Unveiling the Truth: Does Monday.Com Offer a Desktop App?


Are you tired of constantly switching between tabs and browser windows to manage your tasks and projects on Monday.com? Do you prefer having a dedicated desktop app for better organization and ease of access? If so, you're not alone. Many users have been asking the question: does Monday.com have a desktop app?

The good news is that yes, Monday.com does have a desktop app that can be downloaded and installed on your computer. This means that you can access your boards and workflows without the need for a web browser.

But why should you choose the Monday.com desktop app over the web-based version? For starters, the desktop app allows for faster loading times and smoother performance. It also provides offline access to your boards, so you can continue working even when you don't have an internet connection.

Not only that, but the Monday.com desktop app integrates seamlessly with your operating system, making it easy to navigate and use. Plus, with customizable notifications and a streamlined interface, you can stay on top of your tasks without feeling overwhelmed.

If you're still not convinced, here are some statistics to consider: According to a study by B2B software review site G2 Crowd, users rated the Monday.com desktop app 4.7 out of 5 stars for ease of use and 4.6 out of 5 stars for quality of support.

But what about those who prefer mobile devices? Don't worry, Monday.com has you covered there too. They offer a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, so you can manage your tasks and projects on the go.

To get started with the Monday.com desktop app, simply visit their website and download the app for free. Once installed, log in with your Monday.com account and start using the app right away.

One thing to note is that the desktop app is only available for Windows and Mac operating systems, so if you're a Linux user you'll still need to access Monday.com through a web browser.

Overall, the Monday.com desktop app is a great solution for those who prefer a dedicated application for their task management needs. With its fast performance, offline access, and customizable notifications, it's no wonder why users rate it so highly. So why not give it a try and see how it can improve your workflow?

In conclusion, if you're looking for a better way to manage your tasks and projects on Monday.com, the desktop app is definitely worth considering. With its many benefits and high ratings from users, it's clear that this is the solution you've been looking for. So why wait? Download the app today and take your productivity to the next level!

Does Monday.com Have a Desktop App?

If you have been following the project management and team collaboration software space, you would likely have come across Monday.com. It is a visual project management tool that simplifies work processes, making it perfect for teams of all sizes. While Monday.com has been primarily a web-based platform, there have been several inquiries lately about whether the platform also offers a desktop app. In this article, we explore Monday.com’s desktop app capabilities to give you an informed answer.

The Monday.com Web App

Monday.com is best known for its web app, which packs all of the platform’s features into one convenient online workspace. As a user, all you need to do is log in to your account on Monday.com’s website, and you’re ready to go. The web app works well on different devices, including desktops, laptops, and mobile phones. The platform’s reactive design adjusts perfectly to any screen size to make navigation and use seamless. What makes the Monday.com web app more impressive is that it updates instantly. This means that any changes made by your team members are reflected promptly without the need for refreshing the page.

The Monday.com Mobile App

Monday.com's mobile app is available for both Android and iOS devices. It allows users to manage all their work-related tasks and collaborate with their colleagues on the go. The mobile app includes all of the same features that users find on the desktop app, including task assignment, deadlines, and subtasks. Unlike some project management mobile apps, the Monday.com mobile app is easy to navigate and packs a punch despite being optimized for smaller screens.

Exploring the Possibility of a Monday.com Desktop App

The recent inquiry about whether there is a Monday.com desktop app stems from the desire of some users to utilize the platform without having to open it on a web browser constantly. While the Monday.com web app is functional and user-friendly, some users believe (or prefer) that having a desktop app would lead to higher productivity levels. This is understandable given that other top project management and collaboration tools like Asana, Trello, and Microsoft Teams all have local desktop apps.

Does Monday.com Have a Desktop App?

Unfortunately, as things stand, Monday.com does not have a desktop app. The platform is only available via the web-based application and mobile apps. For those who want to use Monday.com regularly, keeping a browser tab open is the only way to stay connected. Additionally, there is currently no word from Monday.com on future plans for a desktop application.

Alternatives to a Monday.com Desktop App

Now that we’ve established that there is no desktop app available for Monday.com, let’s look at some alternative methods you can use to make accessing the platform more comfortable:

Pin a Monday.com Tab on Your Browser

Pinning a tab with Monday.com loaded means you can always access the tool without leaving your browser open on another tab. Pinning a tab causes it to appear smaller than normal, taking up less visual space on your browser's tabs bar.

Use Dual Monitors

If you have the luxury of using two monitors for work, you can dedicate one screen entirely to Monday.com and the other to other needed applications. This eliminates the need to use a single desktop cluttered with browser windows.

Make Use of Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are small software programs that modify and enhance your browsing experience. Platforms like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have plenty of extensions that help with project management, including the Monday.com extension. With a browser extension, you can get easy access to your tasks list in one click.


While Monday.com's lack of a desktop app may be disappointing to some, the platform's web-based application and mobile apps remain robust. The dedicated mobile app makes it easy to stay connected on the go, while keeping a tab open on your browser and making use of browser extensions can ease use on desktops. While we cannot say for sure if a desktop app will be available in the future, the numerous tools and options to utilize Monday.com provide great value to users.

Does Monday.Com Have A Desktop App?


Monday.com is a project management tool that is becoming increasingly popular due to its user-friendly interface and efficient collaboration features. It has become imperative for businesses, small or large to use tools that help manage their projects, track progress, delegate tasks and communicate among teams. If you are already using Monday.com, you might wonder if it has a desktop application to offer. In this article, we shall delve into deeper details about the desktop application availability, its usage and other relevant factors.

Overview of Monday.com

Monday.com is a cloud-based project management tool that can be accessed using any internet– enabled device with browser support. The tool allows individuals and teams to create and manage tasks, track time and mark progress. The tool can also be integrated with several other tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Slack, among others. With an easy to use interface, the tool can be used by both technical and non-technical individuals.

What is a Desktop App?

A desktop application is a software program designed for local use on a specific operating system installed on a computer. Unlike a web application, a desktop app does not require internet connectivity to function. Examples of desktop apps include Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, or Adobe Photoshop, among many others. Desktop applications are relied on because they provide features such as offline functionality, fast performance, and a seamless user experience.

Comparison: Desktop App Vs Web App

For any project manager, choosing between a desktop application and a web application is an important decision. Here’s a table comparison listed below.
Features Desktop App Web App
Offline Functionality Available Unavailable
Fast Performance High Dependent on Internet Speeds
Customizable Easy to customize and integrate Difficult to customize
Accessibility Not restricted by internet connectivity Restricted by internet connectivity
Cost Can be more expensive initially Cost-effective, subscription-based

Pros and Cons of Desktop App and Web App

Both desktop apps and web apps have their pros and cons. Here are a few examples listed below.

Desktop App Pros:

  • Fast processing speeds
  • Can work offline
  • No ads or data Analytics
  • Easier to customize

Desktop App Cons:

  • Expensive in the long run
  • Updates are less frequent
  • Requires hard/software maintenance

Web App Pros:

  • Cost-effective, paid subscription basis
  • Backups are automatically saved
  • Works anywhere with internet connectivity
  • Constant updates and improvements

Web App Cons:

  • Dependent on internet connection
  • Ads present and data analysis
  • No possibility for customizations
  • Slower processing speeds

Does Monday.com Have A Desktop App?

Unfortunately, Monday.com does not have a desktop application. However, the tool can be accessed using any internet-enabled device through the browser. This means that the tool can be accessed from any computer as long as there is an internet connection.

Monday.com’s Browser Extension

Monday.com has a browser extension that allows quick access to boards without having to open the app. The Chrome extension for Monday.com is simple to use and provides a better workflow. With the extension, you can create new items, and mark progress right from your browser, making it faster and easier to get things done.

Mobile App for Monday.com

Monday.com has a mobile application that is available on both Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store. Unfortunately, the mobile app is limited in what it can do. The app’s design is intuitive and easy to navigate, just like the web app. However, the app is limited in functionality, particularly when it comes to dashboard creations and complex settings.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Monday.com does not have a desktop application, but it’s not a deal-breaker considering its functional capabilities through the browser. It’s important to carefully consider your business’ needs before choosing between a desktop application and a web application. If offline functionality or faster processing speeds are necessary, then a desktop application would be more fitting. Nonetheless, if cost, subscriptions, automatic backups, and constant updates are most important, then a web application such as Monday.com would be a better fit.

Does Monday.com Have a Desktop App?


Monday.com is a versatile project management tool that helps businesses streamline their tasks, workflows, and schedules. With the software, teams can collaborate and manage team projects, communication, and deadlines with ease. The question on most people's minds, however, is whether Monday.com has a desktop app.


Yes, Monday.com has a desktop app that users can download and use on their computers. The app provides users with a seamless experience, just like its web version. On the desktop app, users can access all the features available on the web app, including customizable dashboards, timeline views, Gantt charts, and activity logs.

How to Download the Monday.com Desktop App

To download the Monday.com desktop app, follow these simple steps:

Step 1. Visit the Official Monday.com Website

The first thing you need to do is visit the official Monday.com website. You can do this by typing Monday.com on your web browser, or by accessing their web address directly.

Step 2. Sign In to Your Account

Once you're on the Monday.com homepage, sign in to your account. If you don't have one yet, create one by clicking on the Sign Up button and following the prompts.

Step 3. Download the Desktop App

On the homepage, look for the Download Apps button and click on it. This will take you to the Apps page, where you can see all the apps available for download. Click on the Download button next to the desktop app icon and wait for the download process to complete.

Features of the Monday.com Desktop App

Some of the standout features of the Monday.com desktop app include:

1. Offline Mode

With the desktop app, you can work on your project even when you're not connected to the internet. The app will automatically sync your changes once you go back online.

2. Customizable Notifications

The app allows users to set customizable notifications for tasks, deadlines, and updates. You can choose to receive notifications via email, push notifications, or desktop notifications.

3. Integration with Other Apps

The desktop app integrates seamlessly with other apps, such as Slack and Google Drive, making it easier for teams to work together and share files.

4. Improved Performance

The desktop app runs faster and smoother than the web version, thanks to its optimized performance.


In conclusion, Monday.com has a desktop app that offers all the features available on the web version. It's easy to download, install, and use, providing users with a seamless experience. The app is an excellent choice for businesses that want to streamline their tasks, boost productivity, and collaborate more efficiently.

Does Monday.Com Have A Desktop App?

Monday.com is one of the most popular productivity tools that are used by individuals, teams, and businesses worldwide. This platform is designed to assist in managing projects, tracking progress, prioritizing tasks, and facilitating communication among team members. Besides, it is one of the most user-friendly online tools that make collaboration effective. However, the question comes up, does Monday.com have a desktop app? In this article, we will look at whether Monday.com has a desktop app and discuss other aspects related to the platform.

First things first, before we dive into whether Monday.com has a desktop app or not, let's understand what Monday.com is all about. Monday.com is an online management platform that streamlines the workflow of team members. It has been designed to help individuals or businesses manage their projects, teams, and workloads effectively. The platform offers a wide range of tools such as calendars, timelines, templates, and project boards, which enables team members to collaborate in real-time by sharing data and feedback effortlessly.

Can users access Monday.com from their desktop? Yes. You can access Monday.com through your browser on your desktop as the platform is entirely web-based. This means that you do not have to install any software or application to use the platform. Hence, you don't need to install or download any software to access the app using your desktop.

However, some users prefer having a dedicated desktop app to manage and control all their workflows. They expect the same user experience as the web version without having to go through the web browser for every activity. Unfortunately, Monday.com does not have a desktop app that can be downloaded and installed. So, if you are looking for a Monday.com desktop app you won't find one.

Not having a desktop app should not discourage you from using Monday.com. It is entirely accessible via a web browser and works seamlessly across different operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. Moreover, the platform has robust security features such as end-to-end encryption, which ensures that your data is always secure.

One of the primary benefits of using Monday.com is that it is entirely cloud-based. This means that your data is always synchronized with the server. You can access it from anywhere in the world, provided you have an internet connection. The platform is designed to provide a unified experience across different devices, including mobiles, tablets, and laptops. Thus, you can work on your project from any device without compromising accuracy or losing data.

Another great feature of Monday.com is its extensive integration capabilities. The platform comes with pre-built integrations with popular tools such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Slack, and Trello, among others. This allows you to streamline your workflow and synchronize your data across different platforms, ensuring efficient and effective collaboration between your team members.

In conclusion, even though Monday.com does not have a native desktop app, it is a top-notch productivity tool that can help individuals and teams manage their workflows efficiently. Accessing Monday.com from your desktop computer or laptop is super easy and straightforward; all you need is internet access. Using Monday.com, you can collaborate with your team members in real-time, track progress, set deadlines, and stay on top of essential tasks, all with just a few clicks.

So, if you are looking out for a user-friendly online tool that streamlines project management and boosts team efficiency, Monday.com is the way to go. Whether you are a small business owner, startup, or an enterprise, Monday.com's comprehensive list of features can cater to all your needs, making your work more manageable and productive.

Therefore, you should try out Monday.com and experience the convenience of real-time collaboration and productivity!

Does Monday.Com Have A Desktop App?

What is Monday.Com?

Monday.com is a project management tool used to streamline workflows and manage tasks. It is a cloud-based platform that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

Can Monday.Com Be Used on a Desktop?

Yes, Monday.com can be accessed on a desktop through a web browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.

Does Monday.Com Have a Desktop App?

As of now, Monday.com doesn't have a desktop app available for download. However, they do provide a chrome extension, which allows users to access shortcut links to boards, a calendar view, and a notification feed without opening Monday.com on a separate tab.

Pros of Using Monday.Com on a Desktop

  • Easy access and navigation through the Monday.com website
  • Ability to use various web browsers for access
  • No need to install additional software

Cons of Not Having a Desktop App for Monday.Com

  • Less flexibility than a standalone desktop app
  • Requires a stable internet connection to access


While a standalone desktop app for Monday.com would be ideal, it's still accessible on a desktop through web browsers. The chrome extension provided by Monday.com also makes it easier to access certain features quickly, without having to navigate through the entire site.