Unlock Your Career Potential with App State College of Business Advising: A Comprehensive Guide


Are you a student at Appalachian State University looking to excel in the business world? Look no further than the App State College of Business Advising program. This program offers a wide variety of services to help guide and support you on your academic and career journey.

Did you know that 99% of all College of Business students who utilized advising services said it was helpful in achieving their academic goals? That's a staggering statistic that speaks to just how effective this program can be for you as a student.

But what exactly does the College of Business Advising program offer? For starters, they have a team of advisors who are knowledgeable on all aspects of the business school curriculum, including majors, course requirements, and career opportunities.

In addition, the program also offers resources such as academic tutoring, workshops on study skills, resume building, and mock interviews. These resources can be invaluable in helping you succeed both academically and professionally.

Transitioning from high school to college can be difficult, but with the College of Business Advising program, that transition can be made much smoother. Advisors can offer guidance on course selection, time management, and study habits, setting you up for success right from the start.

Furthermore, the program ensures that each student is on track to graduate on time by regularly reviewing transcripts and degree requirements. This ensures that students don't miss any necessary courses or certifications that are needed to graduate and begin their careers.

But perhaps the greatest benefit of the College of Business Advising program is the personal attention and support that you receive from the advisors. They are dedicated to helping you succeed, and are always available to answer questions and provide guidance whenever you need it.

In conclusion, if you're a student at Appalachian State University looking to excel in the business world, then look no further than the College of Business Advising program. With a wide variety of services, a knowledgeable team of advisors, and a track record of success, this program is the solution you've been looking for.

So don't wait any longer- take advantage of this amazing resource and start achieving your academic and career goals today!

Introducing the App State College of Business Advising

As students embark on their college journey, there are many resources available to help them succeed academically. One such resource is academic advising. It's no secret that college can be overwhelming at times, so having a knowledgeable advisor by your side is essential for navigating through the challenges you may face. At Appalachian State University's College of Business, students have access to some of the best advisors in the industry.

Meet the Advisors

The College of Business has a dedicated team of advisors that are committed to helping students succeed. Each advisor specializes in specific areas of the business curriculum, allowing them to provide tailored guidance to each student. Whether you're seeking help with course selection, career planning or any other aspect of your academic journey, the advisors at the College of Business are here to support you.

Let's meet a few of the advisors:

Adviser #1: John Smith

John Smith has been an advisor at the College of Business for over 10 years. He specializes in academic planning and career development. John has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to selecting the right courses to achieve your academic goals. He's also well-versed in helping students prepare for the job market, including resume building, interviewing skills and more.

Adviser #2: Jane Doe

Jane Doe is an academic advisor with a focus on international business. She's passionate about global business and enjoys helping students with understanding different cultures and customs. Jane has also helped many international students navigate through the complexities of studying and working in the United States.

Adviser #3: Mike Thompson

Mike Thompson is a highly sought-after advisor who specializes in entrepreneurship. He's the go-to person for students who have a passion for starting their own business. Mike has helped many students turn their dreams into reality while also providing them with valuable resources and support.

The Benefits of Academic Advising

Working with an academic advisor comes with many benefits that can help shape your college experience. Here are some reasons why you should consider working with an advisor:

1. Personalized Guidance

Academic advisors work with you one-on-one to tailor their recommendations to your unique needs. They'll assess your academic history, interests, and goals, and then provide you with guidance on how to achieve your objectives.

2. Course Selection Aid

Choosing the right courses can be challenging, especially when there are so many options available. Your advisor can help you select courses that align with your goals, passions, and strengths while keeping you on track to graduate on time.

3. Career Planning Assistance

Your advisor can provide career advice and help you explore career options within your field of study. They can also guide you through the process of creating a resume, preparing for job interviews, and more.

4. Resource Connections

Your advisor can connect you with valuable resources such as internships, study abroad programs, networking opportunities, and more. These connections can give you a competitive edge and enhance your overall college experience.


In short, working with an academic advisor is crucial for success in college. At Appalachian State University's College of Business, you'll have access to some of the best advisors in the industry. These advisors are passionate about helping students succeed and are knowledgeable about all aspects of the business curriculum. They offer personalized guidance, course selection aid, career planning assistance, and resource connections. Contact the College of Business advising office to learn more about how they can help you achieve your academic goals.

Business Advising at App State College: A Comprehensive Comparison


As you explore your academic options for business studies, you want to find a college that offers expert advising and guidance to their students. Appalachian State University (App State) is well-known for their highly-rated business program, and they offer many resources for students to excel in their studies. One of these resources is the robust advising services offered through the College of Business. In this article, we will compare and contrast the different advising programs offered by App State’s College of Business, looking at the strengths and challenges of each approach.

Overview of App State’s College of Business Advising

The College of Business at App State offers several avenues of advising for their students. Freshman and sophomore students are advised by professional advisors who help guide them through the first two years of their business program, ensuring that they are making good progress towards their degree. At the end of their sophomore year, students meet with faculty advisors who will guide them through their upper-level coursework and help them develop a plan of study that aligns with their career goals.

The Pros of Professional Advising

Professional advisors are a valuable resource for freshman and sophomore students, as they can provide an objective perspective on course selection, graduation requirements, and other aspects of their academic journey. They are knowledgeable about the resources available to students, such as tutoring, career services, and internships. Additionally, they can answer practical questions related to registration, scheduling, and transferring credits from other institutions.

The Challenges of Professional Advising

One potential drawback of professional advising is that these advisors may not have the same specialized knowledge in specific areas of business as faculty advisors do. Students interested in pursuing certain concentrations or minors may need to seek additional advising from faculty members. Another challenge of professional advising is that students may not build the same level of personal relationships with advisors as they would with faculty members. This can be important for students who need guidance and mentorship beyond their strictly academic pursuits.

Faculty Advising Strengths

Faculty advisors are experts in their fields, and they can provide more targeted and specific advising to students as they pursue upper-level courses and specializations. They are often available for office hours and personal appointments, which can help students build closer relationships with their advisors and receive more personalized guidance. Additionally, faculty advisors can assist students in finding relevant internships, research opportunities, and other hands-on training.

Challenges of Faculty Advising

One challenge of faculty advising is that there may be less consistency across advisors in terms of their availability, approach, and expectations. Students may need to navigate different advising styles and personalities, which can be challenging or confusing. Another potential drawback of faculty advising is that some faculty members may have limited time or resources to allocate to advising, particularly if they are heavily engaged in research or other academic pursuits.

Appointments and Availability of Advising Services

Another important factor to consider when comparing App State’s advising programs is the availability and accessibility of advisors. At the College of Business, both professional advisors and faculty advisors offer appointment-based advising, typically during regular business hours. Students can schedule appointments in person or online, depending on the advisor they are working with.

Pros and Cons of Appointment-Based Advising

One benefit of appointment-based advising is that it allows for more individualized attention and guidance. Students can meet with advisors at a time and location that works best for them, and they can get more dedicated attention than they might in drop-in counseling sessions. Additionally, appointment-based advising can ensure that students receive consistent and timely information about their coursework, graduation requirements, and internship options.One potential drawback of appointment-based advising is that it can be more limiting in terms of timing and availability. If students need immediate assistance or have urgent concerns, they may not be able to book an appointment quickly enough. Additionally, some students may prefer drop-in or walk-in advising, which can be more flexible and informal.

Technology Resources for Advising

As technology becomes increasingly integrated into every aspect of higher education, App State’s College of Business has also incorporated digital tools and resources into their advising services. Some of the technology resources available to students include online appointment scheduling, virtual office hours, and electronic forms for submitting degree plans and other paperwork.

The Advantages of Technology-Enhanced Advising

Technology resources can help students access advising services more easily, even if they are unable to physically attend appointments or meetings. Online portals and tools can also help streamline administrative tasks related to advising, reducing the amount of time and effort required for registration, submission of forms, and other processes. Additionally, technology-enhanced advising can make advising services more accessible for non-traditional and distance-learning students who are unable to come to campus frequently.

Potential Drawbacks of Technology-Enhanced Advising

One potential disadvantage of relying too heavily on technology for advising is that some students may feel disconnected or isolated from their advisors. Online interactions may not provide the same level of personal attention or empathy as face-to-face conversations, which can lead to misunderstandings or less effective advising. Additionally, technology problems or glitches can interfere with the smooth delivery of advising services, which can frustrate both students and advisors.

Outreach and Special Programs for Advising

Finally, it is worth considering the outreach and special programs offered by App State’s College of Business for advising services. These can include workshops on career preparation, networking events, internships and co-op programs, and other resources designed to help students make the most of their education.

Benefits of Outreach Programs

Outreach and special programs can provide valuable exposure to real-world business experiences, giving students skills and knowledge that can be applied both during their studies and in their future careers. These opportunities can also help foster closer relationships between students and faculty advisors, as well as provide networking opportunities with fellow students and alumni.

Challenges of Outreach Programs

One challenge of outreach programs is that they may not be available or accessible to all students, particularly those who have busy schedules or who are unable to attend events on campus. Additionally, some students may feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of outreach opportunities available, leading to decision paralysis or uncertainty about which programs are most relevant or effective. Finally, outreach and special programs require additional resources and funding, which can pose challenges for the College of Business and their overall budget.

Conclusion: Balancing Three Key Advising Approaches

In conclusion, App State’s College of Business offers multiple avenues of advising to students, each with its own strengths and challenges. Professional advising can be valuable for ensuring that freshman and sophomore students navigate their coursework successfully, while faculty advising can provide targeted and specialized guidance for upper-level students. Appointment-based advising can ensure personalized attention and consistency, while technology-enhanced advising can make services more accessible and convenient. Finally, outreach and special programs can enhance students’ education and professional development opportunities. The key to effective advising at App State’s College of Business is striking a balance between these different approaches, ensuring that all students have access to the resources and support they need to achieve their academic and career goals. Ultimately, it is up to each individual student to determine which approach works best for them, and to seek out guidance and mentorship throughout their time at App State.

App State College of Business Advising: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Success


Advising is an essential part of any college experience. It helps you navigate the academic world, set realistic goals, and make informed decisions. Effective advising can increase your chances of success and help you make the most out of your time at college. The College of Business Advising team at App State is dedicated to helping students achieve their academic and professional goals.

Tips for Meeting with Your Advisor

One of the biggest factors in getting the most out of advising is your approach. Here are some tips for making your meetings with your advisor as productive as possible:

1. Come prepared:

Prior to your advising appointment, spend some time thinking about your questions and concerns. Write them down and bring them with you. Your advisor will be better equipped to help you if they have a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish.

2. Do your research:

Before meeting with your advisor, review the College of Business website and read up on degree requirements, course offerings, and other important details. This way, you can ask informed questions and make the most out of your advising session.

3. Be honest:

Sometimes, it can be tempting to tell your advisor what you think they want to hear. However, it's important to be honest about your academic strengths and weaknesses, as well as your post-graduation goals. Your advisor can help you develop a plan that takes these factors into account.

Services Offered by the College of Business Advising Team

The App State College of Business Advising team provides a wide range of services to help students succeed. Here are just a few examples:

1. Academic planning:

Your advisor can help you develop a plan for completing your degree requirements, including choosing courses and managing your workload.

2. Career counseling:

The College of Business Advising team can offer guidance on internships, networking opportunities, and job search strategies.

3. Study abroad:

If you're interested in studying abroad, your advisor can help you choose a program that fits your academic and personal goals.

4. Leadership development:

Whether you're interested in joining a student organization or pursuing a leadership role, your advisor can provide resources and support to help you succeed.

The Importance of Regular Advising Appointments

Meeting with your advisor regularly can help you stay on track, avoid common pitfalls, and make the most out of your college experience. Here are some reasons why you should consider making advising appointments a priority:

1. Stay up-to-date on degree requirements:

Degree requirements can change from semester to semester. Your advisor can help you stay current and understand what you need to do to graduate on time.

2. Get help with difficult courses:

If you're struggling with a particular class, your advisor can connect you with tutoring services and other resources to help you succeed.

3. Explore new opportunities:

Your advisor can help you discover new academic and professional opportunities that you might not have considered otherwise.


Effective advising is a crucial part of any successful college experience. Whether you need help planning your degree program, navigating career options, or exploring new opportunities, the College of Business Advising team at App State is here to support you. By following these tips and making regular advising appointments a priority, you'll be well on your way to achieving your academic and professional goals.

App State College Of Business Advising: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to App State College of Business Advising! We strive to provide the best guidance and support possible for our students as they navigate their academic journey. Our advising team is committed to helping students achieve their goals and succeed in both their coursework and career paths. In this blog post, we will discuss what our advising services entail, what resources are available to students, and how students can make the most out of our services.

Our advising services provide comprehensive support for students from the moment they step foot on campus until graduation. Our advisors work with students to develop academic plans that are reflective of their interests and passions while meeting degree requirements. Our goal is to help gain a deeper understanding of their individual strengths and explore opportunities to deepen their knowledge and broaden their experiences. Through one-on-one advising appointments, students are able to discuss concerns about their classes, schedule adjustments, degree requirements, graduation, internships and job search preparation, and other academic and career-related topics.

Moreover, our advisors use student-centered approach, believing that each student is unique and has a story, background and goals. We respect these features by listening carefully, asking effective questions and providing relevant insights that fit individual situations. We create a warm atmosphere to foster personalized conversations and make every discussion meaningful, so that students feel comfortable collaborating with us to aim high, identify success strategies, and overcome barriers.

In addition to our advising services, we also offer several resources and programs that complement and strengthen the academic experience. Our Website provides comprehensive information on majors, minors, certificates, courses, campus resources, deadlines, and other important information. Students can access this information without scheduling an appointment through the App State College of Business Advising web site. Moreover, we organize workshops, seminars, and information sessions that cover various topics such as semester preparation, academic planning, soft skills development, graduate school preparation, internships and employment search.

As a result of our efforts to provide students with effective advising services and comprehensive resources, students have reported feeling more confident, prepared, and supported. Many have successfully completed their degrees on time or ahead of schedule, as well as landed jobs or admission to graduate schools with help from our longstanding partnerships with alumni, professionals, and employers. We are proud to report that many of our graduates mention our enthusiastic support as a highlight of their college experience.

If you are seeking to make the most out of your academic experience at the App State College of Business Advising, here are some suggestions for utilizing our services:

1. Schedule an appointment with an advisor. This is the best way to receive personalized guidance and discuss issues that are specific to your situation. You can schedule appointments through our Website, by phone and in person.

2. Attend our workshops and seminars. Our programs cater to diverse interests and needs of students. By attending these events, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and skills that will enhance your academic and professional growth. All events are available online, and we will do our best to accommodate different schedules.

3. Take advantage of our online resources. Our website is comprehensive and has all the necessary information regarding degree requirements, courses, and resources that you may need to succeed in your academic and career paths. Use it to your advantage!

4. Share your story with us. We believe that learning from each other's experiences and insights is important, so feel free to share your story with us. When students share their thoughts, feelings, challenges and successes, we better understand them and can offer more helpful advice.

In conclusion, we hope that this post has provided you with a better understanding of the App State College of Business Advising and the services that we offer. We strive to provide outstanding support and guidance to all of our students, and we believe that through collaboration and shared experiences, we can help everyone achieve their academic and career goals. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help!

Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to working with you to achieve your academic and professional dreams.

People Also Ask about App State College of Business Advising

What is the App State College of Business Advising Center?

The App State College of Business Advising Center serves as a resource for current and prospective students seeking guidance on academic programs, course registration, degree requirements, career services, and other related issues. The Center provides one-on-one advising through professional advisors who have expertise in helping students navigate their academic and career paths.

What services are offered by the App State College of Business Advising Center?

The App State College of Business Advising Center offers a range of services to students, including:

  1. Academic advising on course selection, registration, and degree requirements
  2. Career advising on job search strategies, internships, and networking opportunities
  3. Assistance with major and minor declarations and changes
  4. Help with academic planning and goal-setting
  5. Referrals to campus resources such as tutoring, counseling, and disability services

Who can use the services of the App State College of Business Advising Center?

The services of the App State College of Business Advising Center are available to all undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Business. Additionally, the Center provides support to students who are exploring business majors or considering transferring into the College of Business.

How can I schedule an appointment with an advisor at the App State College of Business Advising Center?

To schedule an appointment with an advisor at the App State College of Business Advising Center, you can log in to your Handshake account and select Appointments from the side menu. From there, you can choose Schedule a New Appointment, select the reason for your appointment, and view available appointment times. You can also call or email the Advising Center to schedule an appointment.

What should I bring to my appointment with an advisor at the App State College of Business Advising Center?

To make the most of your appointment with an advisor at the App State College of Business Advising Center, you should bring:

  • Your degree audit
  • A list of questions you have about course selection, degree requirements, or career services
  • Your academic plan or goals for your major or minor
  • A copy of your resume and/or cover letter (if seeking career advising)

Can I receive advising services remotely?

Yes, the App State College of Business Advising Center offers remote advising services through Zoom or phone appointments. When scheduling your appointment, you can choose whether you prefer an in-person or remote appointment.