelessly to perfect the app and fix malfunctions that were affecting user experience. The company provided continuous updates, bug fixes, and enhancements to ensure that the app ran smoothly. Moreover, Weight Watchers extended customer service support, helping users with any concerns or issues they encountered while using the app.

The Alternatives

During the Weight Watchers app malfunction, many users turned to alternative apps to track their progress. Among these apps were MyFitnessPal and Lose It! Both apps offer similar features and tracking systems, leading many users to switch. Furthermore, the app malfunction led to low satisfaction rates among users, pushing some individuals to cancel their Weight Watchers subscriptions.

The Features

Weight Watcher's app offers a wide range of features, including point tracking, calorie counting, and personalized meal plans. The app provides insight into your progress with activity tracking, water intake, and nutritional guidance. Additionally, the app provides access to a social community, allowing users to connect with others for accountability and support. The app also offers support from a team of coaches, along with frequent updates to ensure smooth operation.

Comparison Table

Weight Watchers App MyFitnessPal Lose It!
Point tracking system Calorie counting system Calorie counting system
Personalized meal plans Meal tracking system Meal tracking system
Activity tracking system Activity tracking system Activity tracking system
Nutritional guidance Nutritional guidance Nutritional guidance
Social community for support and accountability Social community for support and accountability Social community for support and accountability


The Weight Watchers app malfunction in 2018 was a significant issue that led to a decrease in satisfaction among users. However, the brand deserves credit for their efforts in fixing the malfunctions through continuous updates and customer support. Additionally, other apps like MyFitnessPal and Lose It! provided similar features, leading to user migration. Ultimately, each app has its pros and cons, and it's up to the individual to decide which platform suits their needs best.

Weight Watchers App Not Working 2018 – Troubleshooting Tips


The Weight Watchers app is an essential tool that helps you manage your weight loss program. However, just like any other app, it can malfunction and cause frustration. Some of the common issues users have faced include glitches, bugs and, in some cases, total system failure. While this can be frustrating, there are several fixes available to help troubleshoot the problem.

Check Your Internet Connection

The Weight Watchers app relies on internet connectivity to work. So, if your internet connection is slow or weak, the app may not function properly, or it may stop working altogether. Check your internet connection by opening any web page in your browser. Slow speeds may require resetting your router or contacting your provider.

Update the App

An outdated app will likely cause problems. Updates usually fix known bugs, glitches, and security issues. Ensure the app is up-to-date by visiting your app store and checking for updates. If an update is available, install it and restart your phone.

Clear App Cache

Each time you use the Weight Watchers app, it stores data temporarily on your phone. This is called a cache. Over time, the cache can become corrupt or overloaded, causing the app to crash. Clearing the cache is one way to fix this issue. To do this, go to your phone’s settings, select applications, then find the Weight Watchers app. Choose “clear cache” and restart the app.

Clear App Data

The app's data contains your personal information, including your progress, favorites, and account details. Clearing this data should only be done as a last resort, as it will remove all your personalized information. If the app cache clearing did not help fix the issue, try this next. Go to your phone settings, select applications, then find the Weight Watchers app. Choose “clear data” and restart the app – this should restore it to the default settings.

Restart Your Phone

Sometimes a simple restart can resolve most app issues. Turning your phone off and back on can clear any glitches and memory errors, which can prevent the app from functioning correctly.

Ensure there is enough Space on Your Phone

The Weight Watchers app relies on several elements such as graphics, videos, and audio recordings. If you don't have enough storage space to hold all of these components, the app may malfunction. Check your phone storage to ensure there is enough space for running the app.

Contact Support

If none of the above steps work, contact support. The Weight Watchers support team can help troubleshoot the issue and provide solutions. You can contact them via email, phone or social media. Ensure that you have all the relevant information such as your height, weight, start date, and any other pertinent details to help them assist you better.

Uninstall and Reinstall the App

If the app still does not work after following all the above steps, uninstalling then reinstalling the app may be the solution. Uninstalling it gets rid of any corrupted files, and when you reinstall it again, it appears as a fresh install, and all settings are reset to their default.


In conclusion, fixing a Weight Watchers app that is not working may involve trying several troubleshooting tips until you find one that works. However, the above mentioned ten points are the most common ways to handle app malfunctions, and you should try them in the order that they appear until the problem is resolved. Finally, remember that being patient is key. The Weight Watchers app is an essential tool for helping you manage your weight loss, and some technical hitches should not deter you from achieving your goals.

Weight Watchers App Not Working 2018: What You Need to Know

If you're a Weight Watchers app user, you know how convenient it is for tracking your food and exercise. However, the app is not always reliable. Many users have encountered problems with the app that can be frustrating, especially when you're trying to stay on track with your weight loss goals. Here's what you need to know about the Weight Watchers app not working in 2018.

Common Problems with the App

There are several issues that users have reported with the Weight Watchers app, including frequent crashes, inaccurate point calculations, slow loading times, and other glitches. These problems can be annoying if you're trying to track your points or stay connected with your support group, but they don't necessarily mean that the app is unusable.

What to Do When the App is Not Working

When you encounter problems with the Weight Watchers app, there are several steps you can take to get it up and running again. Try one or more of the following solutions:

  1. Restart the app - Simply closing the app and reopening it may fix the issue.
  2. Update the app - Check to see if there is a new version of the app available and update it if necessary.
  3. Restart your device - Sometimes rebooting your phone or tablet can resolve issues with apps.
  4. Clear the cache - If the app is running slowly, clearing the cache can speed it up. This may vary depending on your device.
  5. Contact customer support - If all else fails, reach out to Weight Watchers customer support for assistance.

How to Avoid Problems with the App

While there may be times when the Weight Watchers app is not working, there are steps you can take to minimize the chances of issues occurring in the first place. Here are some tips:

  1. Keep your app updated - Make sure that you're running the latest version of the app to avoid compatibility problems.
  2. Check your internet connection - The app requires a stable internet connection to function properly. If your connection is weak or drops frequently, it may affect the app's performance.
  3. Log out and log back in regularly - Logging out and back in can prevent glitches from building up over time.
  4. Clear your cache and data regularly - This can also help prevent issues with the app.
  5. Use the website instead of the app - If the app is consistently giving you trouble, try using Weight Watchers' website instead.

Why the App Sometimes Malfunctions

Technology is never perfect, and sometimes apps don't work as intended. In the case of the Weight Watchers app, there are several reasons why it may malfunction:

  1. Compatibility issues - Your device or operating system may not be fully compatible with the app.
  2. Server problems - If the Weight Watchers server is overloaded, it may cause the app to run slowly or crash.
  3. Bugs in the app - All software is prone to bugs, and the Weight Watchers app is no exception. These bugs can cause the app to misbehave.
  4. Human error - Sometimes, mistakes are made during app development or maintenance that can cause issues with the app.


The Weight Watchers app is a useful tool for anyone trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle. While it may not always work perfectly, there are steps you can take to minimize issues and get it running again when problems arise. By staying up-to-date with the latest app updates and being mindful of your device's performance, you can use the Weight Watchers app to help you achieve your goals.

Remember, the app is just one tool in your weight loss journey, and it's important to focus on making healthy choices and developing sustainable habits over time. Don't let app glitches discourage you from reaching your goals!

We hope this article has been helpful in addressing any concerns you may have had about the Weight Watchers app not working in 2018. If you have any further questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to Weight Watchers customer support for assistance.

People Also Ask: Weight Watchers App Not Working 2018

Why is my Weight Watchers app not working?

If you are experiencing issues with your Weight Watchers app, there could be a few reasons why:

  • Your app may need to be updated. Check your app store to see if there are any updates available.
  • Your internet connection may be weak or unstable. Try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network or restarting your device.
  • There may be an issue with the Weight Watchers servers. You can check the Weight Watchers Twitter account for any updates on server issues and how to resolve them.

How do I fix my Weight Watchers app?

If your Weight Watchers app is not working, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Ensure that your app is up to date and you have the latest version.
  2. Check your internet connection and make sure it is stable.
  3. Restart both your device and the Weight Watchers app.
  4. If none of the above works, contact Weight Watchers customer support for further assistance.

Can I still track my points if the app isn't working?

Yes, even if the Weight Watchers app isn't working, you can still track your points by using the traditional paper tracker or by logging onto the Weight Watchers website and tracking your points there.