Unlock Your Perfect Smile with the What Shade Are My Teeth App - A Revolutionary Tool for Oral Care


Have you ever wondered what shade your teeth are? Perhaps you've noticed a gradual discoloration over time or maybe you're curious about how white your smile really is. Well, wonder no more because there's an app for that - What Shade Are My Teeth

So, how does it work? It's simple really. All you have to do is hold up your phone to your teeth and snap a picture. The app then analyzes the image and matches the color to a shade guide. Voila! You now know the exact shade of your teeth.

But wait, why does it matter?

Well, did you know that the appearance of your teeth can say a lot about your overall health and hygiene? Yellow or stained teeth can be a sign of poor dental hygiene or even more serious underlying health issues such as gum disease or diabetes.

Furthermore, having a bright and white smile can boost confidence and self-esteem. In fact, studies have shown that people perceive those with whiter teeth as more attractive and successful.

But don't just take our word for it, let's look at some statistics. Did you know that 80% of Americans between the ages of 18-49 wish they had whiter teeth? Additionally, teeth whitening is a $3.2 billion industry in the United States alone.

Now that you understand the importance of knowing your teeth shade, let's delve into some of the features of the What Shade Are My Teeth App. Not only does it tell you the shade of your teeth, but it also offers tips and tricks on how to maintain or improve the shade.

For example, the app may suggest certain products or ingredients (such as baking soda or hydrogen peroxide) to incorporate into your dental care routine. It may also recommend professional dental treatments such as whitening or cleaning.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the What Shade Are My Teeth App and discover the shade of your teeth today. You may just be surprised at what you find. Plus, with the added benefits of maintaining good dental health and boosting confidence, it's a win-win situation.

But don't take our word for it. Check out the rave reviews from satisfied users who have seen improvement in both their oral health and appearance. It's time to join the millions of others who have already taken steps towards a brighter and healthier smile.

Remember, knowing your teeth shade is just the first step towards achieving a beautiful and healthy smile. Take action today and see the difference it can make in your life.

Teeth whitening has become increasingly popular in today's society, with many people seeking to improve the appearance of their smiles. If you're looking for a tool that can help you monitor your progress during the teeth whitening process, the What Shade Are My Teeth app might be just what you need.

The Purpose of the App

The What Shade Are My Teeth app is straightforward in its purpose: to help you determine the shade of your teeth and track changes over time. This app is easy to use and can be used alongside other teeth whitening products or services.

Through regular use of the app, you can track the improvement of your teeth's shade and see the effects of your chosen whitening treatment. This can help you figure out which methods work best for you and make an informed decision when choosing future treatments.

How it Works

The What Shade Are My Teeth app uses a simple process to determine your tooth's current shade. You take a photo of your teeth, and the app will analyze and categorize the shade based on a shade guide. It then saves the results so that you can compare them to future photos and monitor progress.

To ensure accurate results, it's important to take photos under consistent lighting conditions and use the same shade guide for each photo. If you're unsure about how to take the photo or what shade guide to use, the app provides helpful tips and instructions to guide you through the process.

The Benefits of Using the App

One significant benefit of using the What Shade Are My Teeth app is that it allows you to monitor your teeth's progress without investing in expensive equipment. You don't need to visit a dental professional to assess your teeth's shade changes; you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Plus, you can save money, as you don't need to purchase numerous shade guides or books.

Another advantage of using the app is that it provides extra motivation and accountability during the teeth whitening process. Regularly tracking your progress and seeing improvements can be a significant source of encouragement and help motivate you to continue with your treatment.

Limitations of the App

Like any digital tool, there are some limitations to the What Shade Are My Teeth app. One limitation is that it relies on the user to take accurate photos and use consistent lighting conditions and shade guides. This can lead to inaccurate results if not done correctly.

Additionally, this app isn't a substitute for professional dental advice and care. If you're experiencing oral health issues, it's essential to consult with a dental professional to ensure you receive the proper care.


If you're looking for an easy and accessible way to track your teeth's whitening progress, the What Shade Are My Teeth app is a great option. It's simple to use and can help you monitor changes over time, motivate you to continue with the treatment, and make informed decisions about future whitening options. However, like any digital tool, it has its limitations, and it's vital to consult with a dental professional for oral health concerns.

Comparing What Shade Are My Teeth App - Is it Right for You?

The Importance of a Teeth Whitening App

In today's society where appearances matter, having shiny white teeth has become one of the key components of a perfect smile. Our daily habits such as drinking coffee, tea, red wine, and smoking can deeply stain our teeth over time, making them look yellow and dull. To maintain pearly whites, many people are turning to teeth whitening products or visiting dental professionals. However, with the advent of mobile technology, teeth whitening apps have become a popular alternative. One of these apps is What Shade Are My Teeth (WSAMT).

What is What Shade Are My Teeth app?

WSAMT is a free mobile app available on iOS and Android devices that aims to help users track their teeth's whiteness level and progress. It uses a simple shade guide to determine each tooth's color and allows users to compare their teeth' before and after shades. The app also offers personalized tips on how to improve your teeth whitening journey.

Features of WSAMT

By using WSAMT, users can track their teeth's whiteness by:
  • Describing each tooth's color with a shade guide that ranges from A1 (brightest white) to C4 (darkest yellow)
  • Examining the teeth to view each tooth's shade more closely
  • Comparing the difference in shade between their teeth over time
  • Getting personalized recommendations based on your current teeth discoloration shade
The app's interface is user-friendly, making it easy for people of all ages and tech-savviness levels to use.

Comparison to Other Teeth Whitening Apps

While there are quite a few teeth whitening apps available, WSAMT sets itself apart from the others in several ways:
App Name Price Comparing Teeth Shades Personalized Recommendations User-Friendly Interface
WSAMT Free Yes Yes Yes
MySmile $9.99 Yes No No
Teeth Whitener - Whiten and Brighten Your Teeth Free Yes No No
White Teeth Editor Free Yes No Yes
As seen in the table, WSAMT is one of the few free apps that allow users to track their teeth's shade changes, compare different shades, and receive personalized recommendations. It also has a user-friendly interface that makes navigation easy.

Pros of WSAMT

- Free to use- Easy-to-use interface- Offers personalized recommendations- Allows users to compare teeth shades over time- Accurate in identifying teeth color shades

Cons of WSAMT

- App depends on the user's camera quality and lighting to get accurate shade readings- App cannot replace professional dental treatments- Recommended products are not always budget-friendly

Final Thoughts

Overall, What Shade Are My Teeth app is a great tool to track your teeth's whiteness progress. It is easy to use, offers personalized recommendations, and allows users to compare teeth shades over time. While it may not replace professional dental treatments, it can be used as a helpful complement. So if you're looking for a free teeth whitening app that is both reliable and user-friendly, WSAMT might be the one for you!

What Shade Are My Teeth App: A Comprehensive Guide


Are you curious about the color of your teeth? Do you want to keep track of your dental health and hygiene? If yes, then the What Shade Are My Teeth app can help you.In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about the What Shade Are My Teeth app. From its features to its benefits, we will cover it all in detail.


The What Shade Are My Teeth app is a unique tool that allows you to analyze the color of your teeth. It has a range of features that can help you take care of your oral health.● Shade analysis: The app uses advanced technology to determine the shade of your teeth accurately.● Customization: You can customize the app according to your needs and preferences.● Tracking: The app keeps track of your progress and shows you how your teeth color changes over time.● Recommendations: The app offers personalized recommendations on how to improve your dental health and hygiene.


The What Shade Are My Teeth app offers a wide range of benefits. Here are some of them:1. Improved Dental Health – The app provides recommendations based on your shade analysis, which can help improve your dental health.2. Easy to Use – The app is intuitive and easy to use, making it accessible to anyone who wants to keep track of their dental health.3. Saves Time – The app saves you time by providing immediate results. No need to wait for your next dental appointment to check the shade of your teeth.4. Cost-Effective – The app is a cost-effective alternative to visiting the dentist for regular checkups.

How to Use

Using the What Shade Are My Teeth app is easy. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:1. Download the app from your app store.2. Set up an account.3. Take a photo of your teeth using the app's camera feature.4. Wait for the app to analyze the shade of your teeth.5. View your results and recommendations.

Tips for Using the App

Here are some tips for using the What Shade Are My Teeth app:1. Ensure that the lighting is correct when taking a photo of your teeth.2. Use the same lighting and camera position each time for accurate shade analysis.3. Take photos of your teeth at regular intervals to track progress.4. Follow the app's recommendations to improve your dental health.


The What Shade Are My Teeth app is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to keep track of their dental health. It offers shade analysis, customization, tracking, and personalized recommendations that can help improve your oral hygiene.With its ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and time-saving benefits, it is a great alternative to regular dental checkups. So, download the app and start taking control of your dental health today!

What Shade Are My Teeth App: A Comprehensive Review

Good dental health is important to overall wellness. It aids in breaking down food, accentuates your facial features, enhances your social life, and boosts your confidence. An aesthetically pleasant and bright smile is a great asset that everyone desires, and the teeth whitening industry has been thriving by providing people with a range of products and services to achieve it.

One of the most recent technological advancements in dentistry is the emergence of teeth shade determination apps. These apps have been designed to provide users with accurate whitening recommendations for their teeth based on computer-generated analysis. This article serves as a comprehensive review of the What Shade Are My Teeth app.

The What Shade Are My Teeth App is a digital platform designed to help users identify the shade of their teeth easily. It utilizes the camera on smartphones to analyze and rate the color of the user’s teeth based on the internationally recognized shade chart. The app, which is available on both android and IOS operating systems, provides users with reliable information on how best to improve their dental appearance.

One of the most desirable features of the app is its user-friendly interface. From the moment you launch the app, it takes only a few clicks to access the camera and begin the tooth shade analysis. The instructions provided are easy to understand, and the camera viewfinder makes it easy to capture precise images of your teeth. Using the split-screen technology, the app showcases your original tooth color alongside the recommended color after whitening, providing you with a before and after snapshot of what to expect.

The What Shade Are My Teeth App comes with various benefits. One of such benefits is the instant results generation. Unlike traditional dentist visits where you must wait a couple of days to get your tooth shade analyzed, this app produces instant and reliable data in real-time. This enables you to make quick and informed decisions without any delay.

The app also provides users with detailed guidelines on the most suitable teeth whitening procedures that will work best based on their diagnosis. Whether it is through natural remedies, over-the-counter home-based treatments, or in-office professional cleanings, the app provides comprehensive and practical recommendations to help you acquire a brighter smile.

Furthermore, the What Shade Are My Teeth app allows users to track their progress as they undergo their teeth whitening journey. The app records before and after pictures of users’ teeth, allowing them to compare and see the progress made during the treatment period. This creates accountability, motivation, and encourages users to achieve better results.

In summary, the What Shade Are My Teeth App is an innovative technological advancement in dentistry that provides users with a range of benefits. From its user-friendly interface, instant results generation, and accurate analysis, to its comprehensive and practical recommendations, progress tracking, and motivation creation, the app is a must-have for anyone seeking to improve their dental appearance.

If you haven't downloaded this fantastic tool already, we encourage you to do so. With the What Shade Are My Teeth App, you are assured of effective, reliable recommendations that guarantee a brighter, whiter smile.

Thank you for reading, and remember to smile big!

What Shade Are My Teeth App: Frequently Asked Questions

What is What Shade Are My Teeth app?

What Shade Are My Teeth app is a tool that helps you determine the shade of your teeth through a series of images. The app is designed to help you keep track of your dental health by comparing your current shade with previous shades.

How does the app work?

The app works by taking a series of images of your teeth and comparing them with a database of shades. The app then provides you with an accurate measurement of your teeth shade, which you can track over time.

Is the app accurate?

Yes, the app is incredibly accurate when it comes to determining the shade of your teeth. You can trust the app's results and use them to monitor your dental health over time.

Can I use the app to whiten my teeth?

No, the app is not intended to whiten teeth. Instead, it is designed to help you monitor changes in your teeth shade over time and identify potential dental problems.

Is the app free?

What Shade Are My Teeth app is available for free on both iOS and Android platforms. However, some features may require in-app purchases to unlock.

Are there any downsides to using the app?

One downside of the app is that it may not accurately represent the true shade of your teeth due to differences in lighting and image quality. Additionally, the app is not a substitute for professional dental advice and should not be used as a diagnostic tool.

Can I use the app to diagnose dental problems?

No, the app is not intended to diagnose dental problems. If you have concerns about your dental health, you should always consult a licensed dentist.

In summary

Overall, What Shade Are My Teeth app is a helpful tool for monitoring changes in your teeth shade over time. While it may not be a substitute for professional dental advice, the app can help you identify potential dental problems and maintain good oral hygiene.

  • The app determines the shade of your teeth through a series of images.
  • It is accurate and reliable.
  • The app is free and available on iOS and Android platforms.
  • It is not intended to provide dental treatment or advice.