Why iPhone In-App Purchases Are Not Allowed: A Complete Guide


Why In-App Purchases are Forbidden on iPhones: Everything You Need to Know

Are you an iPhone user who has ever downloaded a gaming or lifestyle app, then realized that you need to buy some features or items so you can utilize the app to its fullest potential? Did you know that purchasing these add-ons within the app is not allowed on Apple devices? In this article, we explain why in-app purchases are forbidden on iPhones and how apps are expected to comply with Apple's policies.

The Problem with In-App Purchases

Before we dive into what makes in-app purchases forbidden on Apple devices, let's first understand what they are. In-app purchases refer to any type of virtual item, feature, or service that is offered within an application. It's typically used in mobile games where users need to buy additional lives or power-ups or upgrade their avatar or virtual home. Different apps use different payment methods for these purchases, such as using a credit card, PayPal, or mobile payment services such as Apple Pay.

While in-app purchases offer a convenient way for users to acquire additional content or services without leaving the app, it also poses a problem for many users. The most common issue was one-time purchases that would automatically renew once their validity period expires. For example, users may unknowingly subscribe to a service and then get recurring charges on their bills. Other issues include hacking attacks and unauthorized purchases.

Apple's Solution

To solve these issues, Apple introduced strict guidelines that apps must follow if they plan to offer in-app purchases. Specifically, the guidelines prohibit apps from prompting users to purchase anything outside of the app—some examples include coupons or offers that redirect the user to the website outside of app. Apps cannot offer users incentives (such as free lives or extra turns) for leaving positive reviews or making in-app purchases.

The guidelines also regulate payment methods, which must be safe and secure. They require all in-app purchases to be made within the app and processed through Apple's own payment system – In App Purchase. The system is designed to prevent unauthorized transactions, stop fraud and provide proper channels for refund. It’s a closed network meaning that outside merchants don't have access to it.

Exceptions to the Rule

Though most apps are required to comply with Apple's strict policies, some are exempted depending on their nature. Apps created as charity platforms, social media apps, online movie rentals, and payment gateways can offer payment methods other than Apple's payment system.

Funnily enough, one of Apple's own apps bypasses the In-App purchase system. Apple Music allows subscribers to pay for their subscriptions using external payment systems such as PayPal and credit cards. However, it’s worth noting that Apple has been heavily criticized for this lack of consistency.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, while in-app purchases are an essential part of many mobile applications, they can also be dangerous, hence Apple's reluctance to allow them. By banning apps from prompting users to leave the app to make purchases and requiring payment methods to go through Apple's system, it provides added security for users and prevents fraudulent purchases.

If you're looking for ways to avoid in-app purchases in the apps you use, make sure to read app reviews, check out the app details, and always take advantage of any features that don't require additional purchases. And that's everything you need to know about why in-app purchases are not allowed on iPhones!


A lot of mobile users today rely on different applications for various needs and interests. Among the highly popular devices for mobile applications is the iPhone. Apple has laid out its guidelines for app developers to ensure that all applications are consistent with their policies. One of the crucial guidelines that every developer must follow is the strict prohibition on in-app purchases unless they strictly adhere to Apple’s set of rules. In this article, we will discuss why in-app purchases not allowed on the iPhone and what consequences a developer may face if they fail to comply.

The Explanation Behind In-App Purchase Rules

In-app purchases are considered dangerous in some cases. Many mobile app developers offer users to download free versions but limit the usage to a specific number of features or time. The full versions of the application require users to buy them using the in-app purchase option provided by Apple. However, some developers do not abide by the rules and continually ask their users to pay for other features and perks inside the app, which is an abuse of the in-app purchase system.

The restriction on in-app purchases is the only way that Apple can guarantee that no malicious acts can harm their users. It also ensures that app developers will not deceive users by hiding additional fees for features that would be listed as free or bait users into using the application without disclosing all fees appropriately. The guideline aims to make the in-app purchase process transparent to every user.

Why You Should Not Attempt to Break the Rules

As an iOS developer, it is crucial to comply with Apple's strict policy concerning in-app purchases. If you attempt to circumvent Apple's rules or manipulate the in-app purchase system, there could be some severe repercussions. Apple regularly checks its apps and closely monitors developers who try to bypass these strict policies. If you are caught, Apple may remove your app from their store without any notice.

Worse than being kicked out of the App Store, your reputation as a developer can also be severely damaged. The continued use of such practices will make people lose trust in the quality of your apps and your overall brand as well. Avoiding this situation is crucial, and the only way to do so is to follow the rules provided by Apple strictly.

The Right Way to Use In-App Purchases

In-app purchases can benefit both the developers and the users when used correctly. Proper use ensures transparency and can help create revenue streams for developers. Several things are worth considering before using in-app purchases. First, you should list all available features in the app description. This point can help users understand what the app offers right from the download stage and avoid any misunderstandings later on.

The developer must also ensure that the in-app purchase provides significant value to the user. Customers can quickly feel cheated if they buy an add-on that does not deliver an expected level of quality or usability. Additionally, the developer must provide minimum amounts for the in-app purchase since authorities can regulate low-price items.


In conclusion, Apple has enforced strict regulations concerning in-app purchases in the iPhone, and it is essential to follow them. Proper usage of in-app purchases offers a more transparent and honest means for developers and brands to generate revenue effectively. On the other hand, dishonest developers that don't abide by these guidelines risk hurting their reputation and credibility within the mobile development industry. With full adherence to the requirements, developers can set up positive relationships with users and guarantee successful mobile app businesses.

Why iPhone In-App Purchases are not allowed?

The in-app purchasing system is a popular feature of iOS apps that allows developers to sell virtual goods and services within their app. However, Apple has certain guidelines that must be followed when using this system. One such rule is that in-app purchases must be made through the App Store, which means that developers must pay Apple a 30% commission on all sales made through their app. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why iPhone in-app purchases are not allowed and compare it with other platforms.

The Differences between iPhone and Other Platforms’ Policies

When it comes to in-app purchases policies, Apple has strict rules compared to other platforms such as Google Play Store. Android developers have more freedom to independently process in-app purchases. They can use third-party payment gateways without paying any commission to Google. On the other hand, Apple requires all in-app purchases to be done using its payment gateway, which charges a 30 percent commission to the developer. This strict policy has been criticized by many developers, who believe that they should have more freedom when it comes to processing in-app purchases.

Google Play Store’s Policy

The Google Play Store's in-app purchase policy allows developers to use third-party payment gateways without paying a commission to Google. If developers choose to use Google's payment gateway, they will pay a commission of 15 percent for all sales made through the app. This policy encourages developers to use Google's payment gateway but gives them the freedom to use their own payment gateway if they wish.

Amazon Appstore’s Policy

Amazon's Appstore also allows developers to use third-party payment gateways without charging any fees. If developers choose to use Amazon's payment gateway, they will pay a 30 percent commission on all sales made through the app. However, Amazon also offers a program called Amazon Underground that allows developers to offer their apps and in-app purchases for free. Instead of charging users directly, Amazon pays developers based on the amount of time users spend within the app. This policy encourages developers to focus on enhancing the user experience rather than generating revenue directly from the app.

Apple’s Perspective on the Policy

Apple believes that its strict in-app purchase policy ensures a level playing field for all developers and provides a better user experience for customers using iOS devices. For instance, it reduces the risk of fraudulent transactions when users enter their credit card information into the app. The company argues that if it allowed developers to use third-party payment gateways, it would be difficult to regulate transactions within the app, which could potentially harm the user experience.

Better Security Measures

Apple's strict policy ensures a more secure ecosystem for its iOS devices. Apple reviews every app that goes through its App Store, including in-app purchases, to ensure that there are no security vulnerabilities. This eliminates the possibility of malicious applications or scams being offered through the App Store and helps keep users’ data protected.

Uniform Policy

Apple’s in-app purchase policy is uniform meaning ever developer must follow it eventually overcoming any legal or ethical issues. This also preserves the quality of service for all IOS device users.

Conclusion: Is Apple’s Policy Worth It?

In conclusion, while Apple's in-app purchase policy can seem restrictive, it also offers a level of security and convenience for both developers and users. Although Google and Amazon have more relaxed policies regarding third-party payment gateways, they can be subjected to various risks. Apple's policy creates a level playing field, ensuring security and uniformity across all applications appearing in the App Store, though it does come at the expense of the commission fees. So, it is up to the developers to weigh the pros and cons while choosing which platform to develop their app on depending upon their priorities.

Platform Policy Commission Fees Security Measures
Apple App Store In-app purchases should be through the App store 30% Every App goes through security check facility by apple
Google Play Store Developers can use third-party payment gateway 15% Android devices are more likely to have malware affected apps
Amazon App Store Developers can use their own payment gateway 30% A less strict security check mechanism

Iphone In App Purchases Not Allowed


When it comes to mobile applications, in-app purchases are a common way for developers to earn revenue. However, Apple has very strict guidelines when it comes to in-app purchases and it is important to be aware of these guidelines as a developer. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why iPhone in app purchases may not be allowed, what alternatives there are, and how you can avoid breaking Apple's guidelines.

Reasons for Not Allowing In-App Purchases

There are several reasons why iPhone in-app purchases may not be allowed. One reason is that they can be perceived as predatory or unfair to consumers who unwittingly make purchases they did not intend to. Apple wants to protect their customers from this type of exploitation. Additionally, in-app purchases can create a negative user experience if they interrupt gameplay or force users to pay for features that should have been included in the initial cost of the app. Finally, in-app purchases can also lead to technical difficulties if developers do not properly implement them.

Alternatives to In-App Purchases

If you want to generate revenue from your iPhone app but cannot use in-app purchases, there are other options available. One option is to charge users upfront for the app. This can be done by setting a price that users must pay in order to download the app from the App Store. Another option is to offer subscriptions. Subscriptions allow users to access certain features or content for a set period of time in exchange for a monthly fee. Other alternatives include offering advertisements within the app or offering virtual currency that can be earned through gameplay or other activities, rather than purchased directly.

How to Avoid Breaking Apple's Guidelines

In order to ensure that your app is not rejected by Apple for not following their in-app purchase guidelines, there are several things you can do. First and foremost, make sure that any purchases you offer are clearly labeled and easy to understand for users. Do not use manipulative tactics such as misleading language or hiding the true cost of a purchase. Additionally, ensure that the purchase process is streamlined and does not interrupt gameplay or detract from the user experience. Finally, make sure that all purchases comply with Apple's terms and conditions and that all revenue is properly reported and accounted for.


iPhone in-app purchases have many benefits for developers, but they can also be risky if not implemented properly. Understanding Apple's guidelines and knowing the alternatives can help you make informed decisions about how to generate revenue from your app. By following best practices and providing a positive user experience, you can create a successful app without relying on in-app purchases.

Why In-App Purchases are Not Allowed on iPhone: Understanding Apple’s Policies

As an iPhone user, you might have noticed that some apps do not offer in-app purchases while others do. This is because of Apple’s policies on in-app purchases (IAPs), which do not allow developers to use third-party payment systems. This means that all transactions within iOS apps must be processed through Apple’s payment system, which takes a 30% cut of all sales.

While this may seem like a high fee for developers, it is important to understand that Apple provides a platform for developers to reach millions of users and offers support, tools, and security features to ensure a seamless experience for both the app developer and the user.

But why is it that Apple does not allow third-party payment systems or external links to payment pages within an app? The answer is simple. As Apple controls the App Store, they want to ensure that all apps are safe for users and offer a consistent experience. External payment systems can pose a risk of fraud or scams, which could damage Apple’s reputation and also harm its users.

By enforcing their own payment system, Apple is able to maintain a secure environment for users and developers alike. Every purchase made through the App Store is screened by Apple’s strict guidelines and policies, ensuring that users are protected from any malicious activities.

Additionally, having a single payment system within iOS apps makes it easier for users to complete transactions without having to navigate through multiple payment channels. This feature alone has contributed to making the App Store more user-friendly and has increased customer confidence in the platform.

So, while it may be frustrating for developers who want to reduce costs on in-app purchases, Apple’s decision to enforce their payment system has led to a safer, more seamless, and user-friendly environment.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that Apple does offer some exceptions to its IAP policies. For example, physical goods and services can be processed through third-party payment systems if those products or services are delivered outside of the app.

For instance, if you order a pizza through a food delivery app, you can choose to pay using the app’s third-party payment system. However, if the pizza app offered in-app purchases for virtual items, such as pizza-saving power-ups (yes, we’re pie-in-the-skying here), those purchases would have to go through Apple’s payment system.

It is also worth noting that some apps try to bypass Apple’s payment system by prompting users to subscribe or purchase external links, which is in violation of Apple’s policies. While these apps may provide immediate gratification, they pose a risk to the end user, as their payment information may be exposed to potential cyber threats.

So, if you encounter an app that offers subscriptions or purchases through external links, it is important to report it to Apple immediately so that the app can be removed from the App Store. This is an important step in ensuring that all users are protected from malicious activities.

The bottom line is that Apple’s policies may seem restrictive to some developers, but they ultimately benefit both the app developer and the end user. By ensuring a safe and seamless experience for all parties involved, Apple has created a platform that millions of people trust and rely on every day.

If you have any questions about Apple’s policies on in-app purchases, please contact Apple support or the developer of the app in question. And remember, always stay safe and secure when making purchases online!

Thank you for reading!

People Also Ask About iPhone In-App Purchases Not Allowed

Why am I getting the message 'In-App Purchases are Not Allowed' on my iPhone?

If you are getting the message In-App Purchases are Not Allowed on your iPhone, it could be due to a few different reasons. Firstly, it might be because of your device settings. If you have enabled Screen Time feature on your iPhone or iPad, it can restrict access to certain features that include in-app purchases. It could also be due to restrictions set up by parents or guardians on a shared device and any app purchases require permission.

Is there a way to enable in-app purchases on my iPhone?

If you want to enable in-app purchases on your iPhone, you'll need to modify a few settings. Head over to Settings > Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions > iTunes & App Store Purchases and ensure the option 'In-app Purchases' is set to 'Allow'.

What should I do if I accidentally made an in-app purchase with 'In-App Purchases are Not Allowed' message enabled?

If you accidentally make an in-app purchase while 'In-App Purchases are Not Allowed' message is enabled on your iPhone, don't worry. You can request a refund from Apple. Go to reportaproblem.apple.com and sign in using your Apple ID. You will see a list of recent purchases, find the one that was made accidentally, select Report a Problem then choose Wrong Purchase as the reason then submit your request, Apple will take it from there.

Can I turn off all in-app purchases on my iPhone?

Yes, you can. To disable in-app purchases on your iPhone, go to Settings > Screentime > Content & Privacy Restrictions > iTunes & App Store Purchases and ensure that 'In-app Purchases' is set to 'Don't Allow'. After this setting is enabled, you won't be able to make in-app purchases from your device.

Are there any parental controls available for in-app purchases on my iPhone?

Yes, there are various parental control options available that can help you prevent unauthorized in-app purchases. You can enable Screen Time on your iPhone and restrict access to certain apps entirely or limit app usage times. You can also enable Ask to Buy feature where a parent or guardian will receive a notification once their child tries to purchase something, and the purchase won't go through without the parent's approval.