Unlocking the Power of Your Apps: Exploring What Resetting App Preferences Does


What Does Resetting App Preferences Do?

Have you ever encountered problems with your Android device where some apps do not function the way they used to? Maybe they don't show notifications, or they are unable to access certain settings, perhaps they keep crashing frequently? In such cases, most people recommend resetting app preferences as the ultimate solution.

But wait, what does resetting app preferences do? And how does this help in solving the issues with your Android device? In this article, we will provide all the answers!

What Does Resetting App Preferences Mean?

Resetting app preferences means that you bring all the default settings of all the apps on your Android device back to their original state. That means all the permissions that you may have granted to individual apps, as well as any restrictions that you may have imposed on them, are reset.

This process can be likened to restoring the factory settings of your phone. However, it does not affect any of your personal files like music, videos, or photos. It only affects app settings.

So, Why Reset App Preferences?

Have you been noticing a decline in phone performance?

Before answering why reset app preferences, how about understanding why phones become slow and unresponsive over time. Your Android device accumulates bits of data, including caches from different apps over time. This build-up can substantially slow down your phone's performance.

Do you have too many apps on your phone?

Too many applications could lead to a slowing of processing speeds and a decrease in storage space. Although clearing out your app cache could help boost up performance, resetting app preferences is much more effective.

Benefits of Resetting App Preferences

Resetting app preferences can be incredibly beneficial, especially when you're experiencing problems with your Android device. Here are some of the benefits of resetting your app preferences:

  • Restores App Permissions to Default State
  • Resets App Notification Settings to Default
  • Stops Annoying App Crashes
  • Makes It Easier to Manage Preferences in Future
  • Cleans App Cache
  • Improves Phone Performance

How to Reset App Preferences

Now that we have determined why resetting app preferences is crucial, the next question is how to go about it.

The process of resetting app preferences depends on the type of Android device you have and the operating system version running on it. However, in most cases, the steps are pretty straightforward.

Here is a general guide on how to reset app preferences:

  1. Open the settings app on your device
  2. Select apps and notifications or application manager depending on your device
  3. Tap the three dots icon
  4. Select reset app preferences
  5. Confirm by tapping on reset apps

No More Problems with Your Apps!

Resetting app preferences is an excellent way of solving various problems that may be affecting the performance of your Android device. If you're having trouble with notifications, app access to settings, or frequent crashes, this process could be all you need for a quick fix.

With this guide, you don't need to suffer any more issues with your apps. So go ahead, reset your app preferences and start enjoying improved performance for your device!

Are you encountering some issues with your phone’s apps? Perhaps these problems include a consistent force close or apps not launching properly. Maybe resetting your device is not the first solution you want to try in case you lose some important data. Fret not, as resetting app preferences on your Android phone can resolve most of these concerns without compromising any personal information.

What is Resetting App Preferences?

Plain and simple, resetting app preferences is like returning all app settings to their default values, including notifications, permissions, and default apps. In simpler terms, it resets any changes made to the app's settings to the original state as if it was freshly installed. Keep note that disabling an app will only be enabled again when reset to its default condition.

The Purpose of Resetting App Preferences

Your phone has a complex ecosystem, and changes to one app setting could affect another app. Over time, over-customizing app preferences can hinder optimal performance and disrupt the function of other apps. By resetting your app preferences globally, it avoids getting into an infinite loop of app optimization errors and inconsistencies.

How to Reset App Preferences

To begin, follow these easy steps:

  1. Head to Settings.
  2. Look for the Apps section and click on it.
  3. Click on the three dots icon on the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Select ‘Reset App Preferences.’

Keep these tips in mind:

  • Please note that this action will not delete any of your app data or files.
  • Resetting app preferences will clear the app's settings so that it will revert the app to its default state.
  • Resetting app preferences will disable apps not included in the default built-in apps. Make sure you enable them again once reset is complete to avoid confusion and further issues.

When to Use Reset App Preferences

You may wonder, why use the ‘reset app preferences’ feature? Here are some of the reasons:

1. Consistent FC or Crashes.

If you repeatedly experience force closes or crashes on your device, one of the first things you should try is resetting app preferences. It refreshes every setting, which could be causing these issues. Simply resetting will fix the problem, and the apps should not force close significantly anymore.

2. Third-Party App Issues.

Issues with third-party Android apps can also arise from customizing app preferences. The best solution is to reset all settings to their default state and start over. This process includes the uninstallation of apps that may have caused connectivity issues.

3. Difficulty Launching Apps.

If you have problems launching apps after an update or app customization, resetting app preferences will help fix this problem. Resetting ensures that the app's default settings match your device software version, preventing future issues with launching applications.

Final Thoughts

Resetting app preferences may not be a magic solution that cures most smartphone issues, but it is undoubtedly handy for avoiding additional bugs. It works as a great troubleshooter for app-related problems and sets every app to factory version mode. Keep in mind that every action has a corresponding consequence, and resetting app preferences may disable apps that may affect in unexpected ways. Use it wisely, and only if necessary.

What Does Resetting App Preferences Do? A Comprehensive Comparison


Resetting app preferences is an oft-overlooked feature in Android devices. In essence, it restores all the disabled apps, clear app defaults, and erase app data restrictions that you may have set on your device. Some of these preferences may be the cause of certain apps crashing or behaving abnormally. In this article, we delve into what resetting app preferences does, and whether it is a practical solution to fix app problems.

What happens when you reset app preferences?

When you reset app preferences, your device reverts to its default settings. This means that all permissions you may have granted or restricted for specific apps are removed. Additionally, disabled apps are reinstated, allowing them to run once again under normal circumstances. Below is a table of all changes that happen when you reset app preferences.|Preferences |Before Reset |After Reset ||--------------------|----------------------|-------------||Disabled apps |Disabled |Enabled ||App default |Selected |Cleared ||Data restrictions |Set |Cleared ||Notification checks |Disabled |Enabled ||Auto-launch |Enabled by default |Enabled |

When to reset app preferences

Resetting app preferences works as a quick-fix solution, especially if you are facing app issues. For instance, some battery saver apps may disable other apps running in the background in a bid to prolong battery life. However, such restrictions may cause problems with apps that need to run continuously, such as messaging apps. If you experience such issues, resetting app preferences might be a viable solution.Additionally, if you have recently installed a new app and it keeps crashing, resetting app preferences might be a worthy solution as well. The app may be incompatible with the restrictions you have set on your device, hence causing it to crash frequently.

What resetting app preferences does not do

Resetting app preferences is not a universal solution to every app problem. For instance, if an app is malfunctioning due to bugs, resetting preferences will not solve the problem. In such a scenario, you may need to update the app or wait for a bug fix from the developer. Below are limitations of resetting app preferences.

• Does not fix broken or buggy apps.

• Does not remove app updates.

• Does not reset app-specific data.

Advantages and Disadvantages of resetting app preferences

Resetting app preferences has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it offers a quick and easy way to restore your app settings to their default state. This can solve app issues, freeing up your phone's resources and preventing crashes. On the flip side, it could also disrupt your app experience if you had customized certain app settings. Below is a comparison table of the pros and cons of resetting app preferences.|Advantages |Disadvantages ||-----------------|-----------------------||Quick-fix solution|Erases customized settings||Restores default settings|Removes granted permissions||Prevents app crashes|Resets notification preferences|


All in all, resetting app preferences has its place as a quick-fix solution for app problems. It works by restoring all your device's app settings to their default states, erasing customized settings in the process. Note that it does not solve all app problems, particularly those caused by app bugs. Therefore, before resetting app preferences, assess the situation, and determine if it is the best course of action for your app issues.

What Does Resetting App Preferences Do


You may have encountered some problems while using your Android phone, such as an app not working properly or the phone not responding to certain commands. One of the possible solutions that you can try is resetting the app preferences. But what is it exactly and how does it work? This article will provide you with a detailed explanation of what resetting app preferences means and how it affects your device.

What are app preferences?

Before we dive into what resetting app preferences does, let's first define what app preferences are. App preferences refer to the settings that you've set for a particular app on your phone. This includes things like permission settings, default notification sounds, and other behavior-related settings.

Why reset app preferences?

There are various reasons why you might want to reset app preferences. The most common reason is when an app suddenly stops working or isn't functioning as expected. By resetting the app preferences, you're essentially restoring all the default settings for that particular app.Another reason to reset app preferences is when you accidentally mess up the settings for an app and can't figure out how to get it back to the way it was. In this case, resetting app preferences will not only restore the default settings but also undo any changes you've made to the app's preferences.

What happens when you reset app preferences?

Now that we know why resetting app preferences can be beneficial, let's take a look at what happens when you do it. When you reset app preferences, all the default settings for each app on your phone are restored. This means that any permissions that you've granted to apps will be revoked, and any disabled apps will be enabled again.Additionally, resetting app preferences will also remove any customized notification tones and vibration patterns that you've set for specific apps. Any app restrictions that you've set using an app like parental controls or a third-party app will also be removed.

Steps to reset app preferences

To reset app preferences, follow the steps below:
  1. Go to Settings on your Android phone.
  2. Scroll down and select Apps and Notifications or Application Manager, depending on your phone model.
  3. Select the three-dot menu located at the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Select Reset App Preferences from the drop-down options.
  5. You'll be prompted with a warning message. Select Yes to confirm that you want to reset app preferences.


Resetting app preferences doesn't delete any app data or app updates. It only resets the app settings to their default state.

Importance of resetting app preferences

Resetting app preferences is a great way to troubleshoot problems on your phone. If you're experiencing unexpected app behavior or performance issues, resetting app preferences can help fix the issue. By restoring all the default settings, you're essentially wiping the slate clean and starting fresh.Moreover, resetting app preferences can also help conserve battery life. If you've been experiencing battery drain on your device, certain apps could be responsible. By resetting the app preferences for power-intensive apps, you can potentially extend your device's battery life.


Resetting app preferences is a simple yet effective solution when you're experiencing problems with apps on your Android device. By doing so, you're restoring each app's default settings and undoing any changes you've made to them. This can help fix some issues and improve your phone's performance.

What Does Resetting App Preferences Do?

Hello there, tech-savvy readers! In this article, we're going to talk about resetting app preferences. If you're not familiar with this feature, it's something that can come in handy when you're dealing with issues related to your phone's apps. So, what does resetting app preferences do, exactly? Let's take a closer look.

Firstly, let's define what app preferences are. App preferences refer to the settings that you've set up for individual apps on your phone. This includes things like notifications, permissions, and default apps. For example, you might have set a specific browser as your default app for opening links, or you might have turned off push notifications for certain social media apps.

In some cases, app preferences can become corrupted or messed up. This can happen due to a software update, a bug in the app itself, or many other reasons. When this happens, you may notice strange behavior from the app, or it may stop working altogether.

So, what do you do when this happens? One option is to reset the app preferences. This is a feature provided by Android that essentially resets all of the settings for your apps back to their default values. It won't delete any data or remove any apps from your phone, but it will erase any customizations you've made to your app settings.

Now, you might be thinking, Why would I want to reset my app preferences if I've already customized everything? The answer is that resetting app preferences can sometimes fix issues that you're experiencing with your apps. It's like hitting the reset button on your phone's settings, which can often clear up any bugs or glitches that are affecting your apps.

For example, if you're having trouble with an app that isn't responding properly to notifications, resetting app preferences might be a good first step. This will reset the notification settings for all of your apps, which could potentially fix the issue.

Similarly, if you're having trouble with an app that keeps crashing or freezing, resetting app preferences might be worth a try. This will reset any permissions that you've granted to the app, which could be causing the issue.

Another benefit of resetting app preferences is that it can help you regain control over your phone's settings. If you've made a lot of different customizations to your app preferences over time, it can be easy to lose track of what you've changed. Resetting everything back to its default values can be a good way to start fresh and get a better handle on your app settings.

Of course, resetting app preferences isn't something you should do lightly. As mentioned earlier, it will erase any customizations you've made to your app settings. This means you'll need to go back in and set everything up again after you reset the preferences.

To reset your app preferences on Android, you'll need to go to your phone's Settings app and find the Apps & Notifications section. From there, you'll see an option for Advanced settings, which will allow you to reset your app preferences.

In summary, resetting app preferences is a feature that can come in handy when you're dealing with issues related to your phone's apps. It essentially resets all of the settings for your apps back to their default values. This can potentially fix issues that you're experiencing with your apps and help you regain control over your phone's settings. However, it's important to keep in mind that resetting app preferences will erase any customizations you've made to your app settings.

That's all for now, folks! Thanks for reading, and don't forget to let us know if you've ever had to reset your app preferences in the comments below. We'd love to hear from you.

What Does Resetting App Preferences Do?

People Also Ask:

1. Will resetting app preferences delete my data?

Resetting app preferences will not delete any personal data like photos and saved files. It will only change the default settings and remove app permissions.

2. Why would I need to reset app preferences?

You may need to reset app preferences when an application is not working properly, or you want to revoke app permissions that were previously granted.

3. What happens when I reset app preferences?

When you reset app preferences, all your app preferences such as default apps for actions, background data restrictions, and permissions are restored to their original settings.

4. How do I reset app preferences?

To reset app preferences on Android, go to Settings > Apps > App Manager > Reset App Preferences. On iOS, navigate to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Location & Privacy.

5. Will resetting app preferences help me save space on my device?

No, resetting app preferences will not free up any space on your device. However, it may help in optimizing battery consumption and improving app performance.