Troubleshooting Heroku: Solutions for 'Heroku Couldn't Find That App' Error


Have you ever encountered the frustrating error message Heroku Couldn't Find That App? If so, you're not alone. This error can be one of the most common issues faced by Heroku users. In this article, we will discuss why this error occurs and how you can fix it.

First of all, let's understand what Heroku is. Heroku is a cloud-based platform that allows developers to build, deploy, manage, and scale applications in various languages such as Ruby, Node.js, Java, Python, and more. It's a powerful tool for developing and running web applications without worrying about infrastructure or servers.

Now, coming back to the error message, if you see Heroku Couldn't Find That App, it means that Heroku is unable to locate the application you are trying to access. There could be many reasons why this error occurs:

  • You may have mistyped the app name or URL
  • The app may have been deleted or renamed
  • You may not have access to the app

So, what can you do to fix this issue? Let's take a look at some possible solutions:

Check the App Name or URL

One of the most common reasons for this error to occur is a typo in the app name or URL. Double-check that you have entered the correct app name, and that the URL matches the format

Verify App Status

Another reason your app may not be found is that it has been deleted or renamed. Go to the Heroku Dashboard and check the status of your app. If it's not listed, it may have been deleted. If it's listed under a different name, make sure to update your URL accordingly.

Check Your Access

If you don't have access to the app, you won't be able to access it. Check with the app owner or administrator to ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access the app.

Make Sure the App is Running

If your app is not running, it won't be accessible. Check the app logs to see if there are any errors preventing it from starting. You can also try restarting the app using the Heroku CLI by running the command heroku restart.


In conclusion, if you see the error message Heroku Couldn't Find That App, don't panic. It's a common issue that can be resolved easily by checking the app name and URL, verifying app status, checking your access, or ensuring the app is running. By following these simple steps, you can quickly get back to developing and deploying your applications on Heroku.

Are you still facing issues with this error? Don't hesitate to reach out to Heroku's support team, who will be happy to assist you. Happy coding!


Heroku is a cloud-based platform that provides a streamlined way of deploying web and mobile applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. With Heroku, developers have complete control over the deployment process, which makes it easy to launch applications quickly and efficiently.

The Issue: Heroku Couldn't Find That App

One common issue that developers face on Heroku is the error message, Heroku couldn't find that app, which appears when accessing an application hosted on the platform. This error message can be frustrating for developers, especially when they have spent time developing the application and are eager to deploy it.

Possible Causes of the Error

There are several causes of the error message Heroku couldn't find that app.

  • Incorrect app name or URL - This is one of the most common causes of the error message. If the app name or URL is incorrect, the platform won't be able to locate it.
  • Heroku account issues - If there are issues with your Heroku account, such as billing problems or expired credit card information, you won't be able to access your applications.
  • Deployment issues - If there are issues with the deployment process, such as incorrect configuration settings or faulty scripts, your application might not be accessible on the platform.


To resolve the issue of Heroku couldn't find that app, there are several possible solutions:

  • Check the app name and URL - Ensure that the app name and URL are correct. Double-check the spelling and syntax of the name and URL to avoid errors.
  • Verify your Heroku account - Make sure that your Heroku account is active and that there are no billing or credit card issues. If there are any problems, contact Heroku support to resolve them.
  • Check the deployment process - Verify that the deployment process was successful. Check the logs to ensure that there were no errors during the deployment. Additionally, ensure that the app is running properly and that all dependencies have been installed correctly.


The error message Heroku couldn't find that app can be a frustrating issue for developers using the Heroku platform. However, with the right approach and attention to detail, it can be resolved quickly and easily. By double-checking the app name and URL, verifying your Heroku account, and checking the deployment process, you can avoid this error message and launch your app smoothly.

Comparison of Heroku Couldn't Find That App


When it comes to cloud app deployment, Heroku is one of the most popular platforms available in the market. However, like any other platform, it has its fair share of issues. One of the biggest issues that frustrate users is the infamous error message: Heroku couldn't find that app. In this blog post, we will compare the possible reasons why Heroku couldn't find that app error appears, and how developers can troubleshoot them.

Table Comparison

To help you follow along easily, here is a table comparison highlighting some of the most common reasons why Heroku encounters difficulties in finding your application:
Issue Description
1. Wrong app name Your app's name on Heroku must exactly match the name used in your repository or Heroku CLI
2. No permission to the app You don't have permissions to access the app or it has been deleted
3. Invalid space name The space where your app resides might be different from where you are looking.
4. Multiple Heroku accounts You may have multiple Heroku accounts or you're logged in to the wrong one.
5. App not deployed Your app might not be deployed or the build might have failed.

Wrong app name

This is probably the most common reason why you see the Heroku couldn't find that app error message. The name used in Heroku must be exactly the same as the one you used in your repository or Heroku CLI. Unlike other hosting platforms, Heroku requires using a specific format when naming apps.

For instance, all app names must start with a letter and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes. Additionally, the name should not exceed 30 characters. In case you are unsure about the correct name of the app, you can use the command:

Heroku list –all

This command lists all the apps you have access to on Heroku. The output will give you a hint either to retry using the right name or check other issues below.

No permissions to the app

You might encounter this error when you have been invited to collaborate on an app, but you don't have the right permission. In that case, contact the owner or member who invited you and ask them to share the app with you. On the other hand, the app might have been deleted for some reasons, and it's no longer available on Heroku servers.

Invalid space name

If you're working with multiple spaces on Heroku, you might forget to check if the space where your app is deployed matches the one you are viewing. Heroku deploys applications at a specific location: a region. Every region has many spaces assigned to it. Therefore, you should ensure you select the correct region and space before attempting to connect to your application.

Multiple Heroku accounts

If you have multiple Heroku accounts, it is easy to overlook and log in with the wrong one unknowingly. When logged in to an incorrect account, you'll not be able to see your apps because they are not associated with that account. Always ensure you're logged in with the right account before proceeding to view or manage your apps.

App not deployed

In most cases, the error message Heroku couldn't find that app appears when the app is not deployed on the Heroku platform. Check your app's build status and ensure the build passed before attempting to view the app on Heroku. If the build failed, inspect the build logs for more information about why the build failed.


The Heroku couldn't find that app error can be frustrating, especially when you don't know where to check for the issue. However, by following this guideline, you'll be able to narrow down the possible reasons and troubleshoot them in no time. One critical lesson learned when deploying applications on a cloud platform is to follow the best practices and guidelines for naming, deploying, and maintaining an application. Doing so allows you to identify and resolve issues quickly.

Final Thoughts

Deploying an app on Heroku is a task that requires attention to detail. The platform is popular among developers because it abstracts away the infrastructure and simplifies the deployment process. When you encounter the Heroku couldn't find that app error, it is essential to check the app name, permissions, region, account, and deployment status. While the list presented in this blog post is far from exhaustive, it identifies some of the most common causes of this error message. By following these guidelines, you can save yourself a lot of frustration and unnecessary debugging time.

Troubleshooting Heroku Couldn't Find That App Error

Heroku is a cloud platform that makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale applications. It offers a range of tools and services to help developers build and ship their apps quickly. However, there are times when you may run into issues with the platform such as the Heroku Couldn't Find That App error.

What Does Heroku Couldn't Find That App Error Mean?

This error message usually appears when you try to access an app that doesn't exist or has been deleted on the Heroku platform. It is a common issue faced by developers while deploying, managing, or running their application on Heroku.

Possible Causes of Heroku Couldn't Find That App Error

There can be multiple reasons why Heroku couldn't find the app you were looking for. Here are some of the reasons:

1. App has been deleted

If the app was deleted, either by the developer or by Heroku due to inactivity or other policy violations, you may receive this error message.

2. Typo/misspelled app name or URL

It's possible that you may have entered the app name or URL incorrectly. Make sure to double-check the spelling and case-sensitivity of your app name and URL.

3. Insufficient Access

You may not have sufficient access to the app or the account that owns the app, which means you don't have permission to view or access the app. This could be due to a change in permissions or an issue with your account.

4. Region Mismatch

Heroku's platform is available in multiple regions across the globe. But, if you try to access an app that is not present in the same region as you are, you may see this error message.

How to Fix Heroku Couldn't Find That App Error?

Now that you know some of the common causes of this error, let's look at how to fix it:

1. Check Your Spelling

The simplest way to fix this error is by reviewing your spelling and ensuring that the app name or URL is correct. Check for any typos or capitalization errors, and make sure that you have entered the correct name or URL for the app that you are trying to access.

2. Check Your Permissions

If you have been given limited access to the app or the account, you may not be able to view or access the app. Check your permissions and seek assistance from the administrator of the account if you don't have the proper level of access.

3. Verify the App Still Exists in Heroku

It's possible that the app was deleted or removed from Heroku. Check the Heroku dashboard to see if the app is still there. If not, you may need to recreate the app or restore it if it was accidentally deleted.

4. Consider the Region Mismatch

If you are trying to access the app from a different region, either because you are traveling or using a different computer, it's possible that the app is not available in your region. Verify the region where the app is located and make sure to switch it before accessing it again.

5. Reach Out to Heroku Support

If you have tried all of the above solutions and still encounter the Heroku Couldn't Find That App error, it may be an issue on Heroku's end. Contact the support team and provide all relevant information about the issue and steps that you have already taken to fix it.

In Conclusion

Heroku is an excellent platform that offers many benefits to developers. But, as with any technology, there can be issues that you may encounter. When that happens, take a methodical approach to troubleshooting and be patient. By following these tips, hopefully, you can solve the Heroku Couldn't Find That App error and continue to enjoy working on your app.

Heroku Couldn't Find That App? Here's What to Do

Heroku is a popular cloud platform that allows you to build, run, and scale applications in different programming languages. It has a user-friendly interface that makes deployment of applications very easy. However, sometimes, you may encounter an error message that says Heroku couldn't find that app. This error can be frustrating, especially if you are trying to deploy a critical application. In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of this error and how to fix it.

The first possible cause of this error is that you may have entered an incorrect name for your application. Ensure that the name you entered matches the name of the application you created on Heroku. Also, if your application name contains capital letters, make sure you enter them correctly. Heroku is case-sensitive, so any small mistake can lead to this error. If you are not sure of your application's name, you can check the name by logging in to your Heroku account.

Another possible cause of this error is that your application may have been deleted. Heroku automatically deletes applications that have been inactive for a long time. If your application has been deleted, you can check the activity log of your account to confirm. If you find that the application has been deleted, you can recreate it by following the same process you used when you first created it.

If none of the above reasons are responsible for the error message, you may encounter issues with your internet connection. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection before accessing Heroku. Sometimes, slow internet connections or intermittent drops can lead to an error message, so ensure that you have a stable connection.

It is also possible that there is a problem with the Heroku server, which is responsible for hosting your application. If the server is down, you may encounter this error message. In such cases, you can try accessing the Heroku status page to check if there are any reported issues. If the issue persists, you can contact the Heroku support team for more assistance.

If you are using the Heroku command-line interface (CLI), you may encounter an error if you did not initialize a Git repository for your project. Ensure that you have initialized a Git repository and committed all files before deploying to Heroku. You also need to connect your project to Heroku by running the Heroku Git remote command in your project directory.

Additionally, you may encounter this error if your account has been suspended. Heroku suspends accounts that violate its terms of service or rules. If you think that your account has been suspended by mistake, you can contact the Heroku support team to get more information.

If you are deploying your application using Docker, you may also encounter this error message. In such cases, ensure that you have created a Dockerfile and followed the correct deployment process. Heroku supports Docker deployment, so you should not encounter any significant problems if you follow the recommended process.

If your application contains dependencies that are not specified in the requirements.txt file, you may encounter an error message. Ensure that you have included all dependencies in the requirements file before deploying to Heroku. Remember to run the pip install command to install all dependencies before running the application on Heroku.

In conclusion, encountering the Heroku couldn't find that app error can be frustrating, especially if your application is critical. However, with the above-discussed tips, we believe you can fix the error and deploy your application successfully. Always double-check the name of your application, ensure you have stable internet connectivity, and include all dependencies in the requirements file.

Good luck with your Heroku deployment!

People Also Ask about Heroku Couldn't Find That App

What does the error message 'Heroku couldn't find that app' mean?

The error message 'Heroku couldn't find that app' indicates that an application with the given name or ID cannot be found on the Heroku platform. This error can occur when a developer has not created any apps, an incorrect name or ID is used, or the app has been deleted or is inactive.

Why am I getting this error message?

You may receive this error message if:

  • You provided a wrong app name or ID
  • The app was deleted or is no longer active
  • The app might have been renamed or transferred ownership

How do I fix the 'Heroku couldn't find that app' error?

To fix the 'Heroku couldn't find that app' error, try the following solutions:

  1. Double-check the name or ID of the app and make sure it matches the correct one
  2. Check if the app has been deleted or is inactive and create a new one or reactivate it, if needed
  3. If you suspect the app was renamed or transferred, contact the owner and ask for the updated name or ID

Can I recover my deleted app on Heroku?

Yes, you can recover your deleted app on Heroku by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Heroku account and click on the 'Personal apps' option on the dashboard
  2. Click on the 'Deleted apps' tab, select the app you want to recover, and click on the 'Restore' button
  3. The app will be restored with its original name, ID, and add-ons. However, any stored data or configurations will be lost.
  4. Contact Heroku support if you encounter any issues during the recovery process.

How do I access my renamed app on Heroku?

To access a renamed app on Heroku, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Heroku account and navigate to the dashboard
  2. Click the 'Personal apps' or 'Team apps' option, depending on where the renamed app is located
  3. Select the app from the list of available apps and click on it to open in the browser
  4. If the app was renamed recently and still shows the old name, try refreshing the page or clearing your browser's cache and cookies